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Chapter 1450 1450. Complete Respect

"This is the best!" Rorick felt that he could use even more of his strength. He was facing someone weaker than him in close combat. Yet, he was facing Walker using his most powerful skills at the right time and right combination. Walker was the perfect opponent to allow Rorick to loosen up.

The slashes that Rorick created using his sword were much more elegant while he pushed to use more of his strength. The multiple sword techniques he had learned were able to be flawlessly combined in battle. The skills came together to appear as a perfectly practiced dance allowing Rorick to slice off pieces of earth, fire, and ice from Walker\'s elemental dragon aspect.

Meanwhile, Walker was letting his body move on instinct. The voracious mana consumption gave him the power to fight more and more as long as his mental strength could withstand it. That meant he could fuse elemental mana more than he had before. He could make an attack he had not trained because he was waiting to have better control over his mana. He had that now.

The fire, water, and wind elemental mana started to condense the same way that a dragon would bring their mana together to breathe flames. The air became charged and Rorick felt the hair o his body stand up. He knew he had to dodge the next attack because it would cause him harm.

The roar that started was drowned out by a flash of yellow light. The arena floor was shattered by a massive lightning bolt. The resounding bang that echoes through the entirety of Genesis made the entire city silent. Walker had caused some damage to the elemental dragon aspect which was being repaired. The attack had been too powerful,

Even though Rorick had dodged the attack in time, parts of the arena had flown at him causing small scratches and bruises to form on his body. His teeth showed in a violent but joyous smile. He had not expected such strength to be demonstrated. He had never been attacked with lighting like that.

The tail now made of mostly earth slammed down at Rorick who unleashed a flurry of slashes. Each causing the tail to break in to smaller and smaller pieces. He was using his skills at an incredibly high level to keep up with Walker. This made all who watched wonder just how two beings could do such things. They were barely even able to keep up when Rorick moved.

The pull of mana was perfect for Fleur. She could manipulate some of it since she had moved in to the eternal orb. She was the central part of the elemental dragon aspect. This meant that she was storing all elemental mana within the orb and the spirit mark on Walker\'s back. It was easily forming in to condensed natural mana with her will. She loved it but knew that a limit would be reached soon.

"One more attack." Walker managed to growl out while he felt his mind becoming foggy. He could also sense that the others around him were struggling. The mages had been reinforced by other arena mages so that the attacks would not break out during this battle. Some of the cold had already managed to seep away outside the arena.

"Do it! Attack again and show me something new! Show me your power!" Rorick screamed in challenge. He couldn\'t get enough of this battle. He was fighting someone that represented dragons. Someone who was more and more amazing by the moment.

Walker could only look down from the air and agree. He would be doing just that. The elemental mana gathered again in condensed form. He forced it all in to a single breath. A single attack that would surpass the lighting that was so hard to combine before.

Since Walker had managed to balance the elemental mana in to natural mana before, smooshing it together in to a rough attack was no issue at all. The mana that fought with itself in front of Walker was guided by Fleur as well. Their two wills held it back until a sudden calmness radiated from them. They did not create natural mana but it was a step away.

This was when they released it all.

The mana exploded out in a blast of singular and multiple elemental fusions. It was not an attack that the system was naming as a skill due to the fact that it was nothing finished. The pure elemental power showed that with enough mana, people could more than surpass a limit.

Rorick raised his sword losing his smile. He blinked and slashed down. A heavy energy consumed the attack in front of him. No one was able to see the hundred slashes created in a breath. It was one of his most powerful attacks that Scylla had only witnessed once. Rorick only ever used it against someone he respected as a real challenger.

The attack Walker had sent was slashed up and dissipated within the air. The elemental dragon aspect was falling apart as well while the voracious mana consumption had ended. Walker was left with a single mana point when he touched the ground. His body screaming for rest. His head throbbing.

He knew that he had an image to upkeep so he did not allow himself to stumble and fall no matter how tired he felt. He forced his head high and breathed through clenched teeth. His eyes finally met Roricks. "Was that what you were after?" The words dripped with challenge and strength.

"You have more than my respect. I wish that you will fight along side me at the next battlefield we are brought to in life." Rorick looked at the sword which was now chipped and scratched. The drawback of using such a powerful skill. "You are more than worthy of all my respect.



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