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Chapter 1766 1765. Royal Pressure

The looks from the royal dragons to Walker were enough for them to realize that he was angry. He had been angry when they told him about sending away their young. About how they tossed away the weaker hatchlings because they didn\'t believe that they could be strong at all.

Yet in the time when they had met Walker and seen Genesis, they had been proven somewhat wrong. He had managed to find places where the weak dragons could learn. Awaken unique skills that the dragons lacked as a race at the moment.

Alchemy, appraisals, bodyguards, and so much more could be found. The dragons had just been blinded by pride. And now, the wyverns were behind to travel the very same foolish path because of their bloodline. It was the start of history over again in some aspects.

Mordant saw the mana gather around Walker and remembered the first time he had seen the elemental dragon aspect. It was Walker\'s strongest skill. The skill he would use to ensure a victory but also to make the sturdiest points. But it also used the most mana to make that point.

"You know nothing of value!" Mordant\'s voice boomed out and his claws scraped in to the ground beneath him. He showed the anger that Walker had and knew it was enough to make the point.

"Do you think you can be like those you praise as great by throwing aside the young that can not do anything yet? Purity!? Do you not understand that every element works together in this world? You are young and foolish!" Mordant continued to put darkness elemental mana in to the air and pressure the wyvern queen.

As if cold water had been poured on Walker, his anger was snuffed out and his mind cleared. He knew that Mordant could have stayed silent but had spoken for him.

"Stop. This wyvern queen is foolish and young. After the problem children are cleaned up we will re-educate her. I see no issues in that. A child must learn the hard way if necessary." Ventus spoke calmly but her words were terrifying. They held a mother\'s disappointment.

"Those pure wyverns you say will be born. They will be allowed to live but you must leave here and control your children. You are mother and queen. Whether all of them are actually your children does not matter. Call them to you and order them to follow your every word. You will never be able to rival one of our children, let alone us, if you do not learn to lead. Dragons are rulers of territory. We are the strength or those that serve us."

Rize was calm but her eyes pierced through the wyvern queen. This wasn\'t even a battle. Walker had expected much more. A vicious fight tooth and nail to get the wyvern queen to calm down and stop her antics. But here they were, the literal pressure and strength of the royal dragons was enough to outright suppress the wyvern queen.

"I can not leave my children!" This was the pushback all of them expected. The eggs were the single most important thing to the wyvern queen. Rightfully so. Ventus could closely understand this since she had just given her children the roles of protector to the demon villages as their first experience as the dragon in charge. She was a mother most recently too.

"You will." Walker spoke and his voice also boomed. He had been calmed down but he knew he had to act as a dragon. He could not stand back. This time he would use his strength with a clear mind.

The mana that shifted around him was mostly earth. Walker mostly replicated Terron\'s dragon form to make the elemental dragon aspect. Small bits of darkness and water flowed about too making him seem stronger and larger than before. But the terrified look of the wyvern queen proved that she had been underestimating him the most.

Someone so small. A little thing compared to the massive dragons. A little thing standing next to a young little dragon. But now she knew that she could not compare to the potential in front of her. Every being could sense the control of mana and she felt that she was sure to lose her own control of mana if he absolutely used his strength against hers.

"Do you doubt that with all of us here, that your eggs would be in danger? Are you foolish or just looking down on us? Can you understand the situation you have brought upon yourself? Because of your actions, because your wyverns do not obey you, we came from across oceans to destroy you if you were not able to be reasoned with. You are already being granted leniency by every royal dragon in front of you. Are you going to throw it away so that we can destroy you and your children?" Walker felt his heart hurt with these harsh words. These threats.

They did have an effect though. The wyvern queen that had been built up to be so powerfully was shivering. Pressure from every royal dragon made her understand she was just small before their eyes. Too young and weak as of yet even to this ages\' dragons. Let alone their ancient ancestors.

The wyvern queen could not even speak. The pressure was too much for anyone to be able to even respond to. However, they all saw her struggling to move her head and agree. But they also saw that she had taken a deep breath. The moment the pressure was released, the wyvern queen released a massive screech that echoed through the ruins and the caves. The outside even heard them causing the sounds to bounce from the mountains.

The immediate response was that every bit of rumbling ceased around the cave. There were even screeching roars that responded and many of the wyverns that were closest had flocked toward the ruins as quickly as possible. It was so quick that some would say that they were possessed by something to return.

The sudden change of events was so different that it made many of the soldiers pushed toward where the royal dragons were. Su had taken the lead to order them to do so only to find that Walker was still using the elemental dragon aspect skill to stand before the wyvern queen. The intimidating aura all around them was ensuring that the soldiers all stopped and stood still.

"They will return and await my orders. I will make this-" The wyvern queen stopped suddenly as she spoke in front of the royal dragons. She turned and rushed toward her eggs with rage in her eyes. "Do not dare touch my children!" The shift to her natural form was clear and powerful as she lashed out a tail toward something falling from the ceiling.

The large yellow block that fell was going to land directly on the eggs if the wyvern queen had not pushed herself and covered the eggs completely. The sudden sizzling of acid and stone caused the wyvern queen to hiss out in pained rage but she refused to move as she was attacked.

"Oh, you are faster than I expected." The laughter that echoed around the cave was familiar to Walker and the entire party. "I wanted to burn away those little things but I will gladly let my little slime have a snack of wyvern meat. I already procured what we came for anyways." The laughter faded away as the yellow acid slime lord showed its true appearance and continued attacking the wyvern queen.

"That\'s an acid slime lord. Destroy it now! It is going to kill the wyvern queen and the eggs!" Walker was quick to control the earth and send multiple spikes toward the large slime lord body. He was sure that he would be slower. He had not expected such an attack from his enemies.

When Mordant heard Walker\'s warning, he immediately acted. But to his surprise, he felt his mana meld with Walker\'s attack. The two had the same goal and Walker was focused ont the earth elemental mana. A great bonding of the two.

Adding in natural mana and the change was great. Larger and faster spikes of condensed stone shot pout attacking the acid slime with extreme force and spearing it like a pin cushion. "Current, all the water you can muster, Now!" Current didn\'t hesitate.

With the boost from Walker using natural mana and also conjuring up his strength to create water, Current felt the same changes. He pushed with his will and made a large flowing ball of water over the wyvern\'s queen\'s nest.

It was only moments but the damage had been done. The wyvern queen was barely breathing as she had protected her nest with all her strength. The acid had dug in to her body causing extreme burns. "Healers, together!" Su and Alice were already in motion. They did not even need to think before they acted.


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