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Chapter 1175 - 1175. Check Ahead

Chapter 1175 – 1175. Check Ahead

"Yes yes, I know you will beat them up if they try and attack us." Midnight\'s growl was matched by her showing her teeth. She would easily protect Walker and Su if she needed to while they were out. "You might get some interesting snacks while you are at it. Steel plated armadillos, spiky rock lizards, limes stone golems, I think we might even see some of those birds that can\'t fly…what are they called?" Walker knew Su might have remembered the name off the top of her head since he had never actually learned it other than the fact that they were bird type monsters that couldn\'t fly. 

"They are dusty ostriches. They are super heavy and spend their time eating metals in the mountains to make their beaks and feathers tougher. That\'s why they can\'t fly anymore. The book I read said that they used to be able to fly before they realized their earth affinity and began to change over the last hundred or so years." The books that recorded these monsters had been very old. But they had clearly shown that the dusty ostrich had once been a dual elemental affinity monster. Now that they were a singular affinity monster it was clear that they had changed over time to become this. 

"Yes! That\'s the monster. If we get the feathers they are supposed to be great for a feathered chain mail. High fashion according to Lisa since they are good for looks and for defense. I remember her telling me about the feathers. Apparently it\'s becoming more popular to travel and have style or something. But I think that it is the clientele that Lisa has more than what people really wear." The look that Su gave Walker was asking a single question; really?" 

"You say that after you have seen the things she has made us. They always match, follow a similar color scheme, and really show us off to the world. Lisa is the one that is setting these trends.\' It was adorable to Su that Walker would blindly follow what his little sister said. But she did wonder what was actually going on within his mind when he said these things. 

"Well, regardless. If we see one of the dusty ostriches then we can snag some feathers. Even if they aren\'t for Lisa we should be able to make some good armor for Remey or Gil. They need better moving armors so they can use their skills easily." What Walker did have to say had merit in this case. They would need to be able to move through their skills without the worry of any armors catching or slowing them down. The wandering blacksmith had always done an amazing job of ensuring that the armors would never be a problem. However, it was better to hand over better materials for him to work with. It was already a fact that Lisa and the wandering blacksmith could create amazing armors. Especially since the entire party had two sets of armors. One, the best gear they had to defend and go on adventurers, and second, the armor that could show off their royals and heroic traits. 

"Midnight, how about you scout the trail ahead? I know that the guards have walked this and a lot of merchants have come through so we shouldn\'t have anything to worry about, but it\'s better to be safe than sorry." Midnight had not been very involved in the conversation so Walker thought it best to assign her to scouting. She also had worked with Gil to do so making her the best option for the task. Su was too bulky with her shields so she gave away her location. Walker could fill the role but it was not his strongest suit. 

Without any other words, Midnight used her shadow wrapping skill to hide going forward on the trail. She had been true to the goal that Walker had placed on her; which was to use her skeletal armor skill constantly. She had managed to learn to hide the sounds of it while she used her shadow wrapping skill. It made her even more dangerous in a battle since her opponent would be unable to hurt her if they were lucky enough to sense her coming. 

Walker also knew that Midnight was proud. She knew her scales were strong and could take a decent amount of abuse in a fight. But if she were to get hit she would get hurt. That was just a fact. Whatever they could do to be safer, was what they should do. As long as Midnight realized this and kept it in mind, then Walker would have done his job as a good brother. 

"We should make sure we get a lot of ground covered. I think it will be better for us to be earlier." 

"I agree. If we get there earlier then we can socialize and make ourselves known before the court is called in to session." Walker and Su were on the same page. It was also for Walker to learn more in depth knowledge about dragons to help Midnight and Su out in the future. 



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