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Chapter 1115 - 1115. What Do We Call You?

Lately, Midnight had made a massive leap in flight training. She was now able to flap her wings and get a few feet off the ground before she lost the ability to stay up. It was mostly because her wing muscles were still too weak and underdeveloped. Yet, compared to any other dragon her age, she was years ahead of them. She was looking at being able to fly with some control sooner than later. She could already glide with decent control. 

The dragonkin that had been with Midnight had begun to spread the ice they could form on their fists up their arms. They were very surprised to see that it covered their scales the same way that they had seen ice dragons do. It just required immense concentration that they were not used to. The real prize was the fact that they were able to understand how to make it spread and condense. It was a sure bet that after training for a short time that their skills would be strengthened at the very least. 

"Walker, Alma, and I are ready. We are going to head toward the tamer\'s guild before you!" Gil yelled up to Walker and was out the front door before Walker could reply. 

"You heard Gil, he\'s heading there now. That means less time to eat before we leave." With that one sentence, Midnight was almost out the door. Walker wasn\'t even sure that she was really awake. "Onyx, make sure that everyone is safe while I\'m gone. I know you will be with Alice and the egg for a while. I will do my best to bring back something good for its hatching." 

"Of course brother, I will do my best. If I need to I will fight the entire world." Onyx was a little dramatic but felt that Walker needed to hear it this way. There was worry in Walker\'s eyes since he knew that there were demons trying to come for the city. He would not forget what Greed had done for some time. 

Walker felt that this was a good deal and walked with Onyx out of the mansion. Onyx had come back late in the night because he had wanted to cover the egg with light elemental mana while Alice rested. From what Onyx had told Walker, Alice had been using most of her mana to keep the egg safe and absorbing light elemental mana. What was even more exciting was that both Onyx and Alice had seen the egg wiggle slightly. It was a very good sign for the heavenly serpent developing inside. 

"Now be safe, I want to see those water chestnuts sooner than later." Hilda handed over the sandwiches that he had asked his mother for. She had kept an eye out for them passing and Midnight was quick to take one of the bags to carry herself. She knew how amazing the food on her back was. 

"Don\'t worry. We will be safe!" Since Walker was thinking about the new place to travel to, he was getting more energetic. He also felt that flying on a mountain eagle would be a pretty amazing experience. He had not seen them and was sure they were even bigger than the other avian monsters he had seen. 

"Well, you sure took your time. Did Walker hold you up?" Alma knew that Midnight had been the one sleeping. But Gil had planned with her to tease Walker a little bit. 

"The lord and his champion arrive at the proper time as always." The dragonkin was sure to defend Walker making everyone burst out laughing a little. The joke had gone over his head. 

"By the way, calling you dragonkin or warrior doesn\'t feel right. Can you tell us your name if you don\'t mind?" Gil felt that this was the best way to communicate. 

"He\'s right, I would like to know the name of a powerful dragonkin warrior as well. We will be fighting side to side while we travel to the lakes." Leon was the last to arrive and was holding magic scrolls for everyone that needed them. They had the water breathing skill engraved within them so that they could use them when needed. He had upheld his side of the deal. 

"Neil, It is easier to say this nickname than my full name. No one used that anyways but for my parents." The rest of the group nodded. They were used to people having nicknames and preferred names. It was much more common for adventurers but the party had rarely run in to them. 

"Now that you are all here I can show you to your companions." Elise had seen the small group gathering. Walker took note that Stella was flying in the air and staying away from them. He felt a little bad since he had most likely scared her a little but telling her to speak with Elise about her bloodline and growth. "The mountain eagles are very proud birds. They hunt large rock serpents when they come out of the caves. They are also very used to high flying. So, respect them, do not pull their feathers, and stay on the flat saddle they have on their backs because those were made specifically with the mountain eagles\' comfort in mind." Elise finished her rules as they came up to the three massive mountain eagles resting nearby. She was ready to send them on their way. 



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