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Chapter 1362 1362. Here Fishy

\' Trap fish

The trap fish has two species that are known but drastically different. One is a water elemental monster living in the oceans and the other is a fire elemental monster living in magma. They will hide just beneath the surface and wait for any moving prey to touch the surface of water or lava. They will then jump up and swallow whatever it was whole. They have extremely potent stomach acid to dissolve anything. The lining of their stomach is an extremely valuable material for those that want to go in to some of the toxic caves near volcanoes. The best way to defeat them is to expose their position and use magical attacks.\'

Su had tensed up muck more seeing the large round fish open its mouth and chomp down on the burnt jackal. They had been about to fight the incoming undead and fire elemental monster. Now they were standing frozen.

"That thing is insane." Walker had already read out loud the all around appraisal. He knew that they would be at risk of that monster coming near them. It could clearly eat ten burn jackals if it so desired.

Even Midnight understood that battling this monster was not an easy task. If she were to rush at it the trap fish could swallow her whole and she would be hurt. If the others managed to rescue her she would be unable to venture far before needing immediate healing. That was if she was able to survive the wounds.

"We can\'t go around from here or to the left side. We need to go to the right, but I can see where the lava flow is changing. The trap fish is right there." The way the lava flowed showed Walker the slightly different current caused by the trap fish moving to wait again.

"What do you want to do? You will need to use earth attacks from here. You can\'t get enough water around here and fire will do nothing to it." Su wanted to be as helpful as possible but knew that she had zero chance. She was a draconic guardian. She didn\'t have any ranged attacks.

What if I change the flow of the lava? Make a pit there so the lava flows in suddenly. It\'s so hot that it moves similar to water. That will expose the trap fish. Then I can use an earth spike to pierce it. The way it looked, the scales it has are very weak."

The trap fish had dark yellow scales made to easily swim through the magma. But they were not made for defensive purposes. They were made to move through high temperatures safely. The resistance was elemental without any other benefit. If it had an earth affinity at all then the sales might have told a different story.

Midnight prepared to pull Walker away at any moment. Su was watching their backs because she didn\'t trust that they would find just one burnt jackal in the area. They traveled in packs before they became undead monsters. Therefore, there was a very high chance that the three would encounter more.

Walker placed his hands on the dark burnt rocks. He could tell that lava flowed deep beneath where they stood but that was fine. He was just moving a single layer of the rocks, not all of them. His mana began to change the rockets and form a large space. This already caused a small shaking that should have alerted the trap fish. Yet it was only excited from the prey it thought to be coming.

With one push, Walker formed a single large pit for the lava to flow in to. The suddenly exposed trap fish tried to turn around and move deeper in to the moving lava. Instead, it moved toward where Walker had opened the hole in the stones.

"Let\'s go!" Walker poured more mana in to the stones to create a large black stone spike. Walker turned the spike toward the trap fish while Su turned around. The clang of her shield bashing the back of the spike thrusting it forward. Midnight didn\'t miss out either. She had jumped in to the air and spun her tail to add even more force to the stone spike.

The three watched as their improvised team attack pierced the trap fish. There was a pained sound as the fish began to flail aggressively. Normally, the trap fish would have escaped away before something like this happened, but the change in lava flow proved to be its downfall. Adding the flail of death, the trap fish flopped right on to the dark stones near the lava before completely losing its life.

The three looked at each other without saying a word. None of them needed to speak or even move for them to feel their energy. The attack they had all put energy in to was spectacular. Not only had they worked together flawlessly but they had succeeded.

"We will be doing that again."Walker finally snapped out of it while walking toward the trap fish body. He stored away the entire thing, impaled spike and all.

"Yes, Midnight, your last addition was perfectly timed. You will need to use your tail in training more." Midnight had felt it was the right move at the moment and was shocked as ever. Her improvisation was giving her more ideas for fighting. She had the idea that she might have more ways to use her tail than she had realized.

"You know, earth elemental dragons sometimes form the earth around their tails to use as bashing weapons. Maybe you can learn to do that. You have every elemental affinity as a true dragon champion." Walker already knew what Midnight was thinking. He pushed her in the right direction, it was his job as a big brother to give her some guidance.



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