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Chapter 1559 1559. Shocked Growth

From the heat along the street, anyone would be able to tell that the forges within the crafting guild were at max. The number of orders had skyrocketed as more and more people came to Genesis. Even more, now that there was a potential threat greater than just the demons coming to the continent.

The rumors of the wyverns would not have stayed silent no matter what anyone had said since a few roaming merchants had been speaking about them already. Walker knew that this was one reason that many adventurers who ordered new armors. While some of the dragonkin and dragons were the largest ones creating new items because of their training. They had to craft.

"The heat here is quite stifling." Rise was used to heat but did not like the metallic smoke and heat of the area. However, when she saw some of the small shops nearby and their rune carved items, she had hesitated for a moment.

"The wandering blacksmith has a shop here but he has been busy within the crafting guild lately. So many people to teach. The dwarves are also teaching the true spirit forging techniques as well. The elves have come together to help teach spirit speaking skills. Some have just partnered up with the dwarves right off because that was easier."

Since it was easy to see as they walked through the streets of the market area, Walker pointed out this fact. He also knew that there was a high likelihood that Rose would ask about this at some point. "That doesn\'t stop the researchers or mages from also taking on these roles. I hear that some magic craftsmen have been getting together within the crafting guild."

"Magic craftsman? I haven\'t seen any." Mordant was a little curious. He had seen the blacksmiths, wood workers, and even a few that shaped clay. But the difference in magic and basic crafting just sounded like someone using more mana than usual.

"They are basically the same as the normal crafters. For example, the magic blacksmiths heat metal, shape it, and carve runes all the same. What they differ in is the materials and how they imbue it with mana. They can do some things like adding elemental affinity to an item without adding runes first. It is a rarer skill to have but valuable for lower grade weapons for younger warriors."

The reason they were better for younger warriors was simple, some people were just not powerful enough to control rune carved weapons. They had a lot of mana requirements whereas a weaker weapon that used almost no mana of the user was easier to grasp. A great intermediate weapon between rune and not rune carved.

"This is the crafting building. The guild is set up with plenty of work space. The runes that were added to the chimneys are set up to purify the air while the water filtered in is done the same before it leaves. Many of the elemental spirits have been helping with these processes too. It\'s very helpful to keep the city clean." This was one prideful aspect when it came to things for Walker. He appreciated a city free of smog from constant forging.

"Walker!" The call of a familiar voice always made Walker happy. It made things easier.

"This is Rodney. He had been one of the first people I met when I went looking for weapons. Now he had come all the way from someone stuck on a forging quest to a young and important representative of the crafting guild." Naturally, Walker had a very high opinion of Rodney because of how dedicated he was. There was also the fact that Rodney was a constant person in his life. Whenever Walker seemed to have the idea to ist the forging of anything, Rodney would appear.

"What can I do for you and your guests today? I heard that you finally have every single royal dragon in the city. That should be pretty amazing, right." Rodney had not actually met any of the royal dragons. Therefore, he thought that Walker had two dragonkin with him.

"Well, speaking of royal dragons. This is Mordant. And this is Rise. the dark and light royal dragons. They are in their dragonkin form. It is a unique skill for only the oldest dragons or most experienced." Rodney\'s face became deathly pale. He had not realized that such important figures had strolled in to the crafting guild casually.

"It is an honor to meet you both! Thank you very much for attending our crafting guild. Please allow me to show you to the best blacksmith in the entire continent." Rodney didn\'t even hesitate to say this about the wandering blacksmith. Many people would assume he was the best as well. Even the dwarves had this ideal.

"This one is younger than most I have seen. Shouldn\'t someone of his age be with a parent?" Rise did not understand how Rodney would be allowed to be out.

"Believe it or not, most humans are out doing jobs when they find their system. Some start at a very young age. My little sister already has a seamstress shop and she is much younger than most people. But she also unlocked her system at a younger age than most people. Therefore, she had the goal and drive to become more than others." Walker knew that for dragons it was based on bloodline and affinity what they would do. For humans it was systems.

"Interesting." Rise had been far detached from other races. Not knowing that habits or cultures was something that would happen.

"You should see how they do things in all the races. Some of the younger elves will appear as children for years. compared to a human at the age of twenty, an elf the same age would still be considered a child and look as such." Mordant had more time around the other races and gladly began explaining some of the cultures and facts about age.

"Very unlike dragons. We have some hatchlings that are very young. I have only seen one that has broken the rules of aging for the dragon race." Rise looked at Walker. He understood that it was Midnight she was referencing.

"Midnight has been training hard. She also has bonds with myself and Su. That definitely has an effect on how she has grown. Not to mention the fact that she had pushed herself to learn more. She has a mental age much older than every dragon her age. That\'s beside the point that she is technically not a hatchling and is a young dragon now."

"A young dragon!? How can that be possible? There is never a dragon that grows so fast out of the hatchling state." Both Mordant and Rise reacted the same. They just thought that Midnight was ahead of her time when it came to being a hatchling. Not that she had reached the young dragon growth phase so early.

"This is the forge where the wandering blacksmith is teaching five dragonkin. They are all from different villages. They are the best that are being taught at the moment so that they can return and teach their fellow dragonkin." Rodney seemed ready to run away after welcoming the three in to the forge.

The rhythmic hammering that echoed in the room was the same for every single of the dragonkin there. The wandering blacksmith watched them hammer as a worthless iron scrap. He was judging how they hit and pointing out small dents here and there where the hammer had not landed flat. This was a very high quality education.

"This looks like a bad time. But could we interrupt?" The wandering blacksmith raised his head with a smile. He was happy to see Walker after a while. His eyes darted to Mordant who he recognized but landed on Rise who was unfamiliar. "You know Mordant but this is Rise. she had heard of you and is the current light royal dragon. I thought it important for her to see the quality you were teaching dragonkin craftsmen.

The wandering blacksmith nodded along with Walker before moving to shift through the side storage room. He brought out a single necklace with white steel and a very reflective half pearl within it.

"Welcome to Genesis." The few words as the wandering blacksmith held the necklace out to rise was making her curious. This human had not bowed his head but instead went to get an item.

\'\'Light gathering pendant

Matk+6, mana storage+20

This has the unique ability to use the half rainbow pearl set in the center to gather light elemental mana. The white steel allows for perfect flow of light elemental mana to the wearer of this pendant. It does not boast any other bonus but is invaluable for mages or anyone that requires light elemental mana.\'



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