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Chapter 1825 1825. Another New Undead

\'The skill white lighting slash has been taken from the white lighting knight. This skill has been learned through combination with skills that combine the proper elemental manas, utilize movement skills of the system requiring the skill, and the cooperation of additional buffs. 

White lightning slash- 10 mana cost

While the mana cost is high, it can be reduced by understanding the fusion and manipulation of multiple elemental manas. It is not required to have the affinity with all these elemental manas, but to have an affinity with the fused versions of these elemental manas, lighting. 

The slash gathers the elemental manas to create lighting while focusing on the light elemental mana as a purifying force. It is incredibly strong at fighting poisons, undead, and darkness type beasts. It is stronger when surrounded by water or in a storm situation. It is the prerequisite skill to multiple other skills. 

The user gathers lighting on their sword or bladed weapon to slash and attack an enemy. It can be thrown a very short distance but will not be able to hit accurately. Lightning must be controlled for that. The strike attacks with physical and magical damage.\'

If Walker were to read the skill right then and there, he would understand that this was a more in depth description of skills than he was used to. This was odd, but would easily be figured out by one specific section of the description. The part where it spoke about a prerequisite skill. 

This meant that this was a base line skill for other skills that a white lightning knight would learn. That alone would be enough to show off how adapt the system of a white lightning knight. But it also showed that the world had started to give more and more information than before. 

From this, many theories could be made, some relating to the way that the world worked. Some that focused on the fact that Walker was always getting closer to the world in some way with his natural mana affinity. But some would create the simple theory that now, the mana was more balanced in the world. This alone might be letting the world move toward how it should have always been. But those theories were something Walker would come across later. 

For the moment, Walker looked at the shattered and lighting burned bodies of the five undead spearmen that had attacked him after he slashed through others right in front of them. This had made the mummified priest react and begin to move backwards while it used darkness magic. The reason to retreat was clear, it was moving towards a section of stone coffins that were a bit larger. That might hold more dangerous undead. 

This did not escape the eyes of Mordant, he saw that Walker was making a move to catch the mummified priest. He, in turn, ignored the lesser mummified priests to allow them to fall to his dragonkin. In doing so, Walker sensed Mordant appearing behind the mummified priest while he attacked from the front. 

The sudden meeting of Walker\'s slash and Mordant\'s ambush of claw swipes covered in darkness mana made the mummified priest split in two. Unfortunately, in the last moments before Walker slashed again, it vacated all of the mana it had in to the nearest stone coffin. The glow of runes increased before the coffin lid cracked open. 

\'Mummified soldier

The mummified soldier is one of the more powerful successful undead. By having runes carved on and in its body, the undead became more powerful while losing all will of its own. It follows close orders and is very deadly since it has a sword attached to its hand permanently. The wrappings used on its body have metal weaved in to increase its defenses. 

It can wield a rotting darkness mana on its sword causing the wounds to bleed and be incredibly hard to heal. This also applies to its sharpened finger bones and toes which can scratch or jab at enemies. The same is for the teeth which are sharpened to be able to more easily cut in to enemies. 

The undead soldier was one that was completely loyal to the ruler of its kingdom. Unfortunately, that loyalty was returned through destruction of its mind and the forceful alteration of its body. It is unable to think for itself and the soul that lingers is trapped until its entire body is destroyed for good.\'

Walker took in a sharp breath before reading the all around appraisal out loud. He heard Mordant take in a sharp breath as well as he understood the horror of this mummified soldier. This was just a soldier. This entire ruin was sure to have many. That meant many trapped souls that had been loyal to their kingdom but betrayed and tortured to become eternal tools. Something horrendous to happen to anybody, even if they worshipped a false death god. 

"I won\'t stop you from using a little more strength here." Walker saw a glint in Mordant\'s eyes. The desire to put this right so they could move on faster. That was why Walker stepped back. It was the only way to control his own heartache for the poor fate this soldier had endured. 

While Mordant and Walker wrestled with this new threat, Su was in the process of guiding the undead heavy guardian toward a small group of mummified worshippers. It had been slamming its armored fists down on the ground to hit Su and failing. Its slow speed was easy for her to dodge. 

When it finally swung its large arm again, it took down even more of its fellow undead, but with that, it had cleared enough for Su and Midnight to cease its existence. The armor had been an issue for ranged attacks, however, Midnight didn\'t need to worry about that. She had been gathering light elemental mana and attacking with breath attacks here and there. Rise was perfectly doing the same, but Rise had shifted to firing small shards of light elemental mana condensed in to spikes from her mouth. A skill that no one had expected but was greatly welcome. 

This new form of elemental dragon breath proved that with greater manipulation came greater attacks of the same kind. The breath attack could easily disintegrate some of the undead, therefore, Midnight knew she could pass the armor on the undead heavy guardian\'s body to defeat it from the inside out. 

Paired with Su who stopped and used the light shield to block the next attack, Midnight was able to get right up close and personal with her target. The moment that she leaped from the ground and landed on the neck of the undead heavy guardian was the moment that Su knew this fight was over. 

No matter how tough an opponent, the closeness of an attack from Midnight could radically change the damage. The light elemental breath attack released and spread from the gaps in the armor to the inside bones and dried flesh of the undead heavy guardian. This left it more or less unable to even move in the least. 

The collapsing armor signaled the end of the battle. Every other soldier had already defeated multiple opponents. All that was left were those that had to move with as much speed as possible to separate parts of the bodies and seal them in condensed sand for the time being. There were also those that immediately started breaking runes, cutting down the stone coffins, and looking for further passageways from this room. 

The process was filled with a lot of rushing, but also a lot of sharing of information. Those of the Fel empire had begun to go through as much as possible to explain what they could. Walker\'s additional all around appraisal more than helped with what they were looking at. They had seen a lot of dangerous things in their time, one being the undead above ground. Now they had seen undead they had never faced. More powerful undead that needed documenting. 

"There is a massive staircase behind this coffin!" The coffin that was set up appeared to have been a temporary and movable seal for the staircase. It had been moved enough for the mummified worshippers and priests to come up and down. There was a dead silence that existed with it. But even more, was the sense of danger that came from below. As if it was a sign that no one living should dare to move down in to the nest of evil below. 

"We are going to have to keep moving. Before that, everyone drink water, rest for an hour, then eat something!" Walker stopped the royal dragons from pushing on. He knew that they would keep going, but that would leave the soldiers with too much weakness and lack of energy.



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