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Chapter 1828 1828. From Up High

Gil had been the one to speak with the scouts. It was easy to see that Mordant was preparing mentally for a real battle. The undead that the royal dragons had faced were nothing in comparison to what they could do. The fact that this space below them was the real ruined city proved that they would be able to take a more popper form. 

There was also the added fact that the party was ready to support the dragons in finding the flame dominators\' ruins. The legacy there was what Ignus would be after over everything else. Especially if the undead had dared to break or harm it in any form. That would cause all the dragons to run their rage as fuel for their skills and attacks on the ruins. 

"So we are going to meet after we handle the undead at the stairs. I assume they would be stronger if the scouts came to warm us." Walker glanced at Su, "Onyx and his group are doing well. They managed to get very deep in these ruins without any trouble yet. But I think they will be preparing for an all out attack soon." 

The reason that Walker had this feeling was simple, he knew that Onyx had saved a lot of light elemental mana. So much that he had been processing it and able to grow slightly in his time just resting on Walker\'s shoulder in the desert. For a monster like an abyssal serpent, the constant sunlight was a huge boost to his health and for him to store the much needed mana for battle. Not to mention the fact that he was now in such a dimly lit and shadowed area that was high in darkness mana. It was the perfect balance for Onyx with his dual affinities. 

"That\'s not all though. There was more. Some water affinity magic rune pillar. Apparently, it has some water mana trapped in it that attracts the white sands. The scout said it was older so it was most likely there to help plants and such in the city. But now it was left to help the sands avoid the undead. They are smarter down there." Gil\'s voice took a deeper tone as he repeated what he was told. The scout had reported and left with the other two immediately. They had to return to their jobs as well. 

"Now that\'s not good." Remey sounded annoyed more than anything. She didn\'t want to deal with more of the sands that they had already figured out were cursed by the world for the things the monsters here had done. 

"So the sands were definitely part of the curse and the undead someone figured out how to avoid them. I kind of hate that.\' Walker was very annoyed. Even Midnight was growling slightly. She was very unhappy to hear that she would have to worry about sand sticking to her scales and ruining her looks. But her pride aside, she was very annoyed that the undead would be using something very valuable like special runes to block the natural flow of the world. 

Just as Walker had been getting closer to the world, Midnight had bonds with him. She too had been growing closer to the world. Without her noticing, her affinities had been growing too. She had trained in different elemental means. That Was normal, but she had used them and mixed them now and then. Not to the degree that Walker did, but enough for more natural mana to hang around her and flow through her body. Therefore, she felt wronged hearing that the undead stopped the world from returning them to the natural flow of things. 

"If there is water mana down there, that\'s a very good thing. What would happen if the more powerful undead suddenly found that they were more hydrated?" Current had been keeping himself silent lately. He had done a lot to keep everyone from overheating and becoming dehydrated. But now that he saw a way to use his strengths again and stop relying on physical force, he was excited. 

"So you can make them get encased in the white sand. It won\'t bother us while we crush the weaker undead." Remey was right behind Current in this plan. It did seem that the turn of a bonus to the undead in to a bane for the undead would be a great way to make use of what was all around them in the ruins. 

"Gil, this seems to be the spot. You should take the lead. Remey and Ignus too." Walker saw the starway change. The opened up section made it feel that they were a little freer than before. But it also brought some stress. The stairs went well in to the air compared to where the ground was. The massive interlocking stone dome that was made clearly took a lot of effort. It also blocked all the sun. it was a mystical thing when realizing the depths of the construction and the knowledge needed for it. 

However, that was fanatical. Those that worshiped a false death god had also been obsessed. They had been able to force terrible experiments on their fellow people while also creating such a thing. Countless lives would have been lost to make things along with countless undead raised. The entire thing was amazing but also tragic. 

From where Walker was, he could see the massive structure that Onyx had sent a scout to tell them about. It was similar to a pyramid but had more steps. The large platform on the top also proved to be covered in a high density of darkness, death, and other manas. Walker could only sense them slightly from the highest he was at, but he was still able to sense them. 

With sharper eyes, the archers could see some of the trees and larger bushes that had become ghosts of what they could have been. The once vibrant life that could have been here was stuck in a deathly state. Unable to rot away and return to the proper cycle of life. The elves in particular felt a sense of dread while witnessing it. A sense of pain that made them want to fix it all immediately. 

"Now for those arrows." Gil looked down and spotted a moving group of undead. His arrow was the odd one with multiple light elemental arrow head pieces fixed together. On the tip was a very small vial of Remey\'s explosive potion. The perfect balance of unstable and dangerous. In a single breath, he drew it and released the arrow. The slight amount of wind that gathered around it pushed the arrow toward the direction he intended. 

The arrow was not able to fly far due to the added weight on it, that was why Gil had used the wind to boost it. However, he had also understood the unstable nature of his creation. The fact that this arrow was only good for places that he would not hit an ally at all. 

The arrow seemed to fall for far too long. But when it did, every single soldier saw the results. A single burst of light followed by multiple smaller bursts of light. Some of them even appeared to be shards or spikes of light that jolted back upward in to the air. The resounding bang that followed a second later was enough to prove the force that had just hit the undead group below. "Now that, is an arrow that can clear the undead. Fire!" Gil shouted and multiple elves fired similar arrows with lesser weight. 

"Don\'t let them outdo us. Ignus can fly in here and I can carry three bags of my potions!" Remey laughed like a mad scientist when Ignus grabbed her up after Walker returned her potion bags. He had asked her what they were potions for and now he knew. He just worried that Remey was getting out of hand by making so many when she could have focused on healing potions. 

The following explosions of light arrows and the red flames of explosive potions were enough to make every soldier shake their head. They nearly felt bad for the undead groups moving below. Especially as they saw Ignus holding Remey in the air and dropping the explosive potions on groups of undead that were trying to carry stone coffins. A vicious aerial attack has begun. 



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