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Chapter 1288 1288. Major Strain

"The skill, elemental wings has been taken from the flying wizard system. The user had used three of their elemental manipulation skills to create the skill elemental wings.

Elemental wings- elemental mana based on the elements used to create the wings, 25 mana cost

The elemental wings are created from whatever elemental mana that the user has access to. The user spends a significant amount of mana at once to create a pair of wings out of elemental mana that they can control. The wings will at most last for an hour depending on the mentality of the user. The user can shape and change the form of the wings based on their desires. The wings have the ability to open paths for other skills if the user is able to comprehend the elements that create them.\'

Walker didn\'t even have to speak, Fleur and Zephyr saw that the wind they were playing with wasn\'t going to throw Walker off anymore. He was easily pushing himself from side to side dodging the gusts and even flying right through them. Walker was laughing out loud completely ignoring the dust that managed to get in to his mouth. He was feeling the same thing that Midnight had desired before she had properly flown. The pure free and open feeling of flying. Of truly flying under his own power.

"That\'s not fair! You are cheating!" Alma yelled up to Walker as he landed and started to swing his swords toward Gil. But the real combination that made this tricky for Gil was the fact that Walker was using the dance of seasons fifth act; symphony of seasons. This made Walker much better at using the elemental manas around him and more sensitive to them. He was also nimbly dodging the strikes that Gil attempted to hit him with.

"Ugh, you had to go and become some monster of an opponent aging. Well, I have something for that!" Gil pulled out a second dagger. "The desert elves didn\'t use bows as often as they used two daggers!" Gil used the sudden change of weapons to surprise Walker and deflect both of the swords in Walker\'s hands. The eternal orb was not going to break but the double strike deflecting the swords sent vibrations through Walker\'s arms.

"Perfect! Now we can really get going!" Walker spun and used the wings to push off and make distance before rushing back in with another stroke. He could feel the wind helping him even though he knew that Zephyr and Fleur were trying to make things harder. But the way Walker could manipulate the wings made it so that he was comfortable. On top of that, he had chosen dragon wings he had seen used many times. He was familiar!

"Can\'t forget me, can you?" Alma whipped out a length of blue ivy that caught Walker\'s elemental wings. There was just enough of a change that made Walker lose his rhythm and unable to turn in time. It made Gil dash inwards and slash one of them off. The wing quickly melted back in to separate elements before Walker began to form them again.

"Big targets…got it," Walker mumbled to himself while realizing he had made himself a better target and forgotten to pay attention in his bliss. This was training and not fun. He could fool around later.

The fact that the skill said that he could use any elements to make the wings was not missed. Walker began to pull on the earth again to create a new wing along with changed the form of the eternal orb in to a shield. He wanted to buy time and free up a hand. He wanted to mix fire in to this wing so that he could use the moving air to fuel it.

The ground beneath them rumbled again and the soil became loose. Alma lost footing and was pulled away before she could whip out with her blue ivy again. Gil narrowly dodged the shifting ground before he saw that Walker had sparked up flames. "Oh come on. That\'s not fair either!"

The fires burst in to life with the dust and the wind fueling them. The wings formed and the water elemental mana evaporated. There was a loss of foundations as both wings were shaped again before the wind, earth, and fire elemental wings took shape. Walker stood proudly with wings that appeared to be molten rock and wind. He flapped them to cause a myriad of sparks and flames in the wind. It deterred Gil but also showed off how slow of a combination this was. Walker could barely use them for flight and instead decided to sue them as a larger jump in the air.

The tactic proved very good as Walker plummeted next to Gil and bashed the eternal orb shield form downwards. Gil was knocked on his butt and Walker stood next to him. Unfortunately, Walker had forgotten the stress that came with using so much mana at once. He had formed the wings twice changing elements. Now he had to deal with the mental strain.

"So…let\'s call it there…hmm?" Gil took this as a chance to call the training done for now. He wanted to reevaluate how well he had shifted between the forms and how he might be able to change things up. He also understood that Walker would need to look in to this new skill that he had hurriedly created on a whim.

"You might be right." Walker held his head while the wings fell away behind him. Fleur rushed to his shoulder with some concern on her face. Just because Walker could do so much didn\'t mean he should. Walker constantly taxed his mind and needed to seriously train himself to handle the heavy strain of combining multiple elemental manas at once.

"Hmph all done already?" Alm looked disappointed yet understanding all at the same time when she ran back as the dust settled.



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