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Chapter 1700 1700. Earning A Warm Walcome

However, their appearance and the fact that they were not acting hostile made the man trust them a little more. "It is a nice place to start. I would say you need a little more help making it safer though. What happens if beasts run over? Can you block them with a wall or fences?" Walker was worried that this might overstep. Yet, he also wanted to show that he was going to look out for the best interest of them as they helped him. This was the best way to begin a better relationship.

Many faces watched from the windows while a few taller men were guarding the doors of every small home. Even some of the younger boys were prepared with a hatchet or pitchforks so that they could join their fathers in defense of their village. However, some of them relaxed as they saw that the group of strangers was following their elder calmly and with interest.

The real problem was that these villagers were clearly on edge with everything. This told Walker that the war issue here on the Sigil continent was more prevalent than he had imagined. The war must have made many of the people on edge if they were even miles from the border between the two empires.

"We can sit here in the open. It will be the best place to have a talk." The man clearly chose this because everyone would be able to keep an eye on things. It was also so he could easily take to the lies if there was any potential for a fight.

"Thank you. We are grateful for the chance to speak." The others say with Walker while Midnight and Onyx kept a watchful eye around. They were going to remain careful as well just to be sure.

"So, can we have any form of map? We can offer some healing potions and medicines." Walker took them out and placed them on the small wooden table that the man had sat them down at. This was surely a meeting place for the adults as well but was seeing reused for them at the moment.

"These are very high quality for this area. Do you have lesser potions?" The man looked at them with worried wrinkles on his face.

"These are actually just low tier potions already…" Walker didn\'t have anything less. He knew that it wouldn\'t be allowed for them to even think of having anything like that since alchemists would see them as failures.

"Oh. You must come from a very influential family to have such things." The man became a little better mannered and proper in his speech as Walker showed the potions.

"I assume these are harder to get here in a small village. It should help to have a few better ones?" Walker left a few mid tier health potions on the table now shocking the man.

"They can be watered down with purified water after you boil and cook it for ten minutes. It will be safe for all ages too. Make it last if you need to." This was not recommended but would be useful for extended healing. Remey knew healers did this even though alchemists mostly hated this action since it diluted their hard work.

"This is. My village will give you a local map leading to the border embassy. That should be what you want. I can also share a book of local fauna and flora with you. I believe you may not know what is and is not dangerous here."

"Yes. We would like one of those. I will take it so we can study it." Remey didn\'t even let Walker finish speaking. She agreed to that immediately.

"Can we ask about the current state between your empires? We would like to avoid stepping in to Army battles by accident." Su managed to get them right back in track which made Walker very appreciative. She was always right there to keep everyone honest and straightforward.

"There is a peace for now. The last five years were too heavy on everyone. We are one of the first villages to return here so that we can rebuild. I would recommend avoiding the border because it is safer. Also avoid the mountains, there are dangerous monsters there. Similar to you dragon…but it\'s been years since a dragon existed here. How is one…well, where did it come from?"

Now this was news. The way webs were clearly an issue for both empires but especially the Rize empire since it had a mountain region. Yet, the fact that they thought dragons to be gone forever really made Walker want to know more.

"What do you mean that you thought dragons were gone?" Onyx\'s voice was the one to ring out. He sounded angry that anyone would dare say that his precious sister might not or should not exist.

"It\'s fine onyx, he isn\'t threatening Midnight. He just hasn\'t ever seen a dragon. Some people were stunned to see here at home before you came along. Now they accept the dragons a lot more." Walker patted Onyx\'s head making the man stunned even more.

"I see that you value everyone around you like family. I see this village as family. My name is Neil. I Al the elder here. And to your question, dragons don\'t exist here that we know of."

"It\'s been about a hundred years since the dragons joined the wars for territories. They used to ally with each territory before the full strength of the empires fought each other. They lost many as well and soon had no way to reproduce."

"That led them to other means. Soon they passed on their blood to weaker monsters and failed to create a proper race to pass on their knowledge. Their temples and ruins are taken or lost to us now. But that is where some other draconic monsters came from. Especially the wyverns."

The small amount of history hit hard. It hit very hard. To think that the proud dragons were pushed so far by their own wars was brutal and inconceivable. Even Midnight growled slightly at the very thought.

"The dragons are a powerful race. I would not say things so bluntly if my fellow dragons were around. Luckily for you, I am not born a dragon. But I am one as far as the world is concerned. But I don\'t take any insults." Walker made this clear.

"It is good to know the history though." Walker frowned a little. "I hate to ask, but do you have a history book here? I can memorize it and rewrite it for the others." Walker saw Neil shake his head.

"That\'s fine then. In other means, would you like some help here while my friends learn from your people? I could build you a small wall to protect you. Alice can heal with Su\'s help. Gil can repair some bows for you. And Remey can make you some basic medicines. Onyx and Midnight are very good at playing games with children. They even take care of some younger siblings of theirs."

The change of topic made Neil a little shocked again. But seeing the genuine kindness in Walker\'s eyes was all he needed to relax fully. He could tell that by their actions and how they desired peace over everything that they were not here to burn their village. They truly were who they said they were.

"Yes, let me call the adults." Neil stood up and looked around, "gather here and welcome our guests. They need a tour!!" It was like the village had been unfrozen. The doors opened and many children ran out to see the unfamiliar people visiting them.

"It\'s good to see that children are the same everywhere we go." Walker watched the children around Midnight and Onyx. "Midnight is still the star of the show here." He chuckled a little as he watched the children slowly get closer while getting even more curious.

"Excuse me… where are your wings?" This was the first question Walker heard directed at himself. This made Him smile. He felt very lucky to be the first one to explain all the kinds of races that had come together to make Genesis a one of a kind place for everyone even monster races.


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