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Chapter 1173 - 1173. Perfect Craftsmanship

Chapter 1173 – 1173. Perfect Craftsmanship

"I\'m just excited to see them. They are going to be our gifts to the dragons. I also emptied out all the materials from my storage so that he could make them with anything I had. We have a lot of things we stored up through the adventures we have taken. Not to mention the leftover pieces from past forging projects. Who knows what he managed to put together." There was a slight buzz around Walker. His energy was almost tangible. 

"Just don\'t like them too much. You already know that they need to be given away. Just like that rouge pearl for Current. Wait, should I say Lord Current? I should, shouldn\'t I?" Su realized she would need to be very careful when addressing the royal dragons. She had these thoughts originally but they were not in the front of her mind until now.

"We can practice as we go. We need to make sure we are giving off a royal and powerful aura so that they respect us" There was a quick nod from Midnight who then raised her head and stretched her wings slightly. She was sure that they would see her appearance and know just how powerful she really was. Her ego was the same as any dragons\' but luckily, Midnight could still be level headed. "Oh, the doors already open." 

The three walked right in to the wandering blacksmith\'s shop to find a strong smell that caused their noses to scrunch up. It was very bitter and almost burned. "What is that?" The response was much more drastic for Su and Midnight whose noses were more sensitive. 

"Polish!" The wandering blacksmith shouted which was very unusual. However, he had a piece of fabric over his face making his words muffled. Now they understood why the door was wide open. The air was needed to keep the wandering blacksmith from inhaling too much of the polish and passing out. 

\'Diamond gleam polish

A secret formula polish used by a very select few dwarves. The polish is made from a special boiling process with very unique ingredients. It takes four weeks to produce a full barrel of polish but it is enough for three years. This is the best way to seal and prevent damage to the item polished. It can also add mana efficiency to the item if polished properly on to rune carved items.\'

"This is some valuable polish. You are really going all out on this job!" Walker was in awe. This was a tough process to go through because the scent was so powerful. Yet, the results were too good. He understood why a blacksmith would use this polish and why such a formula would be kept secret. Even his all around appraisal had given minimal information proving further how great it was. 

After a few more swipes of polish, the wandering blacksmith showed a small bracelet. The round shape was forged to replicate swirls of wind. There were three green blue gems set inside that Walker could tell were mana gems of some sort but more condensed. The rune carvings on the bracelet had a depth that he had never seen. If he were to try and follow them he would be lost in seconds. "Beautiful. It\'s beautiful. This is just one!? How did you do it?" Stunned was an understatement. Su was beside herself with how impressive this was. 

"For the dragons. My best work." The wandering blacksmith would not usually mention the work he put in. but because of who these would go to he was willing to share in honesty. 

\'Pure wind dwelling circlet 

+10Matk, +30 mana, Wind purifying runes

This is a high tier accessory made to specifically boost wind elemental purification. The mana gems were refined with shards of wind elemental crystals so that they were able to hold purer wind elemental mana. Only a wind elemental spirit will ever be able to dwell within this item to assist in purifying wind elemental mana. The advanced runes used strongly attract wind elemental mana and slightly repel all other forms of mana.\'

"It\'s perfect. This will help them purify elemental mana in to their specific mana the way they need it. It should show just how much we understand their desires and goals. I can\'t wait to tell you what they say." With Walker\'s words, the wandering blacksmith pulled out the boxes for the bracelets. They were different designs all revolving around the elemental mana they represented. 

Smokey shapes for darkness, flowing water drops for water, flames for fire, diamonds for light, scraggly zig zags for earth, and the wind that they had seen. But Walker was more surprised when the wandering blacksmith handed Walker yet another box. "This is for you." His smile said that he had been waiting to hand this box to Walker for some time. The breath Walker had been taking in caught in his throat. He had a very good idea of what was in this box but he was afraid to open it. He might be taken away by the perfection in craftsmanship he was about to witness. 



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