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Chapter 1385 1385. Unbalanced Mana

Su caught Walker\'s attention after he had been standing still for longer than would be normal. "I know we just landed near the city, but you look like you have something else wrong?" The group had just landed after a few hours of flying. They had stopped just outside Genesis because the lava diving bats had been taught to land far outside the city at a new tamer\'s guild outpost. It was to maintain a safe space above the city.

"I fell…I don\'t know. There\'s something different. The sun might be a little less warm." Since Walker was a little further from the volcano and lava lands he had a hard time sensing what had gone on. However, there was a gut feeling that he couldn\'t pin down. A feeling that caused both he and Fleur to be unsettled.

Since Walker was so thrown off, Remey started to put together a few herbs she had to try and make a quick tea. Her idea was to use the alchemy fire spirit and fire affinity knuckles to start a small fire. They didn\'t need to get back inside the city anytime soon. It was an hour\'s walk anyways. But when she tried to get the alchemy fire spirit to leave the spirit mark she received nothing in response.

"Hey, my partner might be a little down…" She could feel that the alchemy fire spirit was at a loss of its own. It was having trouble being able to muster the fire elemental mana in any form. The change that had overcome the elemental mana would take a few days to settle for every elemental spirit. The balance was thrown off by the sudden loss of a grand named spirit. But none of them knew that just yet.

"It\'s fine. We can just head back now. You and Onyx want to start on your potion idea. I can\'t hold you back." Walker tried to be upbeat but everyone saw through him. "I will be fine. The mana is just strange. Maybe something happened. Nature is a beast of its own." Walker was about to say more when he noticed that Gil had left a single party chat in response to Walker checking up on him.

…back at the foot of the volcano

"I left Walker a party chat to tell him we were safe and that we would speak when we returned. The flame elves need their time alone now." Gil was understanding of what had just happened. It was a very big deal. The change had even brought Ignus\'s son back to the flame elves to investigate. As soon as Gil had told him the situation he had left to tell his father. It was a change that would affect the place the dragons moved their main village to.

"The grand fire spirit has been the one we revere for many generations. We even came to such a dangerous place to follow them. However, this is just the flow of nature. How can one rise higher if they are trapped within one plane of existence? Some of the history books we have scavenged from ruins near the lava fields have stated that a race\'s true goal, should be to ascend to a higher existence. I find that to be enlightening." The elder had felt the change along with many other elves. It had stopped the conversation that Alma and he had been having.

"Please, do not hold back because of us. We will leave. The main points have already been discussed and you are welcome to journey to genesis. In one week the dire dragon royal will be coming as well. If I can manage it, he may have someone bring you as well." Alma did her best to offer this which the elder seemed happy about.

"We will consider that. If you would like to stay, you may. But I can not promise much hospitality. We will be performing a small fire festival for the grand spirit that has ascended." The elder had some knowledge about these things. It made Gil want to pry in to them. But it was not the time. The flame elves could share their knowledge at any time they were comfortable doing so. No one would be forcing them.

"In that case, thank you for speaking with us. And…" Gil paused for a moment looking the elder right in the eye. "The grand fire elemental spirit\'s name was Fintan. He gave it up to leave to the fire elemental plane. But the next grand spirit will receive the name. I understood that very clearly." Gil felt that it was honorable to pass this on. The flame elves seemed to respect the distance with the grand fire spirit. But to Gil, it seemed lonely.

"Knowing that means more than anything you could ever give us. I can truly see why you have built such connections with the water and forest elves. Please, give me a tour of your home when I meet you next. It would be my honor to learn from someone for a change." The elder took Gil\'s hand firmly in a single shake before separating.

"We\'ll see you soon grandpa." Gil felt off saying this but the elder appeared happy. It was a term of endearment. The entire flame elf people were his family. Any that respected him and showed kindness also had the right to be his family. In just a short time, he had been able to see new hope for the flame elves. The worries the elder had were swept away, no longer would he remain sleepless in fear that the flame elves may be no more.

"Gil, Ignus\'s son is nearly back. I can see him there." Alma pointed up in the sky while starting to move toward the place they had landed.

"I think this has been a bigger meeting than I expected. Are you alright with a silent trip home?" Alma took Gil\'s hand while the enforcers followed. They were all equally stunned by the course of events since they had arrived in the lava lands.


,m ….

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