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Chapter 1809 1809. Flames Sneak Traps

"Our forces are mostly light elemental system users. It has been researched to a degree that these brutal monsters can be handled with a few different methods. Flames are somewhat effective but the ashes will still eventually reform them in to undead. Therefore, our flame mages and flying flame swordsman are able to handle the weaker undead easily along with weakening the larger undead here." 

The Fel angel in charge had a single hand from an undead brought, he made sure to show around the half ashen appearance as the undead hand was being reformed slowly but surely. Walker had wanted to see this sort of thing so that he could understand how long they would have when defeating the undead. It clearly showed him that the undead would only take minutes to reform when burned to dust. The hand was almost entirely reformed finger by finger as they watched. 

"Then we have some light affinity soldiers. Some that match the style of the Rize forces you have brought. While our beliefs differ, the world seems to share the systems readily." There was a tinge of distaste in this but that was just the Fel empire angel\'s beliefs melting through the colder exterior that he put on as a researcher. 

"We will have some called light shapers battling with you. They are not a group of battle soldiers. They create temporary weapons of light elemental manas. They are valuable and experiment with the shapes that light can take. While a sword they make out of pure light elemental mana may damage the user to a degree, this is mitigated through the special gloves or affinities someone may have. Then their weapons will last for ten to fifteen attacks depending on battle styles." Now this was what Walker wanted to hear. He had never heard of such a system use or skill set. 

"You should be able to send them to me then. With my mana influence they can do better than they could following you. I can create an aura of light elemental mana readily available for those I deem as my own." Rise was very forceful with her words. She was not going to let anyone sit and waste their strength. She also liked that her dragonkin would be able to use the light weapons created easily. 

"That can be arranged. I would prefer them to use their skills freely in this battle. I want to end the expansion of these undead sooner than later. A group of them sheared off from their city originally and caused five villages to perish at the edge of the desert. It is believed that they were collecting blood, body parts, and other things to bring back more undead. The angels lost in the battle have since gone missing permanently." 

This was the kind of new information that they had to know. Knowing that the undead were actively taking bodies of defeated soldiers back with them was drastic and exceptionally important to the survival of the armies. They had to know that every loss was the growth of another undead that could come after them. That meant that if they failed, the undead would become much more powerful. 

"That means that these things are racing each other by defeating living things. This is definitely bad." Mordant growled a little. He was sure that this meant that the undead they would face would be going after their blood as well. 

Since the undead might have a sense that the dragons had more power to them, they would attack the dragons in mass if possible. That would then cause the dragons to act out with their strength more. Therefore, making the new battlefield much more dangerous. "I want to make sure that we attack with enough force to handle this. I will need to prepare to break that sand tornado sooner than." Ventus saw that they should speed up their planning. The sooner the better so that the scouts could get inside the ruins even if it wasn\'t the perfect time that would expand shadows for them to hide in. 

"No, work with me." Ignus seemed to be thinking calmly for once. But it was clear that he had already given Remey a look. The two working together had made them understand their similar tendencies. But since Ignus had seen Remey\'s partner in action, he knew the value of the fires he could create with her and her partner backing her. 

"The grand fire elemental spirit will add to my strength. That sand tornado can be altered. We make a flame tornado. I know it is written that we will not do such a thing in our records. But this is an outstanding time and situation where it will add a great deal of value to what we are trying to achieve." Ignus was looking at his fellow dragons who all had changed their expressions to ones of distaste. 

"If fusing wind and fire to make a tornado of flames is against the rules, there must be a good reason." Su looked at the dragons and partially understood already. "Many things die when that was used. That was the case?" 

"You are correct to assume that. When the last royal wind and fire dragons fought over territory, there was a set of attacks that destroyed the entire territory. The winds and the flames battled one another before leaving the control of both dragons. The result was an entire area of mountain melted and turned in to an uninhabitable land for ten years. The elder punished every fire and wind dragon for that and created new traditions to follow. That is why the current territorial disputes between Ignus and I are handled differently." 

Since Ventus did not hide this, the Fel and Rize empire were able to learn a lot about the two elemental dragons. But it wasn\'t the information that they were stuck on. It was the years that the area was made inhospitable. "We can not destroy this area entirely. They are underground as well. The surface being attacked and made unable to attack would harm us more." The Fel angel that had been left to take the lead by Ethan was sure that this would hurt their entire process instead of helping them. 

"That is why I am trying to gain the benefit of a grand fire elemental spirit. We have the ability to work with them unlike you and the other angels who killed them off." Ignus showed some anger at this. He had grown to respect the elemental spirits much more upon seeing how well they worked with others. Some might be mischievous or just plain annoying in his opinion. However, he did not see them as a poor or worthless race of creatures. They had strength and they were able to use it in too many ways to count. 

"That is the being that will allow me to pull back the flames and stop them. I assure you that Ventus will do the same with assistance from Gil and his partner." Ignus pointed out Gil and proved that he was planning things much more ahead than anyone had given him credit for. His hot headed attitude had made Walker forget that this was a royal dragon, leader of an entire group. The one above all other fire dragons. 

"Turn the undead in the ruins to ash, send in the scouts with a safer chance to learn about the ruins. They will also get some buffs to resist the fire. Then we have a better chance to learn and to make it through overall. I like it." Gil agreed. He was certain that he and his partner would more than make this all work. Especially since Ventus was always open to working together with others. She was very adaptive. 

"That leaves us with a chance. Alice and I will spread some unique light elemental traps. I believe that she had a purification song?" Rise had not missed a single thing Alice did. That was just how she was when it came to light elemental skills. 

"I do." Alice immediately agreed. She was prepared for many situations. Doing this would only help that much more. 

"Then we have our plan of attack first. Burn them away, scout the lands, place purification traps, then plan the forces to enter the ruins appropriately. Let\'s do this." Walker saw that the Fel angels were surprised but did not hesitate. They agreed with this plan. It was more than they could do alone. That was why they had been stuck there defending and not attacking for so long. Now they would finally be able to push forward with their attacks and do something about an ongoing issue. 

"I will leave it to all of you. My forces are ready at any time to fight. We will not lose years of research and blood today." The Fel angels all appeared to become much more battle hardened after hearing this from their leader. 



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