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Chapter 1073 - 1073. Waiting For...

The teeth that the desert sandworms had were considered the most dangerous. If one ever caught prey in its mouth, then the desert sandworm would swallow them whole. The prey would then fall victim to four rows of teeth until it reached the stomach of the desert sandworm. That meant that it was very likely to perish when being swallowed by a giant one that had lived for many years. 

Luckily, Scylla was dealing with the young desert sandworms. As the sandworms got older, they would dig deeper and rarely search for prey. The younger ones would travel the surfaces of the sand trying to capture desert insects and other smaller prey. Scylla had been snoring in the shade of the earth fortress while waiting when she noticed the sand nearby shifting. This was her warning. 

The desert sandworms had felt the small vibrations of her heart and movements. This brought them toward her and they sprung from the ground thinking they would have an easy meal. The sandworms were cut in to pieces. Scylla quickly learned that they were still alive since they attacked her again. That was the main reason for her annoyance at the moment. She had wanted to have some peace and quiet as she prepared to rush back to Genesis with all of her mana yet again. Her leviathan partners were still resting as well which made it even more annoying since they were disturbed by the sandworms as well. 

"I swear if I ever see another one of these I will roast it for a snack!" She stomped on one of the last ones alive and looked about at the broken bodies. She knew that there might be value on their hardened shells, yet she could care less. Her eyes just landed on two girls pulling a boy on a shield. They seemed very weak and tired since the sun was high in the sky. The only relief was a slightly cool breeze coming off the mountains. 

"What happened!? Report in!" Scylla was used to the basics of her soldiers and immediately asked for the report. Neither Su nor Alma had any means to explain things quickly, but Scylla just stood and waited. 

"We think he is learning the sealing skill we need. We needed to leave. A lot of unexpected things happened. We don\'t have any more water right now. We need to get to Genesis so that we can seal Greed…" Su was unsteady and Scylla helped her stay up. Alma was in the same shape. 

"I have been dealing with some pests, but I am ready to take everyone back. I was going to wait until I had trained it better…" Scylla had not wanted to use her mastery skill. It took a toll on her body and mind that would make her a very unhappy person for some days. 

To be more specific, her mastery skill awakened the bloodline that she was named after. The leviathans that she shared her soul with, that were bound to her and her to them, the mana they shared, would all come together much more powerfully than before. "Stand there and hold on to each other. We will get there much faster when I use my mastery skill. Just be ready to make it up to me later." 

"We trust you. Please get us there safely." Su was having trouble staying awake. Alma had fallen in to unconsciousness while breathing heavily. She was not accustomed to the heat and the constant working through it. The forest may get humid but it was in no way a dry and painful heat that ate away at someone. The worst part was that this was still technically the cold season for the desert. The heat in the pique of the growing season would be much hotter. 

Sylla took one last look at the three. She still didn\'t know the details of what had happened. However, she knew it had brought them a lot of trouble. Even Walker had a tired expression on his face while the mana in the air rushed to him. She could only take a guess at what they had run in to. The only thing that put her mind at ease was the metal tablet clutched to his chest. 

"The ancient blood within me sings. I am not one but many. I can cause the tides to turn and the wind to whip in to a typhoon. My being is one that cries out for the world to hear. No longer shall I rest in this calm form. Feel my ancestral rage and wraith in the power. Cursed monstrosity, Scylla\'s being!" 

The wind and water elemental mana nearby rushed towards Scylla. The wind was almost like a banshee screaming out for attention. The sand that had been drier than anything was now covered as if it had just rained. Scylla seemed to shrink in to her robes becoming a mass of moving fabric. Yet this wasn\'t the end. The tearing of fabric and the change in her body showed her relation to the ancient monster Scylla.




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