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Chapter 1209 - 1209. A New Era

Chapter 1209 – 1209. A New Era

The lost dragons and their underlings were shocked over and over as this progressed. It was foreign territory to them. The dragon that would normally just cook all of this over fires outside were also lost for words. They found that they were instead following Walker\'s orders to create fires that Ignus and His champion were manipulating with precision to cook different things at different speeds. Not only this but spices were being thrown out of Walker\'s storage as if he had an entire kitchen stored away. 

"I thought you said you cleared out your storage before we left?" It was Su who had the courage to give Walker a judging whisper. 

"Well, I kept the basics, camping stuff, important cooking materials, the blacksmith items and supplies for repairs, and a few other things we need." Walker didn\'t want to show off everything he had but in realization, it was not actually a lot compared to all the extra things he had before this journey. 

"Did any of you doubt my control of flames? Stand and speak now!" Ignus found that he was even better than he expected at this. Each fire moved exactly to his desire and he was incredibly amused to see what Walker was doing at each. Especially when he saw the others being ordered to work in tandem. 

When Current looked up to rebuttal he also saw the odd way that they were working together. His water was flowing here and there to be boiled in a small soup, or to be used to steam parts of the plant monster. He just chuckled a little and wondered if this was how life would be now. He had not remembered a single time that they had met in these halls that violent arguments were not thrown around and the feast fallen apart. If he had to say it, the entire court was closer than it had been, even with some bickering here and there. Even Rise was a part of the purification of paralyzing poisons from the flying horned rabbits. 

"This is what it was like when the last nature dragon existed within the court. They are the reason there is trade instead of battle between the villages and elders. You should feel blessed to be part of this and future meetings. As the current keeper, I name this the era of Genesis in honor of the newest member of the royal dragon court." The booming voice shook the hall while a dragonkin snuck away with portions of food. The distraction had obviously been done to sneak away food for the keeper. It was also very suspicious that the dragonkin was not dressed the same as any of the other dragonkin. 

After a few hours had passed, Walker had managed to show off every single cooking skill to the royals before him. The dragonkin and the champions were still very lost but it was in awe now. They had seen how their elemental affinities worked hand in hand with the others. The rivalries still existed between them but could cause something unexpectedly good. 

"Your flames could have burnt the meat I purified. Next time be more in control!" Rise covered the portion of slow roasted meat from the flying cloud alligators. It was by far her favorite. 

"My flame? Do you think my flames would burn anything? It must have been the steam causing problems from that one\'s water!" Current glared at Ignus but held silent. He was sure that it would lead to another argument. 

"I am just impressed in the way I was able to use the shadows to turn flames. To use the shadows of the flames themselves. I seem to have found a new way to train myself. I very much like this meal." Mordant was still the most accepting of everything that had happened. However, he was also the one that had gained the most insight through it all. His more silent nature mixed with his ability to observe was showing a bounty. 

"Who cares for your flames or your water. My wind is why you can eat this without harm and that the entire mountain smells like the best feast yet!" Where Ventus continued to express her joy for the meal, Terron was silent. He was slowly appreciating the spices that Walker had added. He was stubborn but it appeared that he had found a new way to appreciate food. Apparently, he was not one for spices. He would spend most time surrounded by earth and attempt to strengthen his defenses. He ate only when necessary as did most other royal dragons. Now it would be different. 

"I\'m impressed. With everyone\'s higher understanding and skill in manipulating their elemental mana, we were able to make food that even a high class chef would have a hard time rivaling. I hope all of you can come try even better in genesis some day soon." He managed to leave everyone speechless again. They had no idea the food could get better. 



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