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Chapter 1772 1772. Hatching Ground

The ruins were massive. The ancient dragons that had created this ruin were sure to be able to make the entire place accessible to the largest of dragons. Hut that was just how it should be. They didn\'t need to worry about the other races. They were the dragons that stood at the very top, they were more advanced and made their homes with many items that other races did not have.

The ancient dragons had access to the memory crystals that they stored their legacies within. They had the ability to be able to create statues and hide away secrets. They also had the power to make literal mountains. Overall, it was an amazing thing for anyone to be able to see.

When it came to the areas that midnight and Walker were exploring, they were just stunned by them. The stone carvings in the wall made with incredibly advanced understanding of earth elemental mana could make any artist unsure if they were capable of art in the least.

When Walker examined the sculpting of statues and the walls, he recognized that the earth sculpting skill had been used. How could an earth dragon now have it? This was a basic skill that earth mages had. Walker had even learned it fairly early and had it as one of his most advanced earth mana skills. That was simply because he had the power to imagine buildings and things she had seen and memorized before.

This had been very useful in larger battles. Being able to create walls or towers using a lot of mana was very useful. But the earth dragons that had created this had done things with intricate details. Walker could not sculpt the intricate battle scenes of dragons fighting against massive ancient monsters. He could not create leaves that appeared to be real leaves from a tree just cast in stone. It was well beyond him.

"Could this all be beyond what earth sculpting can do? Even the high earth sculpting is nothing like this…" Walker\'s mumbling made Midnight examine everything more closely. She could not create earth spikes or manipulate mountains. She could just use breath attacks that had earth mana within them. A sandstorm somewhat that came from her fusion of manas within her and outside of her.

As much as she wanted to do things like the other dragons, she was young still. She had barely scratched the surface of one elemental mana. How could she grasp many? The closest she had gotten to any elemental mana was darkness elemental mana because that was what she had been born with. Fire was second because she had used it the most often. Forging and just generally helping out. Not to mention the fact that she had slept near flames and fires since she had been born after joining Walker\'s party.

"Why not switch to your dragonkin form and practice normal human speech? It would help you out while we search." Walker knew that the wyverns were all forced to slumber. They were also unable to attack them now that the queen had used a massive amount of mana to exert her will unto them. It made sense that Midnight take advantage of that and move around in the form she used the least. She had already come further than any other dragon by taking a dragonkin form at the youngest age ever to be seen by dragons.

"Brother." Midnight did as she was told but let out a complaining response. She didn\'t want to train this way since she was more interested in getting stronger.

"Don\'t bother me. Elise should never have taught you that. I won\'t let you get away without being able to walk around and communicate with everyone the same way. Onyx won\'t always let you be a silent hero." Walker tried to poke Midnight on the cheek now that she was in her dragonkin from but she dodged him and nudged him right back.

If anyone was watching they would swear they were blood brother and sister fighting a little. But Walker and Midnight were closer than just blood now. The bonds that held them were by their souls, not just blood.

"I can already feel the earth mana all around that was left from years and years of work. But I have no idea what to do with this palace." The passageway that Walker and Midnight had traveled appeared much less used by the wyverns.

The wyverns had clearly kept the place clean. A surprising fact about how they respected the strength of the dragons they saw depicted her. But the wyverns had now shown that they were trying to take a path as their own race. They just had the powerful ancient dragons as motivation. Yet, there was also the simple fact that the wyverns had seen this area before.

The area that Walker and Midnight had made it to were somewhat smaller. They had many more pictures of dragons fighting one another. Fighting for strength over the other and taking the dominant positions above mountains. A clear way to show that dragons had fought to show they were the toughest and strongest among the elemental families.

Since this was dragon culture, it made sense that this was the same culture that had let the current dragons to toss aside the weaker hatchlings. Unfortunately, many had been lost before their minds had begun to change. Luckily, it had changed. Now the battles like these were not needed. Especially since the ancient monsters that could fight these powerful dragons were no longer around.

Instead, the picture showed history. Along with this, Midnight was able to catch on that there were smaller and smaller dragons being shown in the pictures. "Brother, this way." Her excited comment made Walker rush to catch up with Midnight who had run toward another large chamber. A dead end within the ruins.

To say that the chamber was large was only in comparison to Midnight and Walker. Compared to the others, it was somewhat smaller. What was left behind within it though, was what walker and Midnight had been looking for.

The larger divot in the ground surrounded by stones much denser than those of the walls or the statues proved that this had once been a nest of some kind. While time had taken its toll on the space, there were clearer signs of eggs hatching here and there on the walls. A place that many of the earth dragons had been brought to hatch.

Just smelling the air seemed to make Midnight even more enthusiastic. She could sense the mana around was purer than what was elsewhere. From what Walker could see, there were draconic runes on the walls that drew in the mana. They still functioned after so many years because they had been carved deeply in to the toughest of stones. A feat that only the ancient dragons could do and the current dragons would struggle with.

Even more, Walker was able to follow the carvings along the ends and realized that the entire chamber had been made to bring the mana to the center of the room. The draconic writings on the walls even gave descriptions of how the hatchlings would need to fight for dominance. To show their strength before they were allowed to leave the room.

"Midnight, I think this is the place to start training your earth mana. Not in your dragon form but your dragonkin form. What do you think? Want to try and use some skills like Su and I can with the earth?" The enticement of being able to copy Walker and Su was enough to bring a glint to Midnight\'s eyes and a toothy grin.

"Better. I can be better." Midnight\'s immediate rebuttal made Walker smile as he decided that the two of them would be training earth skills for a little bit. Walker saw the chance to elan from the walls and runes he saw. The high earth sculpting skill had to be able to change. He needed to understand how that change could come to be.

Midnight, on the other hand, had to learn to use skills and grow herself in a dragonkin form. She had the two forms. The downside right now was that she could barely do anything in her dragonkin form. Yes, she was stronger and could fight physically, but she had nothing else. She wasn\'t like the royal dragon that could attack like mages did with their elemental manas at a wave of their hand. Midnight could barely even breathe flames in her dragonkin form.

"The first one of us to learn something new wins. What will you try?" Walker looked at Midnight scrunching up her face in thought before she said something unexpected. Something that was definitely inspired by Su.

"Shield." The single word made Walker understand exactly why Midnight would want to learn this. Who she wanted to protect with an earth shield.


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