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Chapter 1835 1835. Starving

The shadows that the three used to hide themselves were thicker than normal. A group of ambushers would definitely be careful for any slight disturbance. They had to be ready to pounce on their enemies if they wanted to be able to properly ambush anything. 

"This is the place." Onyx brought them to an open space. It seemed that large roads had been made all around the massive pyramid. While it was barren now, there were signs that this had once been a popular and flourishing market area. Naturally, it made sense. This was the focal point of the city. 

"If this was built to worship a goddess of nature or growth, then it makes sense. A place where all the produce and goods would be brought is right near where they worship. But now…" Walker didn\'t even want to say another word. He hated that some place like this would seem so desolate. 

Just creating a place like this would be a massive achievement. But one test of strength. One single famine had caused an entire intelligent race to fall in to madness and become monsters. If these beings had strived for more and resisted the temptations of evil, then they might be yet another race that stood high in the world. A race of advanced beings different from the dragonkin and lizardmen all together. Not monsters, but powerful in their own right. 

"This is the cost they paid for losing their way. It can\'t be fixed now." Mordant\'s solemn voice just reinforced the depressing feelings that Walker had. The tragic sadness that was just what anyone would feel when they realized how much was lost because these beings had turned their backs on the natural flow of the world. Turned their blacks on their beliefs because of one failed experience. 

"Those streets are the trap. It\'s open and the large stone buildings are filled with stone coffins that are empty now. It\'s the perfect place for them to hide." Onyxx directed the two toward the large stone buildings. They had been some form of mercantile warehouse or goods storage at some point. Many years ago for certain. 

Now, they held attackers. Violent undead waiting for their prey to walk on by. "So that is why they retreated. The undead leading them realized we were a larger force than before and has decided to ambush us and destroy us in one swoop. Efficient, but foolish." Mordant knew what he would do in opposition to such an attack. He would show his draconic strength and destroy the enemy. The undead was different. Devious and brutal in the methods chosen. 

"Let me get closer for an all around appraisal." Walker used his darkness mana manipulation to draw more of the shadows out and around him. To anyone watching, they would see the shadows shifting slightly, but other than that, no one would notice that Walker was there. 

What Walker saw though, was much worse. He could make out the shapes in the darkness of the storage area easily. His ability to use darkness elemental mana made it easier for him to sense things in and around it. Therefore, he could sense the general shape of the large undead monster hiding.

\'Mummified spiky lizard

The mummified spiky lizard has had its bone spikes replaced with metal spikes to make it more deadly. This process was done while the spiky lizard was alive and caused great pain. In that process, the basic intellect of the spiky lizard was lost making it a blank slate to be controlled. 

The mummified spiky lizard can use its spikes to dig in to many opponents while fighting. Because the spikes are covered in dried rotten flesh, it makes the attacks have a very high chance of infection. There is also the fact that the wrappings on the body of the mummified spiky lizards are dusted in different poisonous powders. 

These are very dangerous undead monsters created with a brutal mind. These mummified spiky lizards should be destroyed or they will repair their bodies to attack again. However, they have a very high weakness to fire due to the fact that they have been active longer than many other undead around them. 


Walker could have read more from the all around appraisal. Yet, he didn\'t feel like dragging himself any lower by reading about the brutal experiments done on these spiky lizards before they had been made in to undead. 

Upon walking back toward Onyx and Mordant, Walker shared what he had learned. "I think that they began experimenting with monsters first. Then they gained strength within their own race and caused them to be fooled. The one behind all of this grew too strong and took over. That\'s my theory." Walker ended his explanation with this. The theory of how the city and race had ended up like this made a little more sense. 

"Every race has its evil. I assume this evil was lucky enough to grow in silence before they took over. Ignus will be glad to hear this though. Weakness to fire and the fact that the close combat fighters should not approach." Mordant was sure that he would play a role in trapping some of these mummified spiky lizards. He could stop their movements while Ignus burned them to ash. 

"Brother, the undead with them too." Onyx had mentioned more than just he spiky lizards. From what Walker saw, there were five mummified spiky lizards. However, he had not evaluated the other undead around. They looked similar to the mummified worshippers so he had not focused on them. 

\'Starving mummy

The starving mummy is an undead that was starved and then changed in to an undead through specific methods used by a high priest of famine. This act caused the mummy to be exceptionally ravenous and brutal in its attacks. The bones of its fingers have become cut and sharp by its contact clawing. 

While the starving mummy will attack everything it can that is not like itself, it will also sometimes attack itself just to get a single bite of anything. Its hunger can never be satiated, but it will attempt to do so with anything living. 

They have a very high speed of regeneration because of this powerful hunger that assailed them in life and death and now undeath. Furthermore, they are able to resist elemental mana attacks with this obsession over hunger.\'

"That will be a problem. They are resistant to elemental manas because they can reform their bodies faster. They can all attack themselves and others at the cost of harming their enemy. They will also eat anything that lives. Meaning, they want to eat us alive." Walker saw the starving mummy scraping at its own unwrapped bone arm. Its claws cutting in to it as if trying to tear away flesh that was no longer there as a snack. 

"It is the one I worry about after the lizards. They are many while the lizards are few." Onyx had managed to count them all. He knew exactly the number of danger they would face. "Five mummified spiky lizards and twenty starving mummies that want to destroy us and eat us." Onyx\'s words were heavy, but important. Unless Ignus used more strength, then even he could be overwhelmed for a short time. 

"Then we have to let Ignus battle openly, or we all fight him. It hurts that there are more than there should be when it comes to enemies. They are spread out too. They block every path we could take. Even if we start to circle around toward the opposite side of this pyramid, I have a feeling they will prepare more for us to face…" Walker\'s thoughts were simple but troublesome. From what he could tell, the undead had planned to attack their army here. It was an easy attack too since their large space around them could be a better route to move the ambushing undead in to position again and again. 

With this new information, the three slowly retreated. Walker made a point to slash away any runes he saw on the way. It would hopefully help them in the long run. It also might make the undead in control shift the positioning of the ambushing undead slightly. But it was unlikely since the army was all in one spot and about to head to the pyramid. 

"I think we will send Ignus to battle. It\'s the best option and Ignus will be able to do the most." Walker said this to Mordant specifically. It just made sense to reserve overall strength while Ignus kept the undead outside at bay. 

"I agree with that. Ignus can do more outside than inside. His flames here will be able to handle many more undead as they escape the pyramid or try to come to the pyramid." Mordant\'s agreement was all Walker needed before they reached the army. He would ask Ignus immediately before he had a few words with Onyx. 



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