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Chapter 1377 1377. Leaving So Soon?

"So will you tell me what has been happening yet? You left Midnight and I here training saying that you would handle things. Do you not realize we can sense what you are feeling? Midnight more than I, but still. I know." Su had harsh energy around her words. She was not about to let Walker avoid it all.

"The flame elf king has been exiling his people to the point that only a very small portion of his city is actually occupied and livable. He also wanted to marry Alma to increase power and work toward elemental purity. A huge mess. Now Gil has a new title and Zephyr is resting. But don\'t worry, the exiled flame elves are near a volcano so Alma, Gil, and her guards are going there with the help from Ignus\'s son to recruit them in to Genesis."

The nonchalant attitude that Walker used was enough for Su to nod along before the word made their impact. She stopped and looked at him as if he had said something all together ridiculous. "And they were fine!?"

"Yes. Gil is fine. He used all of his mana firing a single arrow that tore away all the lies the flame elf king created. Then I may have gotten angry and broken a small part of their city using ice dragon\'s domain to cool the rocks and make a chain reaction. Ignus seems to have more respect for me though and is sending two hatchlings with him when he visits in a week." The happy response made Su want to smack herself in the face. Walker was just too odd sometimes.

Midnight didn\'t seem to worry. She could tell very much that Walker was relaxed knowing that Gil and Alma were safe. There was also the fact that she was happy to hear she would get to help two more hatchlings. The entire situation could have gone much worse. However, Walker was also stuck on the fact that Gil and Zephyr had bonded so closely. They had been training constantly even before Gil knew that Zephyr was within the bow.

"Walker, next time you bring us along no matter what. Even if you have another royal dragon with you." The hard requirement was nothing that Walker could argue with, he was stuck with it and that was that.

"Of course!, hope is training going?" Walker had left Du and Midnight there for a few hours. They hadn\'t stopped even though the sun had set and the area was only illuminated by flames and small pools of lava.

"Who do you think we are? We have been increasing our head resistance. Have you not noticed we aren\'t even wearing the necklace or bracelets?" Su pointed this out as if it was something that Walker should have noticed immediately.

"I did see that you were sweating, but so am I being down under the stones so I thought it was the heat getting to you." Since Walker wanted to improve his fire elemental resistance too he considered following suit. But he also worried that he would be too optimistic. Su and Midnight had much better magical and regular defenses to resist conditions like this.

"We are going to leave Alma and Gil to their work. But we can start to move out. It will be better to get back to Remey and Onyx who should be prepared to leave." Walker also had to keep in mind that Remey needed to be back to the alchemy guild. The alchemy competitions were very close. The adventurer\'s guild would also be rewarding certain young adventurers with advancement within the guild. It would be important to hear what herbs they found that made this possible.

"This is too soon, but it\'s enough for now. Have you noticed that neither of us seems to need the bark Remey gave us? The poison fumes have had no effect at all since we stopped chewing it."

Su had narrowed this down to the fact that she and Midnight had more resistance than Walker would. But mainly, it was focused around the fact that they had some fire dragon abilities. The fire dragons lived in this kind of environment at all times, therefore, they resisted. Since Midnight had all elemental affinities as a nature dragon champion, so would Su. That was the key here.

"I wonder if I can be the same way then." Walker put the piece of bark in his pocket and soon found that his nostrils were burning. "Maybe not so much." His body wasn\'t reacting too poorly but he could feel the sluggish effect of weaker resistance. "I will tough it out for now. Just keep an eye out in case I look worse than now." The attempt to get stronger was brutal but would make a great difference.

"You kids show up and try to leave as soon as I get here. How unfair of you." The sound of heavy footsteps had already made the three turn toward them. But when Barry spoke out he made them all react.

"I had been told you were here, but I did not plan to bother you if you arrived. I know you have been working hard.\' Walker shook Barry\'s hand in greeting. He could see the small wounds all over Barry\'s body. The battles had not been easygoing.

"Just a few things to handle. Nothing to worry about. The older ones are the troublesome though. I will have you take this letter back to Clara. I ran in to a few interesting things that she may want to look in to." Barry could speak directly to Clara on important guild topics. He was the vice guild master. But he wanted to leave a list of things to her so it was simpler to have them written down to be brought over. He had been working on it for a few days now.



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