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Chapter 1411 1411. People On The Move

Arora had left the arm of Alice during the song. The small orbs of colored light elemental mana were incredibly tempting for her. While Alice finished her song, Arora had been snacking on the orbs to the point that she felt too tired to even move. The moment that Alice noticed this she ended up picking Arora up and rating her on her shoulders just as Onyx had sat on Walker\'s shoulders.

"I\'ve gotta say, you really have a way with the light around here. If you want to settle down here you are more than welcome." Miss offered a place in the village instantly. She was always out to get a better member for the village to help them grow.

"Thank you, but I am on a journey," Alice responded politely and saw the acceptance on Miss\'s face. She was not going to force anyone to join her village.

"Well, in that case, let\'s get an early day. The village will come around for some food after your performance." Mis showed nothing but hospitality for the remainder of the night. The families within the village were happy to have healers to help them out with their ailments. They had only one single person that could make medicine and heal them. It was a very trying job when things were busy.

Getting rest was top of the list when Alice finished eating. It was the same for all of the villagers that had been hard at work. "I know you are leaving again on your journey. It\'s not the first time that healers have come through here. But take my advice. Turn back here. The borders are unsteady."

This was something that Alice knew. The borders of the demon lands were unsteady due to the fact that the demons\' corruption was spreading throughout the demon lands. It was pushing them to try and take over more land and cross the border. Unfortunately, this led the villages nearby to become victims of such corrupted demons.

"That look says you will still go on your way. Then good luck. I will leave some additional supplies for you in the morning." Mis left them to be alone. She would return to her work on the farm and wouldn\'t be able to see the whalers off.

Alice was glad to hear this and was able to get all of her energy back. She knew the first village would be the easiest since she had some basic information about it. However, she was not stopping at a single village. The next one was three days\' travel further from Genesis, and much closer to the demon lands border. Much closer to the danger brewing there….

"Remember, we have been sent by the united council of Genesis. You are here to guard the border wall that was created to protect all the people above this line. We will stand strong until we are reinforced!" The call was from multiple captains along a single wall which was in the process of being built.

Genesis had joined the kingdoms together and therefore joined the effort to protect the border until there were enough soldiers to move in to the demon lands. The constant attacks from demons that seemed out of their minds had worn away on them for some time. Eleven worse, there seemed to be a new wave approaching. One led by a very large demon.

"Soldier, report back to Genesis with this detailed map of the border forces and what we need. The communication has already been sent but they need detailed information." With that, a single soldier was sent. This was not the every day attack. The demons were rarely sent with someone to lead them. They would attack mindlessly without allowing any chance to move in to the demon lands.

(Some time before then…)

"Wrath, it is your time. We shall move forward with or without any others. I desire the entire world to fall. I am nearly ready." The gravely vicious voice shook the very walls around the large demon that bowed before the throne.

"Yes, Lord. I shall allow those under my control to show the world your rage." There was a powerful growl echoing through the demon lands after this order had been given out.

Demons of all shapes and sizes found themselves spurred. The soldiers that had been trained under Wrath found their minds burning away. Translucent flames seemed to eat away at their being. With a roar that attempted to call down lightning, Wrath left the massive castle behind. Charging toward the border.


The change in the mana of the world had become greater and greater. It rippled throughout causing many creatures to awaken from their slumber. Some monsters which rarely showed themselves came out of their caves.

"So that fool ascended? I guess it\'s time to see what has happened on the surface." The rumbling of the ground changed the landscape.

Earth elemental spirits awoke from their long slumber of gathering elemental mana from the earth. They had been unmoved for an unknown number of years. However, they were spurred to action yet again. There was something calling them. Something that they felt they needed to follow.

"I wonder how many are awake already? I usually sleep the longest…hm, there might be a hint of a breeze that way." The rumble of the ground seemed to reverberate for miles and miles. Small villages felt that they were being attacked while even large cities felt what was happening.

When the rumbling found Genesis, there were many that didn\'t notice it. The city was too busy with the events unfolding around them. Too busy with the alchemy guilds\' competition for the day. Especially since they were hearing the sounds of cheers from all around. But just because no one noticed the rumbling, did not mean that the mana trying to balance itself was not sensed.



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