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Chapter 1580 1580. Thoughts Of The Future

"As I was trying to show, the top floor is the main deck. But if we travel up the side here we will have the main storage rooms for the supplies we may need to chart the course, take samples of rare plants, and store some bodies of monsters." The first floor was set up so that they could do the most with it and the ship builder showed this before pointing out the stairs to the deck of the boat.

"Then that is the way we should go." Scylla had the troubles of the waters on her mind. She wanted to see the preventative measure that would keep everyone from being trapped in the ocean.

The only reason she had this in mind most of all after seeing the other things was simple. Not everyone had the skills to swim and travel through the air or water. If they did, she would question the need for a ship. But the ship was their protection and safe travel. If they found themselves trapped in it, they would lose many people.

"They have a lot planned out. I raised the same questions as Scylla earlier in these projects. You will see that there is already a lot of things set up in case the worst happens. Between the water elves, my people, and the dwarves, we have come up with a lot of safety measures." Leon was very proud to be a part of this.

He too had thought of the many people that could become stranded if the ship went down or was attacked. "These are the life boats we set up. They are simple feather steel with a simple rune and mana gem within it. They are made so that they can last for long times floating. The reason we called them life boats was that they would save your life if the ship is attacked and sinks." The dwarven ship builder pointed out the runes and the strengthening steel parts on the little life boat.

"It looks like they can fit ten people each. How many people will we have on each ship?" Su was trying to do the math but found that she was unable to do so without any more knowledge about ships overall.

"Each ship can host two hundred people that are not crew. The last fifty will be crew that must run the ship even under attack. That leaves us with twenty six life boats. We provided an extra in case one is damaged as well. But ideally, the ship will remain near the others and we will have them to rescue and retrieve the life boats." The procedure had already been written and all that was needed was for the dwarf to explain it.

"What about the transportation? Will we have to rely on magic if the ship stops moving with the furnaces?" Walker\'s next question was exactly what Gil and Alma were about to ask. This was the next important risk they might face while on the ocean.

"Yes, as you can see, we have a spire here in the middle. It is the same as the mast but we have made it larger to hold a special sail being sewn by arcane weavers. We have altered the wind runes to be sewn through it. This will attract the wind to push the ship entirely. Much slower but also more silent if we need to travel in silence." The idea that stealth was also taken in to account made everyone much more comfortable. That was something even they had not yet considered.

"So, how are we feeling? The ships will be built in one more week. Then we can leave. That is much faster than what was previously planned for the ships and building some form of port by the mouth of the river." The pride that Leon had was not completely mirrored. Scylla realized that she had a lot more preparation to do and had to get moving.

"I will leave then. I have soldiers to prepare. Semi-aquatic forces will need to be retrained to handle the open oceans. Have the supplies ready as well…" Scylla\'s rushed mumbling faded away as she left them standing there.

"I will also leave to help prepare the water elves. they will be the best mages to have with us even though they may not be experts in the salt waters. But they should have some history remember about when they used to take trips in the to the deeper waters." Since Alma knew that any knowledge would be valuable, she decided to get it. Even the smallest thing would help.

"I will hang out here with Walker. I want to try and get a little training in before I head back to the archers." This was a surprise to Walker since Gil rarely said that he wanted to train against him.

"Do you need me as well?" Su was thinking of returning to the mansion to clean her armor and shields. She also wanted to go and speak to the wandering blacksmith about making a new earth shield since it was about time she did so.

"No, you can go if you are busy. I just figured I wanted to speak with Walker a little." The atmosphere was a little awkward but Su gave them both a wave leaving Walker and Gil alone. Leon had continued on with the ship builder to keep working on thighs. And Midnight was still an unknown since she and Onyx were more known to do their own things than stick with the group lately.

"Let\'s walk and talk. We can head to the training ground behind the mansion and train there if you want." Walker felt that Gil had a few things he wanted to focus on that were a little more important than just training. It was just a sixth sense.

"Well, about that…I think I am ready to make some big decisions. Like, we are getting older and aren\'t going to be kids forever." This made it seem that there was something larger on Gil\'s mind than Walker had expected.

The pair walked down the stairs and hallways of the ship that they had been led up before. Walker was still a little in awe of how the ship had come together so quickly.

"And? I know we are growing up mentally a little faster than physically. But that\'s normal. People get married and buy houses at eighteen or twenty. It\'s just how things go." Walker and Gil saw all this as normal. Their society was always at risk for monster attacks. The life spans often depended on systems and strength of a person. But that was why people grew fast. They had the entire wonderful world at their fingertips.

"I know that, Walker, That\'s why I want to ask Alma to stay with me forever. I am already considered a representative of the elves. We are going to be of age sooner than later. So I want to establish it now…" Walker had frozen in place. He knew that Gil and Alma were closer every day. Very much so to the point that everyone expected Gil to be by her side or vice versa.

"I know it sounds like I am getting ahead of myself. But Walker, I have never been so sure about anything in my life. I am sure that it is what I want for the rest of my life. My father and mother decided they would be together before they were officially of age to marry. They spent three years engaged and only grew closer. And since we are going to another continent…"

"Then you want to make sure that everyone knows the level of your commitment to someone you love." Walker finished Gil\'s sentence. He knew that Gil was struggling a little. This was a sensitive subject.

"Listen, I know you have these feelings and I will not stop you. You are my brother as far as I am concerned. So do it. Tell Alma how you feel about her. I am sure she feels the same. Why else would she lean on you so often? Even if someone raises concerns like lifespan, you have the grand elemental wind spirit as a partner. We already know that that will rival your lifespan with elves and dragons. So do it. I will be there by your side."

The reassurances was exactly why Gil had come to Walker. He had probed his parents already but knew he wanted his closest friend there. Walker had trained with him and supported his archery endeavors. He was also the team leader whose back he watched and relied on.

"Thank you. I will speak to her later. Until then, I need you to train with me. The high elf dagger technique is close to done. I just need to clean it up a little. I have been training every single night lately." Gil\'s smile was more than Walker had ever seen.



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