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Chapter 1540 1540. Against Light

"Uniting the elves and uniting all the races is necessary to better everyone." Alma let this sink in before she was about to speak more. She knew that these light elves were harder to convince. They did not like to leave their seclusion. They enjoyed the peace and privacy they had. They enjoyed the light and purity of healing.

"Uniting and war seem to go hand and hand in your words. Did you not ask us to come and join your war?" One of the elders was shaking their head at Alam. Their tone was that of an adult speaking to a child. It was very insulting.

"War? You mean the freedom that the demon people deserve? They have lived oppressed for generations and finally, the other races have come together and freed them. How could that be unjust? Would you feel the same if I told you what happened to the water elves?" Gil could not contain himself any longer. He was unhappy that they were being treated as something small.

"The water elves? How could you relate them to what is going on? We are speaking about the war you created that also created death. War goes against life. That is a fact!" Another elder felt the great insult that Gil and Alma had made.

To them, war was something done to breed death and go against the sanctity of life. I created things that were against light because of the flames and despair that followed the actions of war. If they were asked to join such things, it was the same as being asked to throw their ideals in to the dirt.

"If you had come, many would have lived. However, if you did not hide yourself away, you would have known that the demons sent a sin title holder to take over the water elves. They were forced to slaughter their own people, chain them up in dungeons, and even create warriors to be sent to the demon lands in hopes of taking over this entire continent." Alma\'s fists grew tighter while saying this. She hated that the light elves didn\'t even flinch seeing this.

"Not just that! The light elves care about life? But you don\'t lend a hand to help those that are dying? The human cathedrals do more to protect life than you. If hiding here is the protection of life then I don\'t believe the light elves worthy of being part of Genesis. I can return the elves to unity without you. I will combine the pieces of the elven dagger arts to the high elf dagger arts by myself." Gil had reached a breaking point.

The faces that said they did not care that the light elves wore made Gil\'s heart tremble. It was filled with rage. So much so that the wind started to twirl around him. Zephyr could feel his anger as well. She did not believe that the light elves were in the right any longer. She could tell they had powerful elemental affinities for the light elemental mana. That was it, their values didn\'t appear to align with what they preached.

"You? How could you bring us back to the age of the high elves? They disappeared as the affinities broke out. There was not an elf with all affinities as not used to be. There were no more sages. That is why we left. We chose to embrace-"

"Embrace what!? The fact that you could care less about the world turning and the history the elven race has protected? I see no library with an archive here. I see no changes in what you represent other than the fact that you hid away. The dark and stone elves hid away and went to war with each other."

"Through hard work and determination, they fixed their issues and came together. After generations of healing, they have returned to a changed world as allies. They have proven that elves can unite again. Why can you not?" Alma had reached the same point at Gil. She saw stubborn elders that could not adapt to the world.

"You speak too much child." The silent elder finally spoke. His eyes were still cold. "We are not going to join with those that refuse to purify themselves and accept life. We have reached level of understanding in healing and light that no other elf has. We have brought peace to these plateaus. If we join anyone it will be to create the same peace."

"Then you are the same as the flame elves. Their king went mad and wanted to rule over all others. We will accept the light elves that have unity and respect for others in to Genesis. No elder will be allowed within it." Alma silenced the elders and turned to walk away. However, she was met with dozens of floating light spears.

"You will not enter here and cause such trouble. You will be imprisoned for the laws of this land you have broken." The elder was tired of this. He had used their power to have the light elves around trap Alma and Gil. the enforcers could only stand silently.

"Alma, I did not use the mana that Zephyr and I have gathered. It seems like I need to show off a little." Gil knew that he could not beat so many light elves. Yet, he knew that he could silence them and get them to allow their leave.

The wind elemental mana began to gather and Zephyr understood what Gil intended. Using the avatar of wind skill and title was all they could do. As the wind gathered, the light also seemed to change. Before Gil could fully activate the skill, he saw the light melt away and a single point of light show itself.

"You will not harm my fellow grand elemental spirit. Your sanctity of light and attachment of life have been valuable to me. Now it is not. I felt the call of the other elemental spirits. Of a nature spirit soon to become the next world spirit. I spoke of this and you chose to remain still as statues. From this point on, I no longer support the light elves with my blessings."

The form of light that grew before their eyes was similar to Zephyr but with sharper points and a near blinding appearance. "Zephyr, it has been a long time."

"Horizon! I did not even sense you here!" Zephyr was glad to see a fellow grand elemental spirit, especially the light grand elemental spirit she had not seen for a long time.

"How could you!" the elder stood and tried to call on the light elemental mana. Unfortunately, Horizon did not allow this.

"I am glad to see that Zephyr has found someone she trusts. I will leave with you. I have a feeling that the world desires my travel with you. It feels right." The soft and cool voice that Horizon used was clear to Gil and Alma. It was easy to understand. She had clearly learned the speech of many races throughout time.

"We can catch up while we travel. It is going to be very great! You will love Genesis. It is amazing. I will show you around." Zephyr ignored the angry light elves. The light elves that were trying to point their mana at Gil and Alma.

"We are leaving. It was not an honor to meet you. Remember, the light elves are welcome in genesis but not the elders or anyone that does not believe in unity among all races!" Alma\'s voice traveled through the surrounding area. She felt the mana in her body reinforce it. She spoke not as an elf but as a representative of all of Genesis.

The change in the light elves was one of complete disdain and anger. Only a few of the younger light elves realized that they were looking at a different future. One that even the grand elemental spirit they followed supported.

The elders tried to pull them away and back to the buildings where they resided. This did nothing though, the younger light elves were able to think differently. Able to be more open to what Alma had just declared. Able to see the strength of someone that had joined completely with a grand elemental spirit like Zephyr.

In just moments thirty young light elves had followed Alma, Gil, and the enforcers. The chatter of Horizon and Zephyr was the only thing that could be heard. "That was not what I wanted to be, but thank you for supporting me." Alma spoke to no one in particular. She was full of inner turmoil because of the stubbornness of the light elf elders. However, she had to stand by her decision. Stand by what she had decided.

"It was the right choice. You are young but you can see more clearly than them. Life is important but it is not the only part of nature." Horizon spoke softly still but with great meaning.

​ …..


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