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Chapter 1819 1819. Crush The Lesser Priest

"Alice, start singing. Midnight, you are going to use the light elemental breath attack with Alice\'s boost to hit as many of the stone coffins as possible. Those undead are dripping blood on everything and trying to awaken them. They are adding it to the runes. We have to break this ritual. There are too many set up to happen all at once." Walker understood some of what they were watching. 

Instead of doing one small ceremony to awaken an undead, it appeared that the lesser mummified priests were doing at least fifty at once. It was a terrible thing to know was happening since it required so many parts of living things and blood. It was also clear that the undead involved were about to more than gain a few allies. They would have powerful allies that could battle against the party here for a long time. 

"That means I will take the outer edges while Su heads to handle the mummified amalgamations? She should be able to hold them both off since she is much faster than them." Gil knew exactly what Walker had in mind. 

"And I get to go crush that mummified lesser priest thing. Makes sense to let the strongest here break it apart while you try and break all the rune formations here." Remey nodded as she stood up and stretched her arm. Alice had already started singing and making the light elemental mana with her and the elemental crystals they had brought resound with strength. The undead had sensed them the moment that Alice had begun. 

The light elemental mana that also formed around Remey\'s fist was enough for the weaker undead worshippers to immediately feel the difference. Walker saw this out of the corner of his eye while Midnight was gathering some of the light elemental mana to use for herself. 

The mummified worshippers tried their best to rush toward Remey as she moved but she was faster. With a single jab, she easily broke through the bones and wrappings on their bodies. The three mummified worshippers tried to repair the shattered bones but the light elemental mana was interrupting it. Especially since Alice had brought the sensed light mana in to the air to be used. 

Before Midnight could attack, however, the lesser mummified priest had gathered a small ball of darkness and whipped it at Alice. What it hadn\'t realized was that Su had also made her move. Without even having to look at the attack the mummified priest had begun to send at Alice, she had already started charging forward. 

The clang of her shield locking together then slamming in to a mummified amalgamation caused the entire chamber to become louder. But it also showed off the sheer power that Remey had when the large mummified amalgamation was sent flying right in to the path of the ball of darkness shot toward Alice. 

The ball of darkness landed on the mummified amalgamation causing the random parts that had been forced on its body to rot and decay. The off curses and skills that allowed the undead to rebuild itself appeared not to work since the same powers that kept it moving were breaking it down. Whether Walker could use this or not wasn\'t even a question. 

To be able to use such skills and the mana that kept these undead moving would mean that he was also one of them or somehow connected. He didn\'t want that. If it happened, then things would get infinitely worse since he would also be controlled by something. There was also the fact that the mummified amalgamations were made to be taken apart if parts of its body were needed. Therefore, it made sense that certain parts could be torn apart and destroyed to a degree. 

When the lesser mummified priest noticed that its attack had done nothing, it screeched out in anger. It had enough intelligence to know that it was going to fail the mission it is being controlled to do. Unfortunately, the undead that it called and controlled to attack ran right in to Midnight as she released her attack. 

Blinding white light was emitted from Midnight\'s maw. She had gathered a large amount of light elemental mana in to her chest as she would any breath attack. But this time, she had Alice backing her up. It allowed Midnight to use more mana at once and even increase the spread when she exhaled. 

The force of light hitting many of the stone coffins was enough to make the stones crack. Some of the false death runes were cracked and broken immediately while others were damaged to the point that they would not be able to work at all. Both situations were great. Even better though, were the dormant undead that had crumbled away. They had been released from the slumber and sent to rest for eternity. 

The result was another rage filled screech. Not that it mattered. The other mummified amalgamation was already under attack. The mummified priest tried to control it and force it to move faster while also waving its staff across the room to cast a debuffing spell. 

The skill rolled through with an eerie sense of dread. But none of the party felt it take effect. It was easy for anyone to guess that the lesser mummified priest had attempted to use a skill that induced fear. Unfortunately for it, it was facing a very tough party that rarely let their fear overtake them. 

So many different emotions took control of the fear that could be there. Worry for the safety of others. The desire to make the world right for those that worked hard. Even the simplest desire to help others to a happy life was enough to trump the attempt to make them feel more fear. 

"You tried your last attempt and now you can break for me!" Remey jumped in the air and clasped her hands together so that the light affinity knuckles would land with double the force. The hammer punch was rarely used lately, but seeing how Remey felt about the actions of these undead, she wanted to put as much strength in to incapacitating them as possible. 

The result was a massive hit that spread light elemental mana all over the crushed lesser mummified priest. It couldn\'t reform at all and it had already been too weak to resist the brute force that Remey used. The additional light elemental mana was perfect for keeping it down. 

The mummified amalgamations instantly stopped their attempts to battle and remained still. The mummified worshippers were quickly taken down as Walker helped Alice shoot light elemental mana swords towards them. Her change in singing with Walker\'s added light manipulation was ideal to send more powerful and less mana wasting attacks at them. 

By the time that they were able to see the bones and broken bandages from their wraps, the undead were already starting to reform in the smallest of ways. Walker immediately began rushing around while Gil slashed any of the remaining false death runes. The entire ceremony that had been made to bring about multiple undead had been halted. Each individual coffin had been set up on its own rune formation. 

The rune formations were where these rituals had begun. Some of the undead had begun to awaken slightly but began to crumble when the runes were broken. It was faster because of a backless from broken rune formations hitting them. The flow of mana in the room had also been disrupted because of the opposing light elemental mana coming to a palace that had been kept away from the light for a long time. 

While the rewards from the system were high due to the multiple coffins on their own ritual platforms, the party could sense that this was not over. This large room had been set up for everything. Su knew that she could hear more undead down the connecting passageways along with sense battling in one of them. "Walker, there is another group ahead. I will move to them while you seal the undead here." 

Knowing that there were soldiers fighting a tough battle was just a gut feeling that Su had. The party had been involved in enough battles to know what it sounded like when someone was stuck in a stalemate. "Remey is going with you too. Just make sure they are safe. We will be behind you. I don\'t sense any darkness mana or undead down the side passageways and the forward one has no airflow so we are ignoring them. Midnight, scout the other passageway while Su and Remey assist things. Gil will finish off these runes here." Walker knew that everyone had a part to play. It was the best move from here on out. They were not stopping yet. 



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