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Chapter 1124 - 1124. Not Normal

"Then that discoloration on the castle is poison. I would say it\'s been around for some time if it even dyed the walls of their pristine castle. I think we should cut down and investigate. Just no swimming in the waters. I have a feeling that thing we saw is a tamed monster." Since Gil had the best eyesight, he had seen the fins closer than the others. He could tell the large spines were sharper than they looked, He could also make out the green and brown coloration of some sort of fish. What he didn\'t see was the exact size of the monster. But it swam around avoiding the boats with ease so he could tell it was somewhat controlled. 

The group kept themselves light footed so that they would not make any novice. They had some distance to cover but they knew that there were patrols around. It had not been long since they had taken a look at the lake from a distance. But the moment they hard noise they put themselves flat to the ground. 

"Walker, can you see them to appraise them?" Gil wanted Walker to get them more information. They could see the tops of the patrol\'s heads but nothing much else. 

What Walker could make out was white and blond hair longer than most he had seen. There were pointy elf ears but they had strange shapes. They were not perfect like the forest elves but had jagged appearances. The eyes that he saw were tinged with red and black instead of blue and what that would normally be there for a water elf. Alma saw this too and held a harsh breath. 

\'Half elf half demon - starstruck

Scout system user

This is a unique race that comes from the bonding of elves and demons. Their magical prowess is extremely high along with the mana sensitivity. They lack the precise control over their water elemental mana due to their demonic half but make up for it in mana capacity. This person is currently under the effect of a hypnotizing poison and is completely controlled. They lack combat ability but have a great sense of surroundings. However, their senses are dulled due to the hypnotizing poison affecting their body. The only way to release this half elf half demon from the poison is to defeat or subdue the one causing the poison.\'

"Half Dem-!" Alma felt Gil\'s hand clamped over her mouth. She was about to give away their position. She realized her issue and nodded for him to release her. "This is impossible. How could they have relations with demons all the way over here? It\'s so far from the demon lands. It has to do with the control over them." Alma was sure of this. She would never see the water elves allowing for such things to happen to them and their people. They were too proud. 

"Wait, look at that one. He looks like a normal water elf." Walker looked at a taler elf man that wore blue robes and led the group of scouts. 

\' Pawn Of Lust- Water elf scout- Starstruck 

This is a water elf scout that has a very powerful form of scouting. They can use water to trace life around them and sense danger. It is a very powerful way to protect those and gather information since all living beings tend to have some form of water within them. This water elf is completely under the control of the hypnotizing poison. The control is so powerful that the demon of Lust has given them the designation as one of her pawns. This connects them much closer than any other would normally be and allows for Lust to control them directly without using words. The only way to remove this effect is to subdue or defeat the Demon known as Lust.\'

Walker gnashed his teeth. This was a demon that was sent to do these things. They had slowly taken over the water elves and held people at bay while doing all of this. 

\'Race quest- The freedom of the water elves and their people

The true hero has found that a sin demon; Lust, has taken control of an entire elf race. There have been years of poisoning leading to the half demon half elf race coming to be. It has brought the elves closer to the demons and further from those of their own kind. The true hero and their companions must resume these elves before they begin an attack on the nearby kingdoms for power. 


Defeat Lust

Free the people from the demons in control

Welcome the water elves and half elves in to Genesis 


New allies

Temporary high skill- Purifying pulse

75 heroic points 

2000 xp\'

"We have a job to do," Walker said this as everyone else received their own quests. They knew that this was more complicated than they knew. The water elves had not chosen this. They were victims in all this. 



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