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Chapter 1813 1813. Colder Rage

Just as Midnight felt the undead were going to enter the room she had made her way in to, she felt a shake that made every ruin appear to be in torment. The unique darkness mana that was flowing around was only from one place. One being. Specifically, one royal dragon in anguish. Mordant. 

As Onyx and Midnight had felt this, so had the undead. Those that were moving through the ruins as they were guided by the unseen forces of the controlling undead began to follow the source to attack. Likewise, Midnight and Onyx used that distraction to weave through smaller passageways, cracks, broken walls, and many odd rooms. They ignored the things on walls and the ghastly sights within the rooms. 

Every bit of their effort brought them further from the slower undead. The undead were slower due to their weaker state. The daytime was still able to affect them to some degree since the light elemental mana was in the air. It might not touch them, but natural weakness was still weakness. 

The large hallway that reminded Midnight of a grand hall or show room for kings or queens was where the two managed to sense one another through their bond. The larger side passageways that the two followed from the largest on the met in brought the two to another massive room. One that had a clear purpose. One that was not for creating, but for awakening undead. 

When they saw the shattered bodies of undead trying to reform and that Mordant was barely able to control the rage and overflowing darkness mana, they understood why. The room may seem simple since they were distracted by the darkness mana, but it was not. 

There were multiple draconic runes in use on the walls. Some had connecting veins dyed with blue, peoples, and reds. These weren\'t an issues though. The inlay of a dragon skeleton was the issue. The walls were written in some draconic along with other runes and symbols that were more or less unreadable. That didn\'t mean that the two couldn\'t read what Mordant had read. 

The wall had the tale of the undead high priest of death gathering their fellow high priests. Finding the largest desert cave containing the barely alive remains of a single dragon. A dragon that they had found directly as it had sealed its legacies behind impenetrable walls of flames that created tougher stones than they could even scratch. A dragon that they had rejoiced and celebrated over after ending its life. 

The weakness was clearly ignored in the drawings. Instead, it was celebrated as a sign that the dragons had failed to remain while they had managed to remain instead. That their race was better than dragons. The flesh and blood was used to create many powerful undead. These dragon wrapped undead were known as the death dragon guardians. 

The bones were unable to be brought back as a skeleton undead dragon. That left the high priests to fuse the bones in to a wall display that they would return to when they had enough strength. When their ruler had properly understood all of the death god\'s powers. The death god they worshiped could certainly force a pathetic dragon to rise again and become its pawn. 

These words were the clear and blunt insults toward the entire dragon race. The fact that Mordant had found it greatly pushed him toward a breaking point he didn\'t even know he had. The instinctual pride of dragons was more than spit on right in front of Mordant\'s eyes. 

As he witnessed the display of bones. Bones from a great dragon ancestor that had used the last of his life to protect a legacy for the next dragon. But in the last breath to be brutally murdered and desiccated. It made Mordant want to tear away at all he could. He could care less about the fact that the rune carvings appeared to reference flames. How could he care? A dragon was a dragon!

"Mordant, my sister and I will be bringing all of this back. It\'s nearly time to drag these undead to their final demise." Onyx\'s voice rang in Mordant\'s mind. But before Mordant could react, Midnight had spoken up. 

"Destroy all of them. Bring out true justice." Midnight more than understood Mordant\'s feelings. She felt her heart falling in to turmoil. However, a greater feeling arose. Not one of rage, but a feeling that she always felt through Walker and the others. A feeling that made her and all of them what they were. The desire to right this great wrong. To erase any chance that this would be done to another being, let alone dragon or other race. The hero title appeared to be resonating with exactly who Midnight was at the core of her being. 

This clear intention in both Onyx and Midnight\'s voice was what snapped Mordant to attention. Which made him instantly alter his mana and change the way he looked. His potential shift to his full dragon form halted while all those scouting the ruins with them had made their way toward him. 

The other darkness affinity beings halted away from Mordant, stepped forward. They pledged their own desires to stand with him after leading their fellow soldiers. Whether they were dragonkin or otherwise, didn\'t matter. The angels that were able to scout had found their brothers and sisters as well. They had seen the remains torn apart that were used to raise the undead from slumber. They seethed for justice as well. 

"Then we all leave together." Mordant\'s voice rumbled as he drew everyone in to his shadow and brought them all out through his usage of shadows. It was nearly instant compared to what anyone had expected, but Mordant had done so to seal their promises. To accept their feelings with his own hands. 

The appearance of every scout that had left at once made all the soldiers halt. They had already retreated due to the sudden release of darkness mana from Mordant. They had sensed it and believed battle was coming. Yet, when they saw the current state of every scout, they knew it was bad. 

"What is going on?" Ignus growled out. He knew if something had angered Mordant then it was an incredibly serious situation. One that warranted his immediate intervention. It wasn\'t like the other royal dragon hadn\'t stepped forward either. They all knew what depths something had to reach to cause Mordant to lose his control on such a level. 

"We discovered the atrocities committed by the rave here. We discovered the display of the great flame dominator dragon and found evidence that there is a completely sealed legacy below this ruin. We discovered the images painted and carved of these monsters killing the great flame dominator dragon while it was at its last breath of life then using the body to make more undead things." 

The cold tone made every single soldier that heard it clearly fall in to their own cold and disgusted state. While the words were enough to share one specific detail, the looks of the angels and Genesis soldiers proved that there were more than just one set of horrible sights to be seen. 

The angels slowly reported in monotone and cold tones about their brethren left to become shreds of what they had once been. For the monsters caught and torn apart viciously to awaken undead. For the depictions of terrible tortures used to make undead with weapons fused on the bones. How the undead were using ghastly tools to make this all happen. 

While everyone could feel their own emotions growing, there was a coldness that was taking it over. A cold anger, a cold sense of emotions that should never need to be shown. While most of the time, a dragon, or anyone would let their anger show, this was not a case. 

The situation had a true sense of disgust and horror to it that trumped all other action. That brought about a deepest desires to erase the chance of any other torrid thing happening. This snuffed out the potential flames of rage that Ignus would have by hearing this. That Any of the dragons had. Instead, steeling auras took over. The auras of the royal dragons ready to lay down judgment on those that had wronged the entire dragon race. 

Similarly, the angels appeared to unite. The Rize angels could sense more than they ever had the feeling of the Fel angels. In battle, their fellow soldiers were family. Closer than that, they were their left and right hands. The Fel angels had lost them. And so had the world. Revenge, but more importantly, justice would be served by the hands of an angel. Regardless of what they needed to do, they were here to persevere and make the lands safe from this threat. 



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