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Chapter 1719 1719. Entering The Embassy

"I am the simple hand for the Greater Fel empire."

They both seemed to have a distaste for the other but stood in the same positions as their representatives. They also didn\'t share names meaning that who they were was of no value. This told Walker a little more about the Fel and Rize empires.

First that they didn\'t value who a person was but they gave everything for the position that they held. This was similar to the dragons but not in such an extreme way. The dragonkin under the royal dragons still had their individuality and didn\'t just live as dragonkin warriors. That was not all that they were but it was something they strived to be and lived up to.

The angels also showed Walker that the two empires were very alike. They had split many years ago but still had similar or the same titles for their people. This meant that even though they had different underlying beliefs, that they had the potential to come together. Or at least that was how Walker saw it. He was sure that the empires were blind to this.

"Do you accept my offer?" Walker allows them a moment to think. They were clearly the two that could accept this at the moment. If they were the hands of their respective empires then they would be able to welcome Genesis within the embassy to speak.

"We both welcome your representatives to speak." The two didn\'t even need to look or talk about it. They were here just for show. They had already decided this along the way.

"Good. we will be coming. We already have some agreements for you to look over. However, the Rize empire is where we landed so we will require more from you for the time being. But that does not mean we do not wish to invest in the Fel empire either." Walker said this just to keep things clear that he was thinking of both.

As the royal dragons and Walker moved through the air, those below them began to march again. The rest of the party was keeping everyone in line and prepared. It was a great split effort between everyone making their way through. The ground soldiers wouldn\'t have been able to keep their calm without someone leading each group. That was the height of their nerves at the moment. This could go very poorly and it put them on edge.

"We do not wish for your wyverns to enter. They are currently standing against the Rize empire." the hand of the Rize empire spoke calmly before he wanted to move forward again. He was adamant about this.

"Then it is a good thing that you are looking at royal dragons. Do not sully our names with that relation again. Your continent may have allowed dragons to go extinct, however, we still have them. You are listening to right now." Walker made sure to put some anger in to his voice to show just how insulting what had just been said was.

The glares from the other royal dragons were barely held back. But they were royals. Even Ignus knew that silent anger was enough to properly show off that they could not be abused. It was a powerful weapon of any royal in any place. The look of one that could tear someone apart.

"We also know that the Fel empire suffers as well. Their plight just hasn\'t made it to our continent yet. But do not worry. We will clean up some of the mess if your terms are proper." This caused both the respective hands of empires to flinch slightly. They had never been spoken to like this but understood that they had brought it on themselves.

"We will continue inside." The hand of the Rize empire didn\'t apologize but instead continued as if nothing had happened. It wasn\'t good but it wasn\'t the worst that could have been done. Especially since he could have been foolish and ignored what had been said in response to his words prior.

The slow move through the sky and ground ended closer to the large embassy. The massive white structure was made from a perfect marble. Half on the side of the Rize empire was carved to represent the elemental angels. It was clear that the artistic renderings had been made so that it perfectly showed off the strength of these angels with multiple wings.

The opposite side was melded with darker stones to carve in to it the external manas. Those that didn\'t fit within the elemental manas. There were depictions of space, time, death, life, and so much more. Walker felt that he was looking at a world he had not been able to grasp yet. However, the odd feeling he got looking at it made him wonder if they were truly out of the flow of the natural elemental manas or if it was just a slim view that made others believe this.

Walker didn\'t have the time to think on this topic now though. The two hands of their respective empire landed on the ground and the two large doors, one of black and one of white opened. It revealed a massive room with a large table made out of the similar black and white stone. This was clearly the meeting place for both empires and nothing more.

"The archangels have been called and will arrive within the day." the two seemed to know what Walker would ask next. It was clear that these two were just keepers.

"I did not expect that an archangel would just have four wings. A hand has four, and arch must have six or more? Then what of the fables twelve wing angels? Were those the elders?" Walker did not hold back his questions. He was sure that he had to test the two and see what they were thinking here and now or else he would miss the chance to get a little more information.

"You may observe the art and learn as you wish. These are scenes of the greatest of our empires showing their might." The hand of the Fel empire saw right through Walker and did not give anything away.

"I see that. I will gather my own representatives to watch as we speak later then. If you want anything to eat you are welcome to what we bring out. You see, a hard journey deserves a meal to welcome others." Walker made this a clear point. It was something he wanted to bring to them so that the angels had the chance to see that Genesis wasn\'t just here to deal with harsh issues. But actually here to grow an alliance.

Remey, Gil, Alma, Su, Midnight, Onyx, Elise, and the Royal dragons all stood with Walker while preparing things. Alice came in a little after them and stood tall next to the group as she had need her song for the time being.

Seeing the prepared foods being set on their meeting table, the two hands of their empires slowly opened their eyes wider. They had not expected that someone would be taking things out using a spatial magic skill. It made the Fel empire wonder about what the Genesis alliance believed. It also brought a glare from the Rize empire.

"I managed to learn many things. Surprise and glares will be constant if you focus on them. But can anyone use natural mana between your two empires? Or do you not combine all four elemental manas and then look to combine other manas with less study?" The slight wave of elemental and natural mana made the hand of the Rize empire open his eyes wider too.

The two hands were both stunned by the causal showing of both their ideals in one person. Let alone one group that was saying they stood atop an entire continent. "We do not believe that knowledge should be divided. Nor that people should be divided by race. Please feel free to ask some questions and eat while you wait for your superiors. We will not make any deals with you now. Just show off what we have brought to eat."

With this, Walker presented the now full table of food. He did not show a single paper or anything like that. He would be true to his words and make a lasting impression of what kind of place Genesis was striving to be. Food was just a start. Especially since seasonings and some food items were specifically from their home. It would inspire trade right away.


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