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Chapter 1349 1349. Races Of Genesis

"I just checked on Midnight, she seems to be a little foggy." Su had spent the day at the cathedral for the most part. Alice had trained with her a little while there which had helped Su train her movements without shields. Su had a fear that she would be without a shield and need to dodge, therefore, the training without a shield had begun.

"I think she will need some time to adjust. The rest of Mordant\'s people got here today. The entire city is going to be busier. You should have seen how silent Midnight was when we were having the hatchlings evaluated for health. It was like she wasn\'t sure what she was looking at until the end."

"I would have thought that too. They are so small. They are even smaller than Midnight was." Gil was thinking back to when Midnight was found in the forest cave. She was small but had at least been big enough to defend herself to a degree.

"Well, I said it more because she was stunned by the hatchlings actually being here. I think she thought that she would have more time to mentally prepare. Not that we could have guessed what skills the hatchlings would have." Walker just shrugged.

"And you somehow managed to still send one my way. Did you really think that having one as security right now would help us? Now we have merchants coming in thinking that they might be eaten by some giant dragon when it\'s actually some cute little thing." The conversations in the alchemy guild had been radical. Some thought it was good to have a dragon guard while others thought it dangerous.

"But if people talk about it they know that they could get targeted by a dragon if they cause problems. Plus, you have the added bonus that you can tell people two royal dragons will come after them if they harm the hatchlings in your care." Walker was very serious. He knew that Mordant would come with a fury if any hatchling was harmed.

"So just scare the merchants that show up. That\'s fine I guess. I do that anyways." Remey gave up on it. She would have to deal with the entire staff fawning over the hatchling. "But I will be training it personally. The one with you looked ready to start a fight with anyone."

"Oh, Walker already said that the hatchling recommended was a fighter. It will be perfect for you to train. Maybe I can help and show him how to defend others." Su found a way to help a little which brightened Remey up a bit. With both of them on the case, it would also help the hatchling grasp more knowledge sooner.

"And the one I will see, you said she might be an expert in scouting even better than Midnight?" Since Gil wanted to move on he started asking his own questions.

"Exactly. Sharp claws, ability to fly, and already has the shadow wrapping skill. Just needs to start learning." Walker met Gil\'s eyes and saw more excitement than anything else.

"I\'m fine with that then. I will mix them in to the training. One of the enforcers is explaining their tricks for tracking intruders in the forest. He apparently became a little famous with the most poachers caught in a month." Many of the elves that worked in the archery academy were amazed by this enforcer since they had made so many accomplishments patrolling the forests before the forest elf city had been opened.

"So, the last hatchling? How about it? You didn\'t say much earlier." Su had heard a little of what had happened already but Walker seemed to still be figuring it all out in his head.

"I brought her to the Garnet family auction house. The head appraiser there is named Aiden. He is going to teach her what he can. Since she had a small appraisal skill I expect that she will be very interested in all the items that go there to be appraised or sold."

"So you have an appraisal dragon, a guard dragon, and a scouting assassin dragon. What a mix." Gil was blown away by this. These were very specialized positions that these hatchlings fit perfectly at such a young age.

"They wouldn\'t really fit in anywhere else it sounds like." Remey had hit the nail on the head. "They aren\'t really what you think of when we talk dragons. Do you think any of them actually have positions like that in their villages? Just think about how amazed Mordant was at the alchemy guild today."

"Remey, I doubt anyone would be unimpressed by the alchemy guild. But, you are right. They all were pushed out of their nests when hatched because they were too willing to fight their siblings, couldn\'t fend off their hatchlings, or were seen to have too weak an affinity for darkness." As much as Walker wanted to change all of this, he knew that there was a brighter future for them in Genesis where they would be wanted.

"Demi-humans, merfolk, elves, humans, goblins, grey haired spiders, harpies, dwarves, and now dragons with dragonkin. I would say that Genesis is doing very well lately." Su pondered the fact that they had so many different races already. The fact that there might be more out there on other continents was insane to fathom.

"I think we did very well so far. But we haven\'t done it right. We only have a few demons around the city. It\'s not good. We need to fix that sooner than later…" Walker wanted to push the freeing of the demons ahead faster. However, he knew that they didn\'t have the army or the strength to do this yet. Genesis needed to grow more, much more to make this dream a reality. Everyone felt the same and took it to heart.



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