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Chapter 1253 1253. Monster Experiments, Really?!

The scraping and ringing that overtook all that the group could hear was too much. However, Alice had heard Walker and stuffed her fingers in her ears to deafen herself against them. Her voice began to rise in tone against them. The only light that she had to work with was the light from the stars and the moon. This was very little but it was perfect for her to become louder and create a strange bubble of flickering light around Su, Gil, and Onyx. The song was completely unfinished and had been an idea she had for a shield similar to Su\'s earth fortress. The inspiration was proving well earned as the sound of the starlight crickets was drastically dampened.

"Good job Alice, keep it up." Alice heard Onyx\'s voice in her mind and became serious. She let Su protect her and Gil keep their back secured. She would not stop her song until she heard from someone again.

Gil had perfect targets. The arrows he had let loose pierced in to the small dots that were becoming more visible as Walker created light orbs. He was not only creating light orbs. The groud could see that he was creating spikes of earth below the crickets to pierce them. His goal was to make the surrounding area hard for them to move around while creating better shadows to ambush them in. This worked very well to protect the group since they were effectively in an ambush.

The growling and random bursts of flames from Midnight proved to create a burning smell. Yet this was increased as Remey used her elemental fist skill with the fire affinity knuckles. The group saw the alchemy fire spirit dancing above her causing the alchemy fire to grow within Remey\'s hands. It was like watching a mad brawler crack through shells. The image would scare any child but the party knew it was a carefully controlled balance of alchemy fire that would not burn Remey\'s fists and the elemental spirit causing the temperature to rise and harm the starlight crickets.

"You are just bugs!" Onyx swept his tail across a row of the starlight crickets. He also caused multiple spikes of shadows to jump out from beneath him and pierce them to end their attacks, the starlight crickets that had started snapping their pincers at them and trying to confuse them ended up as the ones being beaten. The group was not happy to be in this situation, however, they would be sending all of this information to the adventurer\'s guild. This sort of research and experimentation was terrible and had obviously cost many lives. The short activity period of the starlight crickets was the only reason this hadn\'t been reported just yet.

"Not in your life you rotten cricket!" Su was taunting the smaller starlight crickets that dared come near her. They stupidly charged at her and were smashed upon the ground. The light shield formed around her with the assistance of Alice\'s song. This put them in the perfect state of gaining energy and resisting the potential damage. It even seems to help Gil speed up the rate at which he fired arrows.

"Now let\'s see how many more of you there are!" Walker\'s shout came as soon as the noise had died down to almost nothing. He used a great deal of mana to cause all of the light around them to condense and form a powerful light orb. It revealed many small starlight crickets rushing away from their lives. The group seemed to have taken down the majority of the adult starlight crickets that had come out as soon as the night had fallen. They had no chance in fighting against the party with their weak bodies and poor resistance. They had failed as soon as they thought to ambush them while Midnight was alert.

"Don\'t chase them. Stay here and Walker will form an earth wall for the night. We will wait this out for the morning. Then we will check out the homes for more information and move on!" Onyx gave the order. It was a wise plan since fighting the dark could only go poorly as they chased the starlight crickets further from each other. They also needed more information to pass on to the adventurer\'s guild when they returned to Genesis. Walker would also be able to send a notification to keep others away from this area during the starlight crickets\' active period. It would protect all the young adventurers going out on their own.

Once Midnight and Walker had fallen back, Su helped Walker with the earth elemental spirit to create dense earth walls. They built up the fire slightly and looked at each other. They were a little dirt covered but overall fine. The quickly orders from Onyx had proven very good since they were able to counter the attack from carnivorous crickets.

"I swear, if anyone out there is experimenting on monsters like this, I will punch them until they lose all sense to do foolish things like that." Remey slammed her fist on the ground with a flurry of alchemy fire that the fire spirit was slowly calming down. They were both equally fired up from this battle and needed a few moments to recover any calmness they had.

"What stupid ideas some beings have. It\'s almost as bad as the ones that thought it wise to seal away spirits. World ending." Zephyr scoffed at the people who had the idea to create something so dangerous. The only person that seemed unaffected was Alice. She had sung her heart out to form sound dampening barriers with the minuscule light around them. When Walker went over to see to her wellbeing, she fell against his shoulder completely asleep. She had used a lot of concentration to make it happen in that instant without any practice of the song.



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