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Chapter 1653 1653. Spikes And Affinity

"What? Why would I want a shield? I want armor. Armor! That shell could be the coolest spiked armor ever. I would be able to run in to the center of an army and not get hit in the back!" This was not at all what Walker had thought Remey would say. She was actually thinking about fighting an entire army.

"Shouldn\'t you be thinking of these things? You have seen the vice guild master of the adventurer\'s guild, a general of the demi-humans, and even a general of the merfolk rush in to battles by themselves. They can do it so I want to be able to do it." Remey was seemingly stuck in her own head over this.

Yet, the more that Walker thought about this, the more he agreed. They knew many people that could fight alone against many powerful foes. The most that the party had done was team up with other warriors in some capacity and fight the smaller battles within a larger battle. To say that the party could fight an army would be a blunt lie.

Normally, those that could fight an army were far and in between. Through the guidance of the world and just a ton of luck, the party had been able to bring so many powerhouses together. This would never normally happen. Even in the dragon race, there would be the separate dragon villages with their separate royal and elder dragons. None of them would be together in one battle.

This alone could be astounding but it had been taken much further. The best young and general of demi-humans was in Genesis. There were the best crafters, the most promising alchemists, and even the best of the best when it came to researching magic. So many different things had come together based on what the party had done. Some of the things they did weren\'t even the greatest events! Others contributed more.

"I guess we are kind of like glue or cement." Walker\'s weird words made Remey wonder if Walker was losing his mind. But she just shrugged and thought about stealing the shell from Gil since he had managed to capture one of the spiked water bears.

"If you want this you will have to make it work my while. I want a high wind affinity potion. I need to see if I can help Zephyr regain even more wind elemental mana. If I can I might be able to use the avatar of wind title skills more often." Walker came back from his inner thoughts to hear Gil and Remey bargaining.

"That\'s all? I can do that. I have materials for all the affinity potions here. But If I make one you know that Ventus will need one too and I will have to make one for every single dragon here." Remey knew that this would not go unnoticed by those sensitive to the manas that the potions would influence.

There was also the fact that she might not be able to make a high potion of every single affinity. The materials might not be perfect and the process for the high affinity potions was a little harder. She had the research notes from the old master alchemist and Trish but that was it. She had to fully rely on her own strength to ensure that the potion was of the highest quality. Something she still needed more experience in.

The materials themselves were gained from connections and not farmed by the alchemy guild. If it were farmed by the guild then there would be a more refined elemental mana within them. The people that focused all their energy on nurturing the herbs were able to maintain a certain purity that some of the wild herbs lacked. It was the natural developments that were kept in pristine conditions while in a farming environment watched with a careful eye.

This led to an easier process for alchemists since the herbs were grown with the intention of giving up certain qualities and manas. Therefore, it gave the alchemists a better chance of success and quality in their potions. But what made Remey worried were the herbs she had. They were wild and some of them had been dried by others.

"That\'s fine. I will settle for whatever you can make. If I can take a day to isolate myself on the top of the tower to try and sense the wind…well, just let me know. I might even ask Ventus for guidance. Maybe Ignus could teach Midnight more about fire too." Gil thought that this would be a good chance to let those around them take the lead.

There was also the fact that the party could follow Remey\'s train of thought and learn more to be able to take on armies. It was the difference between relying on others to be strong and being able to stand by themselves. Gil wanted to be able to do that as well. But his thoughts leaned toward protecting Alma and those he had formed bonds with. Remey just thought of being able to stand and keep building the better future she had created already.

"What\'s going on?" Su had managed to catch on that the three were talking about something with a lot of energy. The bargaining that Gil and Remey had going was enough to catch a glance from others already.

"Gil managed to shoot a spiked water bear and Remey wants the shell so that she can have spiked armor to protect her back in battle." Walker summed up the conversation simply. "They are debating the potions Remey will make once she makes one for Gil. But if we ask Ventus to help Gil with a potion and Ignus to Help Midnight for a potion it might be a fair trade."

"I see…" Su caught on easily. She could catch on to her friends\' thought processes easily. It was just something that came with spending longer periods of time with others. "I will ask Terron to help me then if I can join this." Since Su had the earth affinity too, she knew that Terron might want to teach a little. Especially because she knew that Walker could hand over a few earth elemental crystals with a potion to help him out. It could do well to increase their bonds.

"Perfect, that leaves Mordant and Rise to Help Onyx and Current to… well, we can see if he wants to help the merfolk since they are all related to water. I bet that he has some secrets." Gil caught Su\'s goal and was happy that they could make things work out.

"I will help with that. Here I thought that I would just be taking a rest aboard the ship. Now I am more interested." Current was standing behind them watching this entire conversation with amusement. No one had noticed that he had taken his dragonkin form back.

"I\'m glad that you agree. Let\'s do it!" Remey was already in motion. She pointed at Gil before she moved to go back to the alchemy Lab. "Make sure you save that shell and have Walker store that away. I want to find a blacksmith that will carve that perfectly in to a back armor for me."

"Back armor should be good. She is a forward fighter. She will need her back covered from physical attacks. I have a few dragonkin that carry a shield on their backs for that reason." Current pointed this out to Walker and the others. No one had truly noticed this but it was very true.

"You\'re right. I have a secondary shield just for that and in case I need to switch shields. Actually, I should begin thinking about getting another shield. My twin shields can\'t be used everywhere." This spurred a whole new thought process for Su. It also caused Walker to wonder if he should consider helping Su create a shield that could gather natural mana. She would eventually match the same affinities that Midnight and he had through their bonds.



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