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Chapter 1604 1604. Return To The Nest

"Why are you sneaking back there? The dragonkin and archers are still trying to handle the remaining assassin jackets. And it will take you some time to catch back up." Walker had left the rest of the group to let Scylla know his intentions.

"The entire area that the swarm was nesting in is burned up and damaged by positions. I have to return with Fleur to let the natural mana heal the land a little bit. It\'s just what I have to do." Walker had said he would do this and recognized that he would have to put in some extra effort to get back to the ship.

"I know you can step through the air like I can, but it will have a high mana cost. And you will be alone, take someone with you." Walker already pointed over at Midnight. He had thought of the other people that could fly and leave where they were easily. The dragon fire mages didn\'t need mIdnight right away.

"Then that\'s fine. I won\'t stop you. I understand that you have a unique relationship with nature. There are also those soldiers out there cleaning the area up. The other ship should be along shortly if you can\'t catch up." Scylla had decided to trust Walker with this. She knew that he and the dragons had the ability to go between the ships if they so desired.

"If anything goes wrong I will send a signal high in the sky. It\'s pretty clear that everyone can see the flames from the look out towers." Knowing this was also what the archers had used to create their own warning systems if they found something too dangerous to handle outside the ship.

There was a nod from Scylla before she returned to the group of demi-humans she was sending to replace the merfolk that were swimming alongside the ship underwater. They were taking longer shifts because the water was more natural to them than being on the ship. Some of the merfolk and demi-humans wouldn\'t even leave the water the entire trip because they could rest underwater while holding the ship.

Without any hesitation, Walker and Midnight moved to the railing of the shop. One high leap was all it needed for Midnight to catch the air and start to glide toward where they had been. Walkern followed by jumping in to the air and taking stride right next to her with the wind ripple skill. He had decided to use the elemental wings in wind form to return since he could use a little less mana that way and have more speed.

A few of the archers gave calls as they left because they were going to be keeping an eye on them as long as possible. It was very heartwarming since Walker knew that a few of the archers had refused to take a break. Instead, they had gone right to the look out towers to ensure that the assassin jackets would be called out if they fled toward the ship.

The reason Walker didn\'t feel he could wait any longer to repair the land that they had attacked and that the swarm of assassin jackets had eaten away at was simple. The sky still had smoke coming from there. It meant that the dragon fire, mage fire, and potions had caused something to keep smoldering.

This would not be a problem because the river was right there. The water would deter the fire from spreading. Unfortunately, that couldn\'t be said of the grass, bushes, and sparse trees leading away from the river bank. It was the perfect fuel for a fire that would take an army to deal with.

Only a few minutes of flying over the grind did Walker and Midnight get the sounds of battle. They looked down just in time to see three dragonkin taking down a slightly larger assassin jacket that was trying to find its swarm again.

The assassin jacket had clearly sensed that the queen had fallen. This caused it to act erratically. But that was for the better when it came to battle. The dragonkin had impeccable instincts. Every move that they or the assassin jackets made was mirrored. This left the dragonkin at a major advantage.

They slashed the assassin jacket\'s wings off and then moved in from three sides to defeat it. Before Walker had the chance to wave, they had begun breaking the body down to return to the ship with it. The hunting efficiency was definitely better than most.

"So you are more of Mordant\'s dragonkin warriors. Good work." Walker lowered himself down just enough to say this. He was sure that the praise would go a long way. "Midnight and I are speeding toward the nest again. we will clean up some of the smolderings that may cause a fire. After that, we are heading right back to the ship. If you can keep up, I might need a few more guards."

Walker wasn\'t really sure that he would need the guards. The dragon fire mage\'s attacks had proved to be the true end to the entire swarm. The attacks had gone above what any of the assassin jackets could survive or remain in the area for. That was why the archers on the ship were sniping the fleeing assassin jackets that were no longer in their right mind.

"Understood. We will let our lord know of your praise." One of the three dark affinity dragonkin was the leader. He was already stepping away from the assassin jacket parts to allow Walker to store it away. He trusted that Walker also came down for this.

"No need for you to waste energy to carry that. You have good ideas. On the ship, we will make some new armor from the assassin jackets too. It\'s light and can be made tougher. Sounds like a good test for the dragonkin that had yet to do much work with unique materials?" The three dragonkin seemed gladdened by this.

From what they had heard of the assassin jackets before they were sent to patrol, the materials were good for light armor, arrows, and making antidote potions. All things that would help the ship and their lord in his endeavors. Being told that it would also help teach their fellow dragonkin made them even more determined to return to the nest for the materials needed.

"Midnight, we are picking up the pace." Walker and Midnight began to move much faster. Midnight was able to flap her wings with more air behind it. Her time around Ventus had shown her that she didn\'t just fly. She let the wind elemental mana spread around her wings and push her forward too. The small revelation had allowed Midnight to slightly grasp the concept and begin to use it herself.

Walker, on the other hand, moved step by step increasing his speed while also watching the three dragonkin track them from the ground. The distance may have been short to the burned swarm, but Walker was impressed that the dragonkin had such agility to remain right with them.

Here and there, Walker was reminded that they were Mordant\'s dragonkin. They could dash around the through shadows slightly increasing the speed that they traveled. They also trained a unique movement skill that would allow them to become faster when they found shadows. It was something that Walker had the desire to learn, therefore, watching only helped Walker in this small goal for later.

Smoke became a little thicker once they reached the area they had crouched to crawl the first time. This was because there was a large smoldering hole where the swarm had been. Every now and then, there would be an attempted buzz from broken assassin jacket wings. They were already defeated though. It was just their bodies losing the last of the energy they had in life.

The defeated assassin jackets that could be taken as materials were very few. Most had been burned or broken by the explosive potions. Walker was still impressed by the fact that Remey had managed to improve them with Trish before they came on the ship.

"If you three want to begin to gather up the usable assassin jackets I can store them. Midnight is going to snake around beating the living assassin jackets, if there are any. I will start to bring the natural mana together." The goal that Walker had would be easy as long as he and Fleur worked together.

The sensing of the natural mana in the area was already a little tough because of the unbalanced mana . fire mana was very prevalent at the moment due to the fire attacks. But Walker easily could deal with this. All he needed to do first was call on the water elemental mana around to put out any smoldering parts of the nest.



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