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Chapter 1681 1681. Growing Through Lightning

Many people saw this, especially the mages. They knew that they had to maintain Waker and Alma\'s safety. That was why the ship formation began to change. The king of the surface had made the ships come together a little more with a focus on keeping everyone steady. The cage was their protection while the ship with Walker and Alma was the new center for the formation.

The water mages worked even harder to keep the waves from displacing a ship by a single inch. It was the only way for them to maintain that the ships would not be damaged at all. It was also the best way to keep Alma\'s magic skills working. The less stress she had, the higher the result that the wild bull kelp would be strong. Especially since they could not add to her skills in any way other than blocking the waves.

As if to mock them, the sky flashed with a bright light. The ocean was illuminated showing the rolling waves and the water caught in the winds. Some would see it as an apocalyptic sight while others might even say it was beautiful in a chaotic way. But when all was said and done, it was nature at its finest. A display of mana coming together and changing the very world around them.

"Brace!" Walker roared out loud enough for everyone to hear. He had used a small amount of mana as a warning. However, they all felt the hair on their arms stand up. Some even felt the water they were touching become slightly energized before a massive flash of light hit the wild bull kelp cage.

The following boom was full of the smell of air itself burning. The wild bull kelp sizzled and blackened as the lightning traveled to the water. Alma flinched as the roots in the water were burned up. The dissipating lightning was causing the wild bull kelp to die right there on the spot. Yet, that was not all Alma could do. She was stronger and had raised many plants higher than this. She would not raise a plant to just lose right away.

With the influx of mana that Walker was still working hard to gather, Alma pushed life back in to the wild bull kelp cage she had made. It reacted with vigor and wrapped around itself more. The burned ends becoming a guide for the new growth. Even more roots spread away in the waters around while the stalks continued to intertwine.

The next flash of lightning came all too soon. The sizzling or wild bull kelp made everyone hear and smell the danger they were in much more than before. The blackened bull kelp appeared even stronger than before. Walker and everyone knew that they were crossing through the center of the storm now. The winds and waves had reached much higher strength and the lightning that had been in the distance reached them.

There were arcs of lightning n the ocean as more strikes rained down over the water. Current roared in retaliation as he used his body to break through the largest waves. He could feel the remnant lightning in them and didn\'t even flinch. It was proof of his dragon might over others.

Ventus was much the same. The largest gusts of wind brought familiar lightning toward her as well. She had long been in the sky and had fared through many storms. She was not unfamiliar with lighting, she had more resistances than many did to storms. However, she had to avoid direct strokes, the secondary arcs were all she could handle without actually taking damage.

The roaring of dragons and the extreme growth of kelp. No one would have imagined this to be a sight that appeared in the open ocean. Yet, if someone were to look closely, there was a boy gathering mana like a mad man. A boy grinding his teeth with a furious smile.

While Walker did not realize the expression he was making, he was filled with energy opposed to being tired or strained. He had been feeling more and more energetic as he pulled at the mana around him. Even the shocks of residual lightning made him feel better by the second.

\'The skill lightning apostle\'s cloak had been taken from the lightning apostle system. The user has learned the lightning apostle\'s cloak but creating lightning, being shocked by lightning, using related lightning based or inspired skills.

Lightning apostle\'s cloak- 30 mana cost, dependent on lightning hitting the user

The mana cost is very high to begin with, however, the cloak does not actually generate lightning. It attracts the lightning around the user and makes it in to their protection. The stronger the lightning, the less it will harm them. There is also a mana and stamina replenishing effect when attacked by lightning. This skill is very dependent on the situation, if used when there is no lightning, it is basically useless.

This skill is part of the lightning god\'s blessing. Those who can use it are always limited to the ones blessed by the one with the lightning god system. If achieved without the blessing, the skill may be weaker or cost additional mana.\'

This was not anything Walker could read at the moment. He felt alive. His blood was roaring along with every stroke. As if to challenge the thunder and call down more lightning. The yellow arcs that wrapped around him appeared to be a protective cloak. It even extended to protect Alma as well.

The next strike of lightning around all of them caused a larger cloak to appear around Walker. He could feel it in his blood. The relationship with Midnight and Fleur was showing its true colors. Walker\'s body had been advancing without him knowing. He had dragon and nature mixing together within him. His human status was still there, however, he was not entirely that any longer.

The sheer amount of mana that was flowing through him was proof of that. Between the lightning apostles cloak giving him more stamina and mana, he had the natural mana that had begun to flow in to him with higher density. The chaotic mana that had not wanted to cooperate was now following his orders much better.

This had all come to be with the fact that he was grasping a better understanding of lightning. The storm\'s ever changing state made Walker focus on these things. Yet, it also made him try to understand the exact fusion. It was a rush of understanding, awakening, and even more all at once. That was why he could only grow more encapsulated by it.

Every bolt of lightning that flowed down was redirected, was taken away from them. Even Alma felt that she was being recuperated by Walker\'s skill. She had no idea what skill it was, but she felt somewhat refreshed because of it. Especially as the lightning began to move further away and stroke less often.

The winds began to shift and the waves were already falling. The storm that had come on in a flash was dying away in a flash. By the time it was a distant show, all that was left for everyone to look at were the small damages and Walker who was standing still releasing dense natural mana in to the air.

Alma felt her mind finally release the wild bull kelp and the overgrowth skill she had been using. As she stepped away from Walker, she knew that he was in a strange state. He was completely focused on the mana around and within him trying to understand it. But the spirit marks on his body shown strongly since Fluer was also gaining a lot from this storm.

\'The skill lightning surge has been taken from the lightning mage system. The skill lightning surge had been gained because of related lightning skills and the direct experience of lightning to the user\'s body.

Lightning surge- 15 mana cost

The user can fuse elemental mana to create lightning in a burst. The surge will send small arcs of lightning around the user. The lightning can stun and cause damage to others depending on how much mana is used at once. The better the understanding of the fused elemental manas that create lighting, the better that this skill can be used.\'

Walker just smirked as he closed his eyes and his face softened. He was going to meditate until Fleur and him dealt with all the excess mana around him. He could not move an inch until then.



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