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Chapter 1529 1529. Outside The Flow

Walker and Su found themselves standing above some parts of the library. The pillars that were created by the tallest of the shelves that moved up were able to see the larger picture. What Walker realized was that patterns the library took were not simple and random.

\'They are in the shapes of runes. Of elemental runes." Walker was stunned at this realization. The library seemed to move completely randomly from the ground floor. Yet now, he could see the careful organization and changes.

"If that is the case, then maybe the knowledge revealed is related to that.\' Su\'s theory made a lot of sense.

If the library was changing to reflect special runes, then those runes could be a signal that the knowledge for that particular rune was shown. "It\'s a wind rune now. That means that there should be novels that relate to wind available." Walker could see other places where pillars would arise. However, when he looked out across the distance, there was one extra.

"Do you see that area? It stands outside of the circle of wind, fire, water, earth, light, and darkness." This meant that there was another rune or knowledge that was not related to other runes.

"Nature. For natural mana?" The clear thought was that the rune would be for natural mana. Su and Walker both thought this before they looked and realized that every rune should be displayed in some way for nature.

"If it\'s for natural mana then it should be in the center there. And from the looks of it, there is a single circular book case that doesn\'t have stairs. So maybe it\'s something else." As much as Walker wanted to believe that it was something he knew, he felt that it was more believable to be an outlying rune.

"So that could be the teleportation magic circle. That could be the runes that they used to do that. Not everyone knows mana. We have met that guy who gave us the teleportation magic scrolls. There is more to the world than what fits in a perfect little box." There was a lot of confidence brimming from Su. she was thriving off the feeling of figuring out this mystery.

"We need to get there to prove it. But I have a bad feeling about that…." Walker wasn\'t sure how he would maintain a path there. He would need to stay on track and reach outside the flow of the flow of the elemental runes.

"Outside? But we can\'t just leave the way it goes. The patterns all make you go certain directions and block off others." Su was thinking about the origin runes they had found so far coming together. If they were overlapped the runes naturally would block certain paths. Elemental mana did this naturally, some were weak or strong against the others.

"What I don\'t get is why this library is here? We already know that the mage tower was the last place that the race was. Why is this library so far from the deserts up north?" Both Su and Walker were torn by the question Walker had raised.

"It feels like every time we figure out a small piece of a puzzle we have a larger question. Even the runes here are the same. The origin runes. But what about the demons? They clearly adapted the runes to their own uses. So much so that they figured out a rune circle outside of the natural elemental flow…" Su looked like she had just been slapped by an idea. An idea that took her full concentration to understand.

"Wait, Su, the stairs!" Walker dragged Su back down the stairs that had been made by the book cases. He had noticed them start to sink which would trap them on the platform they were just on top of. They had no idea how long it would take for them to return to this position.

Su was shrill stuck in thought but followed Walker\'s pulling. She managed to get to the floor just in time to see that the path that had just been open to them had disappeared again. Now they had another bending path of bookshelves to follow. They lead toward the next area where a pillar could rise.

"If we have to follow the flow the entire way, and there was a mage tower dedicated to just that flow. Then what if some of the race didn\'t believe in just the elements? What if there were others that left? What if someone said there was more?" Su had grabbed Walker\'s shoulders while saying this. The world already knew this fact.

"Your storage ability. You already use a skillet that doesn\'t fit. Tell me, what mana do you use for it?" There were so many answers that Walker wanted to have about all of this. Yet he had been using a spatial skill for a long time. They had even met a spacial mage. They had met people with skills that were considered abnormal to the rest of the world.

"We already have the answers but we didn\'t research it. How could we if they are so rare? Death, life, space, time, or even more. None of it is understandable. None of it makes sense." Walker knew that staging in the floe of mana would create a never ending cycle. It would be the way it was meant to be. But there were people with the ability to change their mana in to other forces. A topic that people within the flow struggled with.

"Everything aside, that\'s what the demons did. They got out of the flow. Whatever happened to the ancient race, they split and went their own ways. Some went somewhere else while others built this then went somewhere else. Who cares? They were able to do it and the answers are all on the shelves of that extra pillar." Su felt that she had found some untouched law. Some unexplored dungeon filled with unimaginable treasures.

"Alright! Alright alright alright." Walker was trying to keep his state of mind solid. This was a lot to take in since he had been blinding himself to something he had been interacting with constantly.

"Let\'s say that is the case. It means we will keep following these curving paths to each elemental mana. We can even somehow get to the center and find things out about the combining of manas and natural mana. But to leave the turning paths, should we try and escape while things are changing?"

The idea was dangerous. While the bookshelves and floor tiles moved, the danger of being harmed and caught somewhere wrong was too clear. However, if they managed it, then they could be outside the path. Outside the flow to find knowledge that had been gathered by an ancient race.

"I will tell you when things start to change. I will feel it first. If I need to, I can push you outside the path." Su wanted answers too. She was willing to help Walker get there even if it left her stuck too.

The pair moved through the maze following the rounding shelves because they knew that this was the closest to the edge they could be. "This should mean that everyone would find something interesting. Right? Remey was drawn to a book that resonated with flames. If the runes on the books call out, then they may have done that with the demons?" Walker was worried about this being the cause.

"It\'s knowledge. Knowledge can be used by anyone. It doesn\'t have to be some fate or good reason. It could have just shown itself to someone with an affinity." Since Su had thought about this as well, she had a better answer already. She had worried once that certain people shouldn\'t be allowed to know things but the world would stop them.

Unfortunately, anyone could learn anything. Fate, the world, goodness, none of that guided what people were and were not allowed to know. There was a right to knowledge and a being could do whatever they wished with it.

"I\'m not sure how we will get out of here after. Onyx should have gotten back by now. I will do my best." Walker saw Su stop and look at the walls of books next to them. Walker wanted to promise that he would do everything he could as soon as he get the knowledge they needed.

"I trust you, now trust me." Su saw the shelves start to change. The tickles pulled them toward the next path but in a single shield bash, she sent Walker flying. He was pushed over the nearby bookcase as it rushed up from the ground. He only saw Su smiling slightly before the rumbling ceased again.

The mana around him seemed to become disorganized. Both he and Fleur felt that this was not the proper way the library had been made. It was not the way he was used to. "Let\'s find those answers.



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