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Chapter 1334 1334. Retirement Home

The three spoke for only a short while after that. It was odd to see Mordant tired since he was a royal dragon that had lived for many years. Dragons on average would sleep much less. Although this fact would be missed in relation to Midnight which seemed to be slothful in general.

"Walker, come on! I called you three times." Gil was the one waking Walker up for once. It seemed that he had come to grab Walker to speak with Alma earlier than Gil had mentioned the night before. Or it was the fact that Walker had only slept a short while. "We have to go and meet with Alma. she is getting things all set up with Elise and I wanted to bring you along since she is heading toward the cathedral to speak with Onyx too."

"Oh, that would be perfect. I wanted to see how Onyx was fairing since I heard he went out to hunt rice rats in the fields." The small journey was not that big a deal for Onyx, however, it was for the hatchlings. It was their fiesta time out battling other monsters so it was a very big deal in their development.

"I know you are looking for Midnight, but she is already out. She already found the dragon golem to train. It has fire breath attacks so she was probably looking to train against flames." Since Gil had been the first up, he had caught Su, Midnight, and even Remey as they left. No one had seen Remey come home but she had clearly slept and been able to take some time to relax. She had even left some potions for Walker to share with Mordant. Luckily, Mordant had sniffed them out faster than Walker had woken up, saving Walker the job of handing them over.

"We will most likely find Alice there too. She should be around if they are both examining the heavenly serpents and remaining abyssal serpent eggs." Walker knew that it might be crowded but that would be fine.

"Don\'t forget former guild master Ibis. he came in yesterday. The streets were buzzing with the gossip of the previous adventurer\'s guild master buying up a retirement home." Gil had forgotten to say this to Walker the other day since he was too excited about the flame elves and the potentials they had for him.

"Really? That\'s great. I wonder what kings of summons he might have that could help the eggs. It could be interesting if he is able to connect them to the light elemental plane. The heavenly serpents apparently moved to a place with higher light elemental mana leaving behind the eggs. So it would make sense that it goes that way again." The idea made Walker wonder if Arora would do this. Or if the heavenly serpents would bother doing so. It would be very unfortunate to see them leave, but if it was for their well being then that was it.

Before Walker could fall in to any deep thought, Gil pushed him out the door. It was as if he had a fire lit under him and there was not enough time. "Why are you rushing so much? We have all day."

"No, you have all day. I have to test the students in the archery academy when I get back. I am starting a mentorship with them. They will each take on a group of younger archers with zero experience and teach them the basics. After a month I will see where the teams are. It should be perfect to start them off while we are gone." The idea was very worthwhile and Walker felt that Gil had grown up a lot while no one was looking.

"The cathedral seems pretty busy." Walker found that there were many people bustling out of the cathedral. "A concert must have just ended. But we can sneak in the side door." Walker and Gil slipped around the crowd and in to the cathedral. They saw the musical healers cleaning and putting away instruments. It seemed that they had all done well and were praising one another for their work. It was not hard to find Su with a certain strings player. She waved for them to say hi and the pair responded. But Gil and Walker had somewhere to go, they knew Su would catch up later.

"Think Su will ever bring him to dinner? I can\'t even remember his name." Gil was a little annoyed that everyone knew that he and Alma were more than just friends. But Su was so secretive and held back.

"Well his name is…oh…you\'re right. I forgot it too. I feel bad now." Walker knew that Su was embarrassed since she had never gotten close to another person in the way she was with the strings player. However, Walker also knew that it was a very slow growth of a relationship. She was not quick to open up and needed her time. But that was just the way it was and she would manage in time. "Just wait it out, Su will let everyone in on it when she is comfortable."

"All of you seem so much older now. I only just stepped down from guild master and everyone seems so different." Ibis had been coming from a talk with the high priest when he found the pair in the hallways moving toward the room with the eggs inside.

"Guild master, or, former guild mast-"

"Just Ibis, I would prefer that. No need to add a bunch of things. It\'s easier to speak on equal footing. Or maybe I can\'t do that since you are a fancy royal dragon now? Didn\'t think I would be up to date on that hm?" Ibis smirked while he moved to walk with them. It was nice to see the former guild master again.



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