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Chapter 1469 1469. Caught Up

"Friendly! We are Friendly!" Later in the night, Gil and Midnight had taken up the watch. They knew that the adventurers and healers might arrive at any time but were more worried about potential demonic monsters.

MIdnight\'s growls that had woken the rest of the party next to Gil\'s arrow in the face of the adventurer was enough to make him shout in a panic that he wasn\'t there to fight.

"Sorry about that. It\'s a little dark and we have to remain ready for the worst." With an outstretched hand, Gil welcomed the adventurer. After a few more minutes a larger group came in to sight.

"Sorry to wake all of you. This spot looks like it took some work to make. My party and these healers met up at the farming village and were told you would be the next we ran in to." The adventurer was a fairly older man with a heavy looking sword on his back. He was definitely a veteran adventurer.

"That\'s right. We moved ahead to set a waypoint here. There is about a day or more until the border but we needed to ensure that the refugees fleeing the demon lands had a place to stop. The healers might be better off staying here since they will be needed to help those leaving." Walker was going to say more but the adventurers had all started to nod along. They perfectly understood the intention.

"That means we are lucky enough to be the new guards of this area. I will let our party manager know so that the quest can be altered. We just received one to escort the healers from the farming village to the border wall. But this is better." Walker was not used to working with other adventurer parties. This seemed to be a very nice arrangement.

"As you can see, this will be the healing area for the worst injured. This will be for all of you, and there will be for the uninjured. Ideally, there will be more supplies brought here but for now, Remey has left supplies for healing. Alice ensured that everything was organized in the most efficient way." Su took the healers to show them what they needed to know. The healers were blown away seeing the perfection that had been left for them to use.

"A very good set up. I appreciate the thought you put in to it." The leader of the party that joined them gave a wave and his party started to unpack their bags. Walker saw that they traveled very light with barely any supplies.

"It\'s pretty normal for us to rely on the land for what we need. This here is luxury. The last escort quest we had was a three month long merchant caravan from the demi-human city to seven villages to purchase seeds." The difference in quests was amazing. Not many people would take such long term jobs.

"That must have been a lot of walking…" Walker felt that these adventurers must have insane stamina compared to the average person.

"Just a little. It\'s more annoying when we run in to monsters here and there. Speaking of monsters, how did you like the arrow sparrows? Cute little devils. I swear, if they didn\'t like to stab you they would almost be adorable." The party laughed at their leaders\' joke.

"We didn\'t have to worry about them. If they had tried to attack us we would have used fire to scare them off. Although, the soldier said that shiny armor scares them away." sharing this with the new party seemed to be a good idea.

p "That\'s a nice trick. We usually just light a torch during the night and make a lot of noise during the day. They are cowardly little things. A good loud noise and they are gone." The adventures were starting to relax a little. It was easy to see that they were able to fall asleep anywhere by now. "We will rest a little. I will have my scout take the night watch with you for a while. Goodnight."

A person with a scout system as an adventurer was rare. The woman that the party leader spoke to was fairly thin and wore very close fitting clothing. The clock was even set up in a way that it pulled close to her when she moved. It appeared that everything she wore was made so that she could better sneak here and there.

"Nice to meet the little stars of the adventurers guild. If there\'s anything you see, give a shout. If I find anything I will do the same." The woman gave a simple greeting before walking in to the grass and disappearing.

"Huh, that was cool. I would bet that she had some affinity with darkness and wind. Able to stop noise and blend in at night." The higher level of experience was too obvious for the party to see. They would one day be able to use their basic skills in the same way that these adventurers did.

"I\'m going to follow her and see what I can learn while keeping a lookout." Gil felt that he had very good scouting skills since he had to be able to sneak around. Yet, seeing how differently someone with a specific sneaking and scouting system moved, Gil felt he was just a novice.

"Midnight, you can go too. I see you want to try out your shadow wrapping more." Walker didn\'t let Midnight be held back. She would learn a lot from someone with a scouting system. "We will leave early in the morning. Let\'s finish resting now." Walker went back to the spot they had been sleeping and quickly fell asleep.

The sounds that woke him up were another group of healers and adventurers that had received the same escort quest as the previous. This time Gil had spotted them before they had gotten close and they arrived quietly to rest as well. However, it was the perfect time for Walker to take over the watch.



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