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Chapter 1516 1516. Three Grand Spirits

"Get up already. We have more to do." The gruff voice of Scylla woke Walker, Su, and Remey up. They were not very responsive until they felt the song of Alice affecting them.

"What the! Wait- I." Walker was sure he saw a lot happen. He had strange dreams of elemental spirits and nature. But what was ingrained in his mind the most was Fluer\'s voice. The voice that used natural mana to speak to nature as an equal.

"Fleur…you\'re going to be the best world spirit ever." Walker couldn\'t help but whisper this to himself. He could tell that Fleur was exhausted. She had been used by and used the natural mana herself. Walker could easily read the system notifications to understand what had happened.

"Walker…My partner, his name is Alvaro." Su had seen the same images in her kind as Walker in relation to a faraway earth spirit under Genesis melting in to the earth to ascend to the earth elemental plane. She could feel the slightly sore new spirit marks all over her body. She could feel her affinity with earth elemental mana stronger than ever.

"I knew my partner would be the best. Azar and I will take the world by storm. A fire storm!" Remey was pretending to have more energy than she actually did. She still had some contact with the alchemy fire spirit which was now the grand fire spirit.

There was a feeling of closeness she finally had with fire. This feeling had been growing the more she and the alchemy fire spirit had worked. The more familiar she got with the flames the better her skills had gotten. Now she knew that she was right where she should be. It was the same as becoming whole. Not just for her but for her newly named partner; Azar.

"You two… this is amazing. Fleur finally used the natural mana to bond with the world. She was able to answer the world and make two grand elemental spirits with the mana that the world sent her. I think, I understand more about how the world works." Walker could tell that he had touched upon something with Fleur that not many people could understand.

"So you too will just ignore me and the elves that felt the mana you released? You can\'t even bother to look up at everyone? You have been unconscious for three hours. Not only did we need to defend you the entire time, but you did not help any longer with the taking of this village." Scylla was a little annoyed but mostly because she had no answers yet.

"A lot happened." Walker finally looked around him to see Midnight, Gil, Alice, Alma, and Onyx with Scylla looking down at them. He had to take a minute to explain it.

"Do you remember the grand earth spirit that came to Genesis when it felt the mana there? It passed on to the earth elemental plane. The fire spirit that also passed on earlier than the earth spirit too. They both gave up their names. Fleur contacted the natural mana and somehow other world or nature spirits. She gave Remey and Su\'s partners names. She was the conduit that balanced the mana again. It was spectacular. It felt…"

"You mean there is a grand earth elemental spirit here!" The stone elf lost his cool the moment that he heard this. He and the dark elf were curious as well. They could feel the changes in mana along with the dense mana around them in the village they had just helped take.

Looking further past them, Walker realized that many of the stone elves that had come from behind them had gathered there. They all felt the intensity of the earth elemental mana. "Yes, my partner Alvaro is trying to rest though. Just give him time. He needs to understand himself first." Su stopped anyone from pushing. She knew her partner needed rest to adjust. They had just done a lot all at once.

"Remey, you too?" Alma looked at Remey with a surprised expression. This wasn\'t because it was Remey, but because there were now three Grand elemental spirits in one place.

"Yes! They are my two fellow Grand named elemental spirits now. I haven\'t ascended to a different elemental plane so this is great. I can see them right here." Zephyr had left the spirit mark on Gil\'s body to see this for herself. There was a unique connection between the grand named elemental spirits.

From the mana, she could feel their existence. She also knew that they were resting to recover their mana. However, this was not all. There was a little mana that reached out to her and from her to them. The natural mana between all of them was the key that had welcomed them to the state of a grand elemental spirit. It was something more. Something deeper than what a normal elemental spirit would be.

"You are pretty happy with that. Now you can chat with them. Not that I think Su\'s partner will chat much. Always so quiet. But maybe Remey\'s partner will talk." Gil teased Zephyr and received a stuck out tongue from her in return along with a small blast of wind to ruffle his hair.

"You said the village was taken already? Was anyone hurt?" Walker looked at the stone that had melted in place where the volcanic slime core had been.

"No one was hurt. You three just used a lot of mana. Well, maybe not. You three just had a lot happen that overloaded your minds. Each of you looked like you were having a lot of crazy dreams." Scylla was still clearly worried about them. She had lost her annoyed tone and was watching them carefully. Her eyes would not let anything escape her.

"I will just tell you. It was the Envy title holder. He has to be the slime breeder. He gave a volcanic slime core to the captain here. Instead of making him strong, it caused a massive explosion. It was a brutal lie that nearly destroyed this entire area. Fleur connected with the natural mana to force the defense against this." There was a disgusted tone in Walker\'s voice. Such a lie had nearly destroyed this large village.

"Even worse, I think that they have more than abandoned all this land. Envy was gladly about to destroy it all. Volcanic slimes should not be here. They belong in volcanoes where they are born and nowhere else. We need to get to the capital city. We have to figure this out." Walker was extremely dedicated now. He could only see devastation if they did not solve these problems. Things seemed to be getting worse and worse.

"I agree. That is not good in the least." Scylla was making fists. Walker was sure that she was ready to use her full strength and attack everything.

"Then we take the strength of multiple grand elemental spirits and strike them. They are going against the natural order of the world. They are creating hatred and corruption. They are destroying their lands. We have the strength to save those they have hurt. We need to go now." Alma burst out with her own desires. She was more motivated now that she saw that the world was reaching out to them more than before. This was a sign that the world itself wanted to see the natural order return.

p "Brother, sister and I could feel the natural mana through you. We know that you felt a lot. If you need us, we are here." Onyx and Midnight were right next to Walker at this point. They were worried and Walker could feel it.

"Don\'t worry, I am fine. But thank you all for looking after me. And Alice, your healing songs were just as beautiful as always. If I could wake up to that every day…well, I would be in heaven and doubt this was anything but a dream." the words made Alice turn away. She couldn\'t just look at him after he said that so shamelessly.

"Then we move out. Sounds like we can\'t just stay here. While you three slept here, we had more soldiers show up. The larger villages have become the focus. The small villages were mostly abandoned or loosely controlled. Most of the demon army seems to have been mages. That means we come together to get to the capital sooner." Gil had been in contact with the other groups through the harpies.

"Good. we will recover as we travel there. Pass on the dangers of the demon captains to the others. We need mages ready to create similar defenses as ours. There have been no other issues, right?" Walker knew that the larger villages were about to be or were being taken. As long as the mages knew this, they could defend against Envy\'s attacks.

"Already sent a warning that there were potions with the demon captains that could cause a lot of damage. I have good eyes you know." Gil held out a hand and helped Walker up. He was ready to push them forward to do more. To free more people.



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