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Chapter 1592 1592. Saint Of Light

Before the entire party could ask Alice what her title was about, the ship hit the deeper waters of the river. There was a lot of commotion as the merfolk took to the water so that they could guard against the aquatic monsters they may face.

The water mages also began moving the ship by manipulating the water runes carved in to the hull. However, the majority of the water mages had a much more important job. They had to widen and break down any impediments in the river as they moved.

The ship had been designed with the highest craftsmanship. This assured everyone that even if they hit the odd rock or submerged tree, that it would not be an issue. However, there was the chance that the ship could be damaged or sustain a small flaw. This could spell the end of the ship and those upon it out in the open ocean where much stronger monsters lived.

"We are heading down in pairs. Let\'s walk the shore as the ship travels. It will be slow at first since the river has never been traveled and will have a lot of obstacles." Walker knew that the boats that had been on the river were smaller ones that easily maneuvered through the obstacles. Most would only be on the water for a short time if any time at all due to the dangers.

"Sounds good, I will pair up with a few of the dragonkin since I want to see if they have any dagger skills of their own." Gil wanted to compare his work on the dagger technique with the other race\'s dagger skills. The main point being that he could use the pressure to refine the skill and merge the different styles in to the high elf dagger technique again. It was a wise use of the time they would be traveling as the first ship.

"Brother, I will go with sister to travel the bank of the river." Onyx caught on to what Walker was thinking. Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that he wanted to speak with Alice one on one. They had not had much time alone due to their recent training or other distractions.

"Alright, we will all meet up in four hours after the ship changes guards." Leo had worked with Scylla to design an ideal guard shift for all the workers on the ship. Even the merfolk had alternates in Scylla\'s special aquatic demi-human troops.

"Perfect! Su and I have a lot to talk about. There are plenty of good challengers around here." It seemed that Su was not reprimanding Remey as usual. Instead, Si actually looked energetic hearing that Remey wanted to go and pick a fight with someone.

"I worry about those two sometimes…But I think Su has been off lately and she needs to relax too." Walker was not sure what had happened between Su and Remey but he knew that it was strengthening their bond. The pair had been working on something together and it would only make them stronger at the end of the day. It wasn\'t his business to snoop.

Leaving the ship was easy for Walker since he could take Alice\'s hand and walk through the air. The others that left to walk the shore and scout ahead for the water mages used ropes, small boats, and a few just dove right in to the water.

"So, you have a title now?" The casual conversation started to make Alice a little nervous. She had been excited to show off but then became shy as soon as everyone had looked at her. Now she felt shy again but because she felt that Walker was going to be upset with her for hiding it.

"I bet that you missed it too since you were so busy. From what I hear, you have healed more people than even some of the veteran healers who have been doing it for forty years." The rumors around Genesis were not silent ones. They screamed these praises throughout the entire city.

"Horizon, I know you want to join us, but can you spend some time sharing your understanding of light elemental mana with Fleur for me?" Fleur seemed to grasp that Walker was asking her to distract Horizon who was hovering behind them. He didn\'t seem to have a sense of what humans wanted or how to read a situation.

"Sure, I can always help a future world spirit. Tell me what it\'s like to feel the heartbeat of nature. Wait, can you speak yet? Or do you only use natural mana? How about…" the constant talking faded away. Horizon was too talkative for an elemental spirit. All the others seemed to prefer their silence over much else.

"Yes, my title…saint of light." Alice finally managed to speak up even though it was quiet. Now that she was alone with Walker she was realizing just how long it had been since they could properly walk together without someone else interrupting or even being around.

"As long as we keep our eyes open I can listen to you all day. I wouldn\'t mind hearing about how you got your title and what it\'s about." Using the all around appraisal skill on Alice could have potentially given Walker answers. He knew this, but if he did that he would betray Alice\'s trust while also ruining a chance to bind with her. They were one of many scouting ahead on the riverbank. He had his senses spread around him as well, something he had learned while sensing mana.

"So many people were hurt or sick. I had to heal them. After training, before training, when I woke up…always." The desire to help others was just part of her life but also a value she had chosen to cherish. It led to Alice training her ability to heal even when she did not have the mana to do it.

The same preparations and assistance that Su had done because she lacked healing skills was what Alice had always done. Now after her entire life of doing so, she had a title to show for it. "I healed a hundred thousand times." This sounded impossible to Walker\'s ears. But using a healing skill or an act of healing, it made some sense. It wasn\'t just based on her healing but everything she did to heal people.

"That\'s amazing. A saint title is gained through a specific act at an incredible number of times. What does it do? I assume it boosts healing and your affinity with light?" The idea that it boosted her affinity for light was because Walker had seen the orbs of light around Alice since she had arrived at the mansion when they left.

"Control, affinity, and strength." These three things were the focus of the title. "And speed of healing for everyone around me." This last statement was where Alice raised her head in pride. Just having her around meant that everyone would heal faster regardless of being healed or not. It was an impressive thing to boast about.

"Maybe I will need to use my healing skill more. I could be the second saint of light. We would have matching titles." Walker teased a little. He had a little trouble not being jealous of Alice\'s title even though he had multiple of his own. It was just the idea that Alice was able to help people just by being present now. She deserved the praise she got and was rewarded with a title that gave her the chance to do even more good.

"I will keep up with you." Alice\'s eyes burned with the light that she controlled. Her desire not to be left alone was stronger than Walker had imagined. He watched as the light around Alice formed a spike that shot forward.

\'Purple bank frog

A poisonous purple frog that uses the poison it produces due to eating the purple lily flies. It hunts the flies and larger fish along the bank of the river. If one gets too close to it there is a chance it could poison them. The best way to defend against the poison is to dilute it with water.

They are very weak to physical attacks due to their soft skin but also strong jumpers and swimmers. It is recommended that their poison is used against larger beasts because it will wear away at their stamina while also not killing what it affects.\'

Walker\'s all around appraisal of the purple bank frog that he had noticed after Alice had shown the danger they could face. "And with your new title, you are definitely stronger. I\'ll have to work even harder to stay ahead of you. I can\'t have you becoming everyone\'s idol alone. You\'ll need a heroic bodyguard." His teasing made Alice shake her head wanting to run away. The danger of monsters seemed too far away to them.



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