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Chapter 1409 1409. Healing Journey (2)

A flash of light was all the horned rabbit saw before the blade of light had defeated it. Alice continued to sing while taking in the surroundings.

It was not normal for a single horned rabbit to be around. They were often in groups with anyone traveling through the area would have to know. Therefore, Alice had ensured that every healer with her was alert.

This was not the first time they had seen a monster defeated. Nor was it the first time they had seen blood. What put them on a slight edge was the fact that Alice could be so powerful. It really hit home when she showed this aspect of her skills.

Two of the healers with her started to break the horned rabbit down so they could carry it. Alice remained on alert to ensure that nothing would show up. "We can move forward."

As soon as it was taken care of the group continued on their way. The village they were heading toward began to take shape ahead of them.

Small farmhouses seemed to make up the majority, however, that was not what caught their attention. The vines growing on long metal wires were thick and clearly older than most other small plants around. "They\'re grapes! This is where the pearl grapes are grown!"

The exclamation from one healer brought realization to all of them. Pearl grapes were a very popular breed of grape that could only be grown in places without many pests. They were very sweet and very nutritious. Having a far away village growing them made sense so they could increase productivity.

"They are the best for babies and anyone who needs a little something extra when sick." The conversation burst in to lively energy. The healers were very familiar with these grapes, even the elven healer had seen them grown within the forest at lesser amounts.

"Travelers incoming!" The shouts dominoed down a small fence line. There were a few guards that worked to watch the main village and patrol the fields. Many monsters would attempt to sneak in to eat the pearl grapes during harvest.

The middle aged woman that jogged over to them was looking fairly tired. Her clothing was covered in smudges of dirt from working. "Well, we could say you\'ve come at the right time. We are planting the new field and could really use a few healers. I\'m the head of the farm here, just call me Miss."

Alice couldn\'t help but think that this woman would make quick friends with Gil\'s mother. They had the same aura of life and confidence. "I\'m Alice, we are traveling healers. We have some horned rabbit to share."

Miss showed a little surprise since she wasn\'t sure how they had managed to travel from the nearby cities with so much supplies.

"We came from the newest neighboring city Genesis. On the way, we met a few monsters. Alice was able to handle them so that we could give you a gift upon arriving." The elven healer took the lead next to Alice. She had a lot of confidence in the way she spoke which really helped the flow of conversation.

"Oh, if that\'s the case we will gladly accept it. This is a busy season and we have a lot of mouths to feed. Any little thing is appreciated. We just might look a little dirty. Working in the field leads to that and some decent cuts and scrapes."

For the head of her village, everyone thought that Miss was young. Yet, as they watched her point out buildings and wave to others, it was clear that she had a firm grasp on the situation. "We\'ve lived here for years. I\'m fifth generation and proud of it. We\'ve had a few merchants from your Genesis city. Even some adventurers that came asking about rare herbs. I look forward to seeing some new faces."

Listening to Miss speak, they could tell that the smaller villages would have some knowledge about Genesis. However, it would take time for them to get the larger details. "Here we are, anyone who bumps themselves somehow in the field swings by here. Just try and help out our herbalist. She\'s always in need of some help. I\'ll find someone to set you up with refreshments."

The village seemed to be full of vibrant faces. The spot they were brought to was a large open center with a tent over the top to block the sun. A few farmers were sitting around with bandages.

"So miss brought you right on over. It\'s good to see young healers around getting out in the open. I was the same way when I was younger, left to explore and find a place to build my garden." The older woman was very hunched over from years of tending herbs and making medicines. She was very energetic though.

"We are here to help so take a rest for the day before we move on tomorrow!" This was repeated by every healer almost as if it was rehearsed. Alice nodded with a smile before she moved to the center of the resting area.

The soft song she began singing caught everyone\'s attention. Alice was certain that she would bring in more than just those here to get some small wounds bandaged.

The light started to dance around in a rainbow of orbs. Alice didn\'t put any specific direction in to her song, just tried to bring the aura of healing and warmth to the area. It was a song she had written to maintain her mana while also helping others.

While the other healers had started checking bandages and setting up for anyone else that may need anything. Alice\'s song brought people from their houses and even a few of the guards in break came over. Her music was enough to bring brightness to anyone.

"It\'s not every day we have travelers like these." Miss looked over at the herbalist she had just introduced them to and smiled. This was a very pleasant surprise.



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