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Chapter 1649 1649. Surprise Forces

"I\'m glad that you came. Both of you. If we face the cause of this problem, we will need strength. What could be strong enough to make another powerful monster leave the place it was living? Just overpopulation? Or is there something else?" The way Walker saw this was simple. There was a more terrifying monster that must have caused the wyverns to come looking elsewhere for food.

"I will break them down where I can…I will need to rest somewhere." Terron decided that his best option was to let the other take the journey as their focal point. He would only be a liability. Thinking of himself as a liability damaged his pride but he was too stubborn to admit this was the case.

"There are many rooms. Take any that you choose. Ventus is helping with the last runes on the ships coming this way. We should have everyone here soon. It means that by the morning we should be heading out to the open ocean. If you need, I would say you should head to shore and gather some extra mana. That\'s what Mordant and Rise have been doing. Current should be somewhere under the water nearby."

"We don\'t need to waste time getting ready. We prepared for this trip already. I\'ll be in the forge." Ignus huffed a little because he was sure that Current would be bragging about being at home in the water everywhere they went. But this was just to be expected. Ignus was not in an advantageous position either.

Water was what put fire out. Ignus would be facing a very high chance of being damaged the entire trip. Being on the ship was actually more risky than going in to the air. However, flying that far would cause a lot of energy to be used up. The wyverns were lighter and smaller than dragons. That was how they managed to get across the ocean. They used their size and weight to their advantage. They just took the air currents across.

"I will have Midnight come down and show off her flame breathing skills. She needs guidance from an expert after the last forging we did." Ignus just grunted hearing this before he was out of sight. Walker knew that he would actually be interested in this. He had seen Midnight growing lately. She was still very young but as a true dragon champion she had more than what any dragon expected.

Adding in the fact that a true dragon champion had some skills from birth because of their blood, another dragon would learn a lot just from watching her actions. She had the instincts to do certain things that other dragons had to learn by seeing.

Even further was the fact that Midnight was going to be able to use natural mana at some point. She was bonded with Walker. Midnight could already use every single elemental mana. All that was left was to reach the same understanding as Walker. Then, she would be able to mix the elemental manas to create natural mana.

That would make Midnight the natural mana true dragon champion. A mouthful when Walker considered it. But also a boon. She would have the ability to teach any dragon younger than her or less experienced than her elemental skills. The other major boon would be the fact that she would be able to adjust much better to just about any situation. Overall, it was a good thing after good thing.

"Have patrols gone around the beaches?" Terron spoke softly. It was strange to see him breaking his stoic character so much.

"Yes, we checked things out and even gathered some extra food. There are a lot of monsters in the tidal pools. Some with venoms and poisons. But the village we are thinking of making here would be excellent. Plenty of resources and chances for growth." Walker wasn\'t sure what Terron was thinking. When it came to Terron, he was a closed book kind of person. Hard to read but overall honest when he spoke.

"I will see what else I can find. Another village may be good." This made Walker realize that Terron wasn\'t sitting here stuck on his thoughts about being in the ocean away from the earth elemental mana that would be under so many feet of water. Instead, Terron was worried about the future village and those that would come to make it up.

"I would assume that the earth dragon hatchlings and other young earth dragons might be able to teach some skills to the earth mages. We have to clear some stones and rocks from the river on the way here. I am sure landslides will happen again. It would be better to see them be able to take care of emergencies faster." This was the rope that Walker threw to Terron. A way for him to bring his dragon elders and hatchlings closer to Genesis while still maintaining some distance.

"Teach? They would lack the understanding that comes from living in true earth elemental mana. It will be done when the building begins. I will send three of my dragonkin to prepare this." Terron left from the spot they had stopped to speak below deck. He was sure that Terron appreciated the timeline to go back to the shore and enjoy the earth elemental mana before they were in the open ocean.

Meanwhile, Walker decided that he had to get back to the top of the ship. There were already a few shouts reaching his ears meaning that the fourth ship was properly arriving. It also meant that their last and fifth ship should be close behind.

What Walker didn\'t expect to see was that the fourth ship would have more people aboard than planned. There were multiple people that seemed somewhat familiar. Some Walker had seen while they went after the demon villages and towns to free them and others that he had seen in passing in Genesis city. But the thing they had in common was the fact that they were from the tamer\'s guild.

If this wasn\'t a surprise, then when a familiar face landed right in front of him, Walker was very surprised. "Elise! How did- you can\'t just let Stella drop you like that!" Stella had flown over holding Elise in her talons then dropped her right in front of Walker.

"Oh calm down. We just caught up with your second to last and last ship. This is the special tamer\'s guild force that I brought to meet you. I also have an advanced harpy group. You have missed out on a lot of changes the tamers\' guild has been making. Especially since Stella gets along very well with the harpy queen!" Elise seemed very happy to see another familiar face.

If Walker were to say anything in particular about Elise, it was that she looked radically more mature. Her armor and gear appeared to be higher quality and better upkept. Her face was smiling but her eyes had a determined appearance. Even the aura she gave off was more educated than the last time he had seen her.

"You\'re right. I haven\'t heard much about the taming guild. Last time I was there, I just had some guidance about helping the dragon hatchlings grow. I\'m glad you are coming. Having more warriors will help us a lot in the ocean." Walker was clear that he was happy about it. With Elise leading the tamers, he didn\'t have to worry about a few bad eggs like before. She would keep them in line.

"Oh, you will be excited to hear what I have to tell you. Come on, let\'s find Onyx and Midnight. Stella wants to see them too! We haven\'t seen how they have grown since the last time we were training together. We are too busy. Since there\'s time, let\'s go!" The energetic and free Elise was still there inside a more mature looking Elise. Just because the outside appearance and the inside had matured, didn\'t mean that Elise wasn\'t still Elise.

"Sure thing. Let\'s go find them."



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