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Chapter 1303 1303. Marching With Golems

"Are you here to march or are you here to look?" One of the dwarves joked since he had seen plenty of people come to look at the golems. He wasn\'t wrong though. The party was staring open mouthed at the unique golems. Some of which were made by dwarves they had met or apprentices. They all served their own purposes in the army of golems but mostly to deal with monsters in different situations and areas that the basic golems could not get to.

"Those are like wolves. Look, there are thirteen of them making up a golem wolf pack." These were Gil\'s personal favorites since he felt that they would be the best at working together in a forested area to hunt for prey and scout an area.

"You aren\'t even considering how tough those bear golems are. The pair right there would be able to block hits and land fearsome attacks." Su had found herself enamored with the somehow adorable bear style golems. They had very detailed features and seemed to be made from much tougher materials than most of the other golems.

"Please stop looking at all of them like you are going to try and get them for yourselves. What would you all even do with a bunch of golems?" Walker was already stopping any of their intrusive thoughts from them. It seemed that if he didn\'t act soon they would be trying to buy golems from the dwarves to just have around.

"Birds." Alice pulled for Walker\'s attention and pointed out the small fluttering golems used for the main communication. They were made of very light metals and modeled after sparrows. They were able to move through most of the army without anything stopping them. However, they [pulled Walker\'s attention toward the next line of odd golems.

"Gil, check out those golems. They are ballista golems. I think they would make an interesting opponent." The golems that Walker pointed out were less shaped like humanoids or monsters and more like a large ballista with runes to help it aim and fire automatically. The only issue was that they appeared to be slow due to the mana they needed to properly utilize the runes.

"They probably can hit hard, I would say they are better for taking down walls or large groups of monsters. They have piercing power. But accuracy looks to be a problem for them." Gil could see that the wires used as strings were made specially to add power but did not have very good flexibility to make shots curve or arc. They would have to rely on gravity or magic. "The bolts they use are also very basic. If they used magic or rune inscribed bolts it would use way too much mana and take too much time to make. Not that it wouldn\'t be better for them to use rune inscribed bolts."

The evaluation showed how much Gil knew about archery and other similar long ranged attacking techniques. He had to know these things to properly use the skills he had and teach others. He didn\'t start an archery academy because he knew nothing and just thought it would be fun. Archery was something that he had grown up doing with his father. Even if his system was not at all related to archery, Gil would find a way.

"Listen up! By order of the great king of the deep caves, the army shall march until we get to the target! There will be no stops along the way. Keep up or fall to your own weakness!" The chorus of shouts from the fellow dwarven soldiers could shake the earth. This mentality was to fire them up and prepare them for the trip to battle.

"I guess we are off. I call dibs on the first monster we see that isn\'t an ant." Rmeey was ready to go and followed the marking soldiers. She didn\'t even notice that the carriage nearest to them was waving the group over to hop in. The main forces would not walk but take positions within or on golems. The others were on the large carriages. Remey was just too full of energy to pay attention.

"We are stretching our legs. We will hop in later!" Walker shouted back since he also wanted to get a little fighting in while they marched. He needed to test himself a bit before they got to the giant earth ants. While the party was not fully intending to battle it out against the colony, it was unavoidable that they might face them. However, they all needed to be sure that they watched how the golem army organized and worked. The last battles they had been in were organized strangely or in rushed circumstances. This was the first organized and proper battle they would witness. It would teach each of them how they might need to act as people with high standing in Genesis and the kingdoms in general.

"Walker, I can tell you have been playing with mana the entire time since you woke up this morning. I want to ask you something." Gil was a little more serious when he fell beside Walker. "I want you to practice making elemental arrows for me to fire. I have my arrows in my quiver but they won\'t always be by my side. What if my quiver is left behind or broken by a monster? I can\'t make arrows out of nothing. But you can."

"This seems like it has been on your mind for a while. I have been practicing the high elemental manipulation skills I was able to learn equally through my meditation. Let me give it a shot while we move. Just make sure that when you test them you fire far away from people. I will need to get the skill before the arrows are balanced." Walker gladly accepted the challenge set before him.



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