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Chapter 1014 - 1014. Crossing The Barrier

There was surprise etched on many of the human and enforcers\' faces. The enforcers had been living in the forests so they were not used to the underwater. Some may have gone so far to visit these kinds of places in their lives but most were too young to know the times when there had been water elves that relied on the lakes and ponds for their homes. 

"Brother, we are ready to move forward." Onyx was in his larger size and Alice was holding on to him with a rope tied around his neck. It had been some wise thinning since Onyx could move faster than Alice. It gave the pair a better ability to dodge attacks and also to move to those that needed healing. 

"Alma will move the razor whip weed when we get to it. Stay close and be ready." Since he was sure there would be some issues, Walker kept his head on a swivel. He saw that Su was sticking to the bottom with the weight of her armor and shields. But she was not sinking in to the mud and sand as he would have expected. The water also seemed to be afraid to touch her. 

When he looked at Midnight he saw the same kind of reaction. This brought him to the conclusion that dragons like Midnight were resistant to water and that Su had the same kind of resistance now. The water did not perfectly adhere to the body of a dragon and in sharing blood with Midnight Su had gained the same phenomenon. It was another thing that Walker would need to write down and store in the library for future generations. 

The dragonkin warriors were swimming very well in the water. They were the same water elemental affinity as the dragons they served. That made them swifter and also more comfortable in the water overall. However, from their movements, Walker was able to start to learn the proper way to swim and move. He began to move his arms and legs the same way they were and found it to come naturally. Not only was it due to the fact that he was under the effects of a buff but also because he was able to process the movements in comparison to the way he moved all the time. 

Midnight was the next to begin to catch in to the way people were trying to swim. Unlike the heavier golems that required runes to rise and fall on their armoring, Midnight was able to shift her body. She quickly felt the differences in the water as it shifted with waves and used that to push her forward. 

The water was very murky due to the battle and still, floated with defeated kraken spawn. Yet, they found that it was already clearing and that sight was only becoming better and better as they moved toward a wall of green. The razor whip weed was dancing in the waves but slowly began to stiffen. Walker saw Alma manipulating it out of the corner of his eye. She was visibly pale and Gil was right at her side. 

The path she opened was perfect for five dwarven golems to enter at once. They slowly marched through while others swam above them. There were audible splashing sounds as the water dragons plunged in to the waters. "Merfolk representative Leon shall lead the way. Remain close together and do not impede progress. We will exterminate this grievous plague." Current spoke through the water and ordered the forces forward. He had made the commitment to leave the skies and travel around the rest of the forces. As the royal dragon leading this effort he was not going to shirk his duty to return successfull. Even though Walker was also there, this was the water. Current had the experience and the knowledge to lead much more than Walker did and there wasn\'t any argument over that. 

On the other hand, Scylla showed herself again but this time she had her forces with her. There were multiple demi-human soldiers that Walker had never seen before. Some he almost mistook for merfolk until he noticed they were too human looking. "Scylla, we are following Leon to the merfolk city." Walker was not sure how his voice carried so well through the water but knew it must be a spell from the merfolk mages affecting them. They were able to breathe and swim underwater so why would it not affect their speech?

Since the water was clearer, the entire group could see the kraken spawn in the distance that were being defeated by Scylla\'s force and the merfolk. Leon was right at the front with the blue spear. Every angle swing caused currents that would slash through multiple kraken. 

"He is really impressive. I didn\'t know that water could be used like that." Walker mumbled to himself while he watched the actions. He had not asked what Leons\' system was but he could tell it had to be some form of spearman and water magic combination. Walker could only look forward to hearing it later on after they reached the temporary merfolk city. 




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