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Chapter 1632 1632. Flowing Form

"What happened to your speech about wanting to keep everyone safe? How Scylla said you were the absolute within the water?" Walker stood watching Leon prepare another piece of bait on a chain and his throwing harpoons.

"This is to procure food for the journey. It will be best to fish up the monsters here than in the open ocean where there will be monsters that can swallow the ship whole. Or even worse, Monsters that will swarm the ship at the slightest sign of food." Leon had a small point but Walker could tell that there was an ulterior motive.

"You definitely just want to fish since you have been away from the ocean for so long."

"And you just want to make it seem like we aren\'t doing anything. If I remember correctly, you will be leaving for the beach soon to do a scouting round for more food. Natural fruits, vegetables, and monsters to eat. So I don\'t think we will be in a different position soon. That means you are better off grabbing one of my spears and waiting to hunt something with me."

As much as Walker didn\'t want to just join Leon, he was keeping a lookout for monsters too large coming near the ship. But Leon just happened to be making more of the time as he did so since he had already sent out the first group underwater patrols.

The underwater patrols were nearly glued to the bottom of the ship. The currents here were rough because of the clashing river and tides. It was easy to predict for those with experience but still not anything to laugh at. The groups leaving would be waiting for the low tides so that there was a higher chance of capturing some food and a safer journey to the shore.

"Fine, I can learn a little about spear fishing. But I thought these were just harpoons?" From what Walker could see, the spear and harpoons were very different things. But in his hand right now was just a chained harpoon.

"They would be the same. But if you look, there are notches for harpoons to be fired and loaded in to ballistas, or special harpoon firing creations that use springs. These have grips for your hands to hold tighter and aim more accurately. Not to mention the barbs are made to tear away chunks from the prey you hit if they overpower you and you need to rip them free."

Walker had a hard time figuring out how he would rip them free and Leon seemed to catch on to this. "The way the barbs are shaped here and here. They are at better angles compared to a harpoon which the chain would need to be broken to get free. The angles here are to let you arc the chain and pull at the same time. It forces pressure to tear away flesh and free itself." This seemed like a very well designed tool after hearing this.

"That\'s actually really amazing. I bet that it took generations to get this right." Walker waited in hope that Leon would have more information but he just shrugged.

"I wish I could say but from what I know, this kind of harpoon has been popular for a very long time. I assume someone invented it and then kept on with their lives. After years of being used on ships here and there, so many existed that it was impossible to find who had invented it." Walker could tell that this meant it was an unspoken historical invention. It changed the world but not a single person could definitely lay claim to it.

"Now, back to more important things. This thin chain has some of that frog meat on it. I soaked it in a little bit of the venom from those assassin jackets. That way when prey eats it we can have an easier time hitting it. Then we pull like our lives depend on it. And if we need help…" Leon pointed to the few dragonkin warriors nearby. They were watching and waiting at their own posts. However, they seemed more interested in what Leon was doing.

As if on cue, the chain that had bait on it rattled. Not a rattle of drifting water and lapping waves, but one that meant something had touched it. Something with teeth that was pulling on it.

\'Swift Salmon

The swift salmon is a monster that has one strength, agility. It has gained the name swift because it is able to swim through the waters no matter the current. They lack defensive strength but are often hard to catch because of their agility. However, their lean muscles make them a great food item for anything that can catch them.

The best method to catch them is to trap them and avoid letting them gain speed. However, if they are attacked in the head there is a high chance of instantly defeating them. They are loved by many other monsters and prey on anything small enough to fit in their mouths. Sometimes they will migrate in the thousands to their breeding grounds.\'

"Aim for the head and we have a good meal.\'\' Leon\'s excitement was there for everyone to see. He had eaten the swift salmon before and could not wait to have it on his dinner plate again. Especially since this time he would be able to show it off to those that had never tasted it before.

"Take the first shot at it, I will take the second." Leon thought it more respectable to let Walker learn. He had no idea at what level Walker\'s skills would be when it came to throwing a harpoon.

"Then let me try something." The wind gathered around Walker as he channeled the wind elemental mana to wrap the throwing harpoon in his hand. The chains rattled and the dragonkin went on higher alert than before. They could sense the added danger that came with using wind elemental mana on a thrown projectile.

In one fluid movement, Walker used the spear throwing skill he had and applied it to the harpoon. He had no idea if it would work the same but as he saw the wind guiding the harpoon, he felt that he had chosen correctly. The harpoon pierced the water and hit the tail of the swift salmon taking a chunk of the fin with it. There was also the secondary effect of making bubbles all around it.

The bubbles caused the swift salmon to be blinded for just long enough. Leon\'s spear had much more force behind it and it shot through the water as if being guided right to the head of the swift salmon. The single attack defeated the swift salmon in that instant without even the chance of escape.

"Hmm, you had the right idea to force your throw deeper. But you need to guide it more with your strength so that it will remain accurate." From what it appeared, Leon was adept in teaching people how to throw harpoons. The odds were that he had been someone that went around teaching his fellow merfolk how to do this. It led Walker to believe that this was also one of the hidden hobbies that Leon had as a person.

"Watch me throw this one. It will be more accurate because I let the harpoon follow the flow of my body. I will use more strength but with my entire body." The second swift salmon had caught on to the bait and tried to steal it away from the chain that it was attached to. But as Leon arched his back, he gathered his strength.

With one foot slightly raised, Leon stomped it down and lurched forward. His arm ended up pointing directly at the swift salmon he had aimed at while his harpoon flew in exactly the direction he was painting. This form was the ideal harpoon or spear throwing form that everyone that desired to throw a spear or harpoon should use.

The harpoon flowed with force toward the swift salmon and found its mark directly in the top of the head. The swift salmon had no chance to even think about running. "It\'s all about form and making sure you follow through. You do not throw with just your accuracy. You can land a very accurate throw with no force. That leads to a failed hit. But only strength will lead to a miss. So balance your strength and accuracy. Strength with your whole body and accuracy with your whole body."

"Give me another try. I will get the next one." Walker became much more invested seeing how energetic Leon was. He didn\'t mind learning something new before he headed out with his party to patrol the beach and search for some additional food supplies.



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