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Chapter 1320 1320. Peaceful Night

Since Walker and Midnight had been thrown for a loop due to their sudden bodily changes, it was not a surprise that they were asleep as soon as they made it to the ravine camp. It was spacious and already being set up for long term occupation. The ants were being brought to the top to be dealt with and from what the others had heard there were already carriages leaving to send the giant earth ant bodies to Genesis.

Many of the fully functional golems were split to go as reinforcements to the other two ravines but they still had to focus on clearing the tunnels. But that was a job for the unique style golems. They had been made for that exact purpose.

By the time Walker felt himself wake up, he was looking at the stars. He had slept through an entire day but could already feel the difference. The ill feeling he had before was completely gone while he found that he was slightly more energetic. As he examined his body he found that his skin seemed a little thicker. Nothing that was truly unusual but his brown hair had slight streaks of blond in it now. He felt it was really weird because it looked like he had been rolling through a hayfield and forgotten to comb his hair. "Gah, whatever. If this is the change because I am getting stronger then I will deal with it."

His mumbling caused Midnight to stir beside him. She seemed the same as before but Walker had the feeling that she was going to hit another growth spurt. He watched as she came back to the normal energetic and awake Midnight he knew. It wasn\'t an understatement to say that the two were hungry, however, Midnight saw that Walker had some physical changed and decided to change in to her dragonkin form to see for herself.

There were indeed some changes that she noticed as Walker threw her clothing to put on properly. He was ashamed that she didn\'t warn him and made sure that she would learn this lesson for when he was not around to give her clothing. It wasn\'t that she had any ulterior motives in life, Midnight was too young and naive for those things just yet. As a big brother, Walker felt this was a blessing. Midnight\'s scaly dragonkin form seemed to have smoothed out slightly causing the scales to have a whiter sheen. It was a slight difference, but a difference nonetheless.

"Let\'s go make some food. I\'m sure there are plenty of things to snack on without me having to pull out our stored food." Walker was nearly pushed out of the large tent by Midnight. The outside was not very busy since most of the dwarven army were spread out making repairs or still in the tunnels. They didn\'t need as much rest since they were used to pushing through their work.

The pair could see that Gil. Su, and Remey were already asleep and decided not to bother them. They had earned their rest. However, they found that Alice was walking back from another large tent with rolled up sleeves and a few splotches of blood on her clothing. "Been hard at work changing bandages and healing?" It was a wonder that Su wasn\'t there as well but Su had blocked and taunted many of the ants while fighting so she needed to recover her mana. It wouldn\'t do well if a tired Su messed up helping someone\'s injuries. Alice was much more experienced in this aspect.

"You are alright now?" Her hands grabbed his shoulders while looking at his face. She proceeded to walk around making sure Walker wasn\'t hurt anywhere. Alice did the exact same to Midnight prompting a soft growl to come from Midnight while she raised her head to prove she had nothing wrong with her. Alice then helped Midnight fix a few creases in her clothing since she knew that Walker was not that good at noticing those things. She gave a sideways glance that told Walker everything he needed to know to improve on for later.

"So, we are about to make food. Do you want anything?" A bright smile blossomed on her face. She ran to her own tent to change quickly before reappearing in a basic healer\'s robe. She was starving after being active for so long.

The three easily found a table with multiple food items waiting to be cooked. A nearby dwarf motioned for them to take what they wanted. "I wonder what the giant ant steaks will taste like?" Walker looked at the very well marbled meat knowing that they came from the inside of the tough ant shells. It was strange to think that it was eaten and actually liked by many.

The grate over the nearest fire was quickly filled with vegetables and the three giant ant steaks. They were a little larger than Walker was used to cooking but he knew that they would all need the food. Midnight was getting a lesson in silverware and how to best use it. Alice seemed happy to teach her since they were very comfortable around one another. Midnight was showing small smiles when she would grasp them without accidentally bending them or scraping them on the wooden plates they used.

Spices appeared and disappeared within Walker\'s hands while he moved to quickly season the meat and vegetables. He pulled the meat off as soon as it reached a perfect temperature. His next move was slicing and chopping until he had a perfectly mixed meat and vegetable stir fry. He was missing noodles but it was a hearty meal for the three to enjoy. It made the remainder of the night peaceful. They needed it after the battle and minor worries afterward. Midnight fell asleep by the fire and Alice was quick to follow her and fall asleep on Walker\'s shoulder.



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