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Chapter 1343 1343. Off You Go

The looks from those on the streets just increased as the dragonkin marched along the road. They were still awaiting the orders from Mordant to go where they needed to be. By the time they reached the Genesis building, Mordant had decided to properly introduce his champion. "This is Richard? Ids that the name you decided on when you came here?" Mordant asked the question of his own champion\'s name. It was slightly stunning since that seemed to be a very important fact.

"No my lord, the name Liam suites me much better. If you desire for us to accept these beings then I will take a human name, Liam, as my own. They should have an easier time singing my praise that way." Now Walker was seeing why Mordant said that his champion was a little flashy. Changing names just so people could more easily gossip about them was odd.

"I understand now. Well met Liam." Walker gave the knowing look to Mordant who seemed to wince slightly. This was definitely not the first time that his champion had decided to change the way he acted or was called on a whim like this. Having Midnight who was a glutton and slothful at times but true to who she was might have been a blessing that Walker had been blind to.

"Meet my Guardian, his name is-"

"Lord, there is no need to concern yourself with me. I am a guardian. I will remain out of the way and keep my champion safe. Thank you for welcoming him in to your village to learn new things." The quick cut off was surprising but explained a lot. This guardian was a babysitter that would forgo their own safety to keep their champion out of trouble.

"I am sure Su will look forward to meeting with you at some point. She had wanted to have other guardians to train will for some time." There was a slight smile that graced the dragonkin guardian\'s face. It was a result of what Su had spoken about. No one needed a break as much as he did.

"Oh, it looks like staff members were sent over from the guilds to help out." Walker was impressed that everyone had been prepared for this. The higher ranking staff members from multiple guilds had all arrived. What was even more amazing was the fact that they were wearing the official uniforms and symbols of their guilds. It was the best way to show how professional the guilds were within Genesis. It demanded more respect when looking at them than the basic clothing people had been wearing while all the uniforms had been made by those with tailoring skills.

"Listen here! There are individuals from the many guilds to take you to where you need to be. If you do not desire that, then you may explore around on your own. But remember, you are not the strongest here. If you cause problems you will be put down." Walker used force in his voice to ensure that every dragonkin was reminded that this was a royal dragon\'s village. It was not some place they could fool around.

The following stomp shook the ground but was matched by small half roars. They were admiring his words. A powerful royal would not allow any to freely abuse their village. Most dragonkin had heard what Mordant had said but were still skeptical that a human royal dragon would be weak, timid, and overall lacking. Seeing that they had been completely wrong was better than anything. They would be able to follow the orders they had been given and act with pride here. They could only live up to and improve the expectations from their own Lord.

Walker casually stepped in to the air using the wind ripple skill. He stood above them and ensured that the dragonkin felt his gaze. "Those that desire to learn true spirit forging, follow this young man here. Rodney will show you a new way!" Rodney was the staff member sent over from the crafting guild. He was directly working with the wandering blacksmith and had been learning like crazy. Now he would be able to show off on an important stage.

"This is one of the most knowledgeable people in the adventurer\'s guild. She stands directly beside the guild master Clara. Respect her and you will meet tough opponents." Walker motioned to the woman responsible for keeping Clara on schedule. It was a tough job but one that truly showed her knowledge of the adventurer\'s guild.

"Those interested in the mage tower may follow This high water mage from the water elf city. They have come here to discover new runes and rebuild their city. I recommend you help wherever they need."

"Follow this man here if you have a dragon hatchling in your care. He is a member of the tamer\'s guild. He will give each one an examination for health and registration within Genesis. They will be citizens like everyone else with EQUAL chances to prosper." The man Walker motioned toward was the egg specialist that had found the heavenly serpent egg. He was best at examining hatchlings along with eggs. No one else in the city could boast of such skills.

"Any who do not have a direction can come and ask the Genesis building staff. Furthermore, if anyone wishes, they may walk the streets and explore the city." Walker finished his direction. Mordant was very impressed by how quickly different attendants had arrived to work with them. But this was just how things had been set up. These attendants had long been selected to wait for this moment.

"Now, Mordant, I believe you and I should follow the hatchlings so that we may see their health written up in front of us." Mordant was not opposed. Walker was ensuring the best treatment of the hatchlings that didn\'t fit well within his own village. It was already a step up since they would have been pushed to lower ranks in Mordant\'s village, let alone cast out if it was another dragon village.



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