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Chapter 1787 1787. Keeping Covered

The preparations appeared to be moving swiftly. The supplies were easier to split in to manageable portions because of the amount of angel soldiers that had joined them. There was also the fact that the dragonkin did not flinch at having larger backpacks added to what they needed to move through the desert with. The only ones that seemed to be showing signs of suffering were the water affinity dragonkin.

"Current, what can we do to get your dragonkin through this? They are going to suffer more and more just like the amphibious demi humans with us." Walker had immediately started to address the issues. But unlike the demi-humans who had been able to look for ways to solve this issue, the dragonkin were less prepared. They rarely pushed in to extremely hot areas to battle. They stayed in their own territory.

"I was looking in to that as well. I want the water you store away to use water magic easier." Current had thought about it and saw that Walker had a much better solution than he did. Was this really true? No, Walker had no idea that he was carrying a solution to this issue at all. He just knew that he would be able to help Current.

"What do you need it for?" Walker was originally planning on storing the water and saving it for the chance that he might use it. He didn\'t have it purified in any manner to be used for drinking but in a pinch, he could use it for magic or even forcefully purify it with someone else\'s skills to be able to use it for cleaning wounds or drinking. There were also many other things it could be sued for. Camp items would need water since they would need to put out fires, wash away blood from monsters, or even just to protect something from the heat of the sun. water was a valuable thing in the desert.

"I will be using my mana to cover myself and my dragonkin in a thin layer of water for when it is needed. It will be the best method to prevent them from falling. If there is really lands underneath this desert sand and sun, I can manage to find it when we get to the excavated ruins." This seemed to be very viable.

The ruins would be the deepest underneath the desert. Current was a water dragon. Out of everyone, he had the sharpest sense when it came to sensing the water that would be hidden under the ground. Especially if it was a river, pool, or well. It would be best to leave it to Current and allow him to take the lead. It could also mean that Current could make a temporary pond or even lake in the middle of a desert.

This could have many good ramifications that would be able to save the soldiers from suffering. There was the simple fact that a temporary water source that didn\'t require travel would save lives from the heat. It would also allow the research and battle in top quality for those that have access. Basically, it would keep them able to use their minds without the fog of dehydration.,

Further, it could be the start of a well and permanent source of water for those that remained at the ruins after. It would be foolish to believe that the Fel empire would just stop researching and leave the ruins after the undead were handled. Even if the history was proven to be useless, it was a history that should be recorded. Everything was valuable. Even The smallest of details.

"You can use that as a buff to block the heat in a way. But I only have a few barrels of water. Wouldn\'t it all evaporate? Or can you keep it from doing so?" This was where Walker found a flaw in the plan. Wrapping the dragonkin and himself in water would just cause the water that Current used to evaporate quickly and leave them weaker than before. It would be very temporary for the traveling portion of their journey. Not to mention what would happen if they were to fight and get attacked. Battles could just increase the evaporation and losses of water.

"I have already considered this. I will use what the little water and earth dragon affinity dragons do while they grow. I will create mud." Current was annoyed at himself for having to do this. It would cover his beautiful scales and ruin his appearance. Not to mention that his dragonkin would also appear weaker and nothing like themselves.

However, he had seen the dual affinity dragons between some elder water and elder earth dragons. The mud dragons were often ignored because they literally lived in the mud or even swamps. A disgusting idea to many pure elemental dragons.

Yet, when the fact that they used the cover of mud to both blend in to their surroundings and also to be able to cover themselves from the environment, it had stuck with Current. It was a great idea right now. The heat would be blocked by the water and earth mud mixture. Current could easily hold the water from evaporating because the earth would actually work with him to trap the water close to their scales.

"Oh! That\'s actually a great idea. I didn\'t think of that. I can have the soldiers do this too. We have some water mages that can help everyone keep themselves from being burned and losing the mud off their bodies. Then the earth mages that are still with us can help too. It will be a heavier mana cost but a worthwhile one." Walker felt that Current was a genius.

If Current had known what Walker was thinking, he would have let his pride swell. While Current thought that Walker was just trying to be nice in the moment, he was actually thinking that Current was using some better dragon wisdom than he had imagined. The two were a little off the same page but had good intentions.

When the order to start making mud had gone out, the Fel angels thought that the human, demi human, and the other soldiers were a little foolish. The dragonkin with better resistances also saw this as a bit foolish. However, when the idea had been explained, the Fel angels embraced it over their cloaks and other equipment. In their minds, they could remove some heavier armor and be able to move much faster.

This was a sacrifice using a little of the defenses they lost as a price. Their dignity was not that important. Researchers were only that prideful over their subjects and not their own pride in this way. If they managed to make a result with this sort of action, then they would take it. The result they found here in this mud covering theory was simple. Speed. They would travel faster and be able to reach where the two sandstorms were soon to collide faster. That also meant that they would be able to run from the sand giants and make it to the ruins even faster than planned. It radically influenced the plan.

The water and earth mages were joined by many of the Fel empire angels with applicable magic skills. Mixing the mud was a drastically more important task that was proven to need more control. Current also joined in wishing that he could have Teron there. If he did, then the mixture would have contained more clay instead of the average dirt. In his eyes, it would be safer.

That aside, Ignus made sure to let everyone know their weakness while Rise pretended not to see it. The only ones that also backed the idea were Mordant who saw the benefit of having the soldiers in better conditions and Ventus who was more motherly than the other dragons put together. She liked the added protection from the surrounding environment. She did choose not to be covered in mud though. She would lose control of her flight if she did so. She had to be able to get in to the air with the currents and change the flow of the tornado that would form.

Midnight and also showed disdain for this. She liked her scales clean and shiny. But when Walker showed her that the scales she had cleaned were making her more visible to a monster, she realized her dangers. She would be putting everyone in danger from any airborne monsters that wanted to attack something shiny. Even if Midnight killed that monster, she would attract it and others to them. A dangerous risk for those she was trying to protect and help. It was a good enough reason to change her mind. Not that it stopped her from fighting Walker along the way a little. She was a younger sister and she had a job to do in that regard.


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