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Chapter 1435 1435. Magical Battles

The magical skills being prepared around the arena were what Walker focused on the most. This was a valuable chance to learn more and more about what he may be able to do. It was the perfect place for him to plan his additional training in magical skills. On top of that, he was seeing many different systems being used.

There was a single glance from Mordant as soon as a mage started using darkness elemental skills. He would have said something he found that he was not at all impressed. The level of magic was smaller than what he could do as a darkness affinity dragon.

"I know you expected more. But, you have been studying the darkness elemental mana for a lot longer than they have. Some of them are dual elemental mages while others are singular elemental mages. What you should be looking for are those that you think might have potential. This is the youngest age group."

This seemed to make Mordant change thinking slightly. He had been looking at the mages as if they were finished with their growth. As if this was all they would ever have to show for their work. "I believe that there are a few who may show better growth if they access the mage tower elemental floors. It is dependent on what they train themselves to do."

"I agree, there are a lot with potential but that means they need to find a way to apply themselves. That mage there isn\'t a mage persey. He is using the elemental mana to wrap himself and create swords. It is similar to a summoner in a way." Walker felt that the mage was a very broad term.

"But that girl down two more arenas is actually a summoner. She is summoning field mice with pure earth elemental affinity. It\'s enough to make someone think about what a mage is. But I would say that we should keep an eye on that boy there." Walker pointed toward a boy that seemed to be walking around an extremely confused opponent.

"At first I thought that he was using some kind of mental illusion magic. But the closer I looked the more I started to understand. He is using poisons and medicines that he is infusing in the air. From there he is spreading them specifically around his opponent to cause them to hallucinate and give up the battle." Since this was not Mordant\'s elemental affinity, he had missed it.

"Interesting. I am surprised that someone would think of such a way to battle here." This made Mordant think of ulterior ways he may see someone sue the shadows. It was always straight forward when he used them to battle. Yet, the more he saw different mages using their skills with unexpected techniques, the more he started to wonder if he could change his own views about his own power.

"Ah, there you are. Thank you for keeping the seats around you empty for us." Walker heard Ibis behind him and found that he had the abyssal serpent hatchlings and the dragon hatchlings with him.

"You seemed to have your hands full today." It was a lot of work keeping track of all of them. But Ibis seemed to have been smart about it. The abyssal serpents listened to him well but the dragon hatchlings were attracted to the snacks he had brought with him.

"That\'s more of the horned rabbit spiced jerky. It\'s very good. I can understand why they have followed you." Mordant smelled it easily. If Walker hadn\'t already brought some as snacks for them to eat, he would have considered stealing it right then and there.

"Yes it is. Midnight seemed to battle with herself to hand it to me when she wanted me to watch the little ones. But they should be here to watch the battles. They can learn a lot and have fun." Just as Ibis explained this, Walker saw the hatchlings, dragons and not, focus on the magical battles. Their eyes seemed to widen as they decided that they had found something amazing to watch.

"Well, if Midnight was willing to give up food then she must have been really excited to show up here and participate in something. She should be in the mix of magic and physical competition. I can\'t imagine her not using her fire breath to fight." Walker considered it and also knew that Midnight would not be able to use her skeletal armor skill if she were to fight in a physical battle only match.

"The physical battles will mostly be demi-humans from what I have grasped. I see plenty of young elves here testing their skills. Even the next age group has begun to fight and it is still mostly elves. I am interested in the fact that there are some humans able to rival the elves in battle using magic. That is very unexpected." Mordant had been watching the battles carefully. He had seen multiple humans use their skills to beat elves.

"The elves are very nature based with their magic. Humans aren\'t strict about following those guidelines. Therefore, they use riskier methods that would harm the environment. It\'s good and bad. That\'s why the elves are so important to Genesis, they will help keep nature as a main focus of growth."

"There\'s that and the training is different. Humans are not as close with their affinities compared to elves. That means we have to be more creative in how we use the weaker skills we have. It\'s easy to say that the more powerful spell will always win. But, humans will say that someone who practices the basics more will win."

"I understand, so it is the same way that a dragon will train the same elemental mana for a lifetime. It will be stronger yet we will be weak to our opposite." Mordant caught on easily which helped their growing debate.



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