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Chapter 1866 1866. Ominous Feelings

"The journey there was proving fruitless until we discovered the last parts of false death runes remaining within small altars. They were fairly valuable since our enemies managed to gain access to the ruins and purify them." slimes shifted from side to side as the slime breeder\'s voice echoes around the stone walls of a large room. 

Many patterns and runes had been carved in to the stones. None of them appeared to make much sense since the area itself was too dark to truly discern much. "And any more remains?" 

"The purifications ruined the remaining monsters, undead, and anything that had been influenced by the small amounts of death mana. I was able to find remnants that the earth slimes sealed before they were ruined as well." 

As pieces of stone with false death runes fell to the ground in a showcase, there were also some small black mana crystals. They appeared to be on the verge of shattering just by being there. "That is enough. You may prepare to send your creations across this continent. Begin gathering the soldiers we need." 

A slight rumbling came from everywhere around the stone room. A darker figure stretched an arm out and grasped the death mana crystal. While a small amount of death mana had been condensed due to the twisted chaos of the mummified pharaoh, it was enough to create these items. 

The small amount of death mana faded and was taken in through many runes and patters on the armor of the hand and arm that had grasped it. When the crystal shattered, it disintegrated completely. The only thing elft behind was the ominous aura of death and looming destruction. 

"You can wake up and begin your work. I expect you to use every bit of mana and effort you have to bring forth the vessel that will carry my armies. Then you may slumber again." The order went to a huddled figure that was breathing softly in their own dreamland. But when that breathing stopped for a moment, the entire room shook more violently. 

A massive amount of mana had surged all around causing unknown changes. The changes seemed to be shaking the very flow of mana all around. High densities of mana coursed through the runes and patterns. Some of these runes even appeared within the air as changes were made more and more to the room. 

"As you wish my lord." a single nearly silent voice responded. Only a hint of tiredness behind it before the huddled figure began to stand. 

Meanwhile, Walker had just thrown a large fireball at the saltwater crocodile. It had immediately seen the flames and tried to move aside. However, it had not dodged the attack. The sparks that came off and around it while the flames hit it were enough to light up the marsh a little more. But the magical attack had its effect clear as day. 

The young salt water crocodile rushed away in fear since it understood that a magical attack like that would make it prey if it was hit over and over. The small burn mark on the tough leathery skin was proof enough that this was not prey in front of it. "That Was easier than I thought it would be." 

Midnight had watched Walker attack and knew that she could have easily scared off the random enemy that had come to bother them. However, she had let Walker do his thing since he was the one on watch and technically she should be resting. Not that she had any intention of doing so. 

"I know, it\'s just one monster. I will handle it when anything else comes by too." Walker knew that Midnight was looking at him because he had made a big show of getting rid of just one monster that was cleary not able to understand that it would not be able to harm them at all. But he had still done it just to do it. 

"Why don\'t you go wake up Gil, we can switch watch and sleep." Walker sent Midnight on her way. Before the group knew it, the night had passed with everyone getting some rest. However, Walker had found himself awake all night without getting any rest. Midnight had been the same. 

He had it in his head that something felt off. Nothing that he could put his finger on, but it was like a gut feeling. Just enough not to have a full understanding of what might be going on. He chalked it up to just being over tired or too in his own head about skills that he wanted to learn. 

On the other hand, Mordant and Current had met up at some point early in the morning to discuss what they had found. "I still believe that there is more on that large island than you think. I did not see any signs of light, but there is a distinct lack of movement in the waters and at night around it. Not a single flying monster went near it." 

"I know you did not see anything because you were focusing on just the shadows and changes in the light and darkness at night. But you should also consider the movements of the water. There is a perfect flow of warm water around that island bringing a lot of food for any monster there. If we were to look for something hunting then it would be in the water. The avian species might not care for them."  I think you should take a look at

The two were trying to discern what might be on the island when it came to life. However, it appeared that the entire island from their point of view was too overgrown. Especially when it came to the beaches. Walker and the rest of the party could clearly see plants growing right in to the sand which was odd since not many could survive the sands and saltwater. 

"I can see those plants from here. They are called salt saps." Walker had used the all around appraisal to see what he could. He also saw some of the same plant in the marsh near them. But they only seemed to live right on the edge of the water where saltwater met the fresh water flowing through. 

\'Salt saps

These plants are small tube like vines and roots that will grow randomly through sands. They prefer to absorb the nutrients from the waves and the tops of sand. They do not need much light and prefer the warmer weather. However, they need high amounts of salt to be able to create their protective skin. This causes them to live only where salt water grows and will stop them from growing anywhere with fresh water. 

They have a strong earth and water affinity that allows them to be used to treatments in dehydration and lack of nutrients. However, depending on the water they soak up, they can be filled with toxins that will make those that eat them very ill.\'

"So I can use them but I will have to make sure that they don\'t make anyone sick. It sounds like getting a priest for a nun to purify them is a first step." Remey made a mental note to gather some and see if having Alice purify them would make them safer to eat. But she mostly wanted them for making specific medicines and potentially cleaning water of salt. That would be useful in the herb fields that needed unique flows of water. 

"I think we should make a move to get out of the marsh. You said we would fly over but I think it will be more valuable to walk through the marshlands here and learn first." Su had thought of this during her time on watch. It made more sense to learn from this area than to skip it. They could learn more about herbs and the area they were in in general. 

"I think that\'s a good idea. I have less tracking skills in this kind of place than anywhere else. It\'s not the same as the open fields or the forest at all. There is a lot of mud and it shifts with the tide. I need to learn how to pick out fresh tracks and old tracks in mud that doesn\'t dry. And, Current can help us learn." Giul made a very solid point that even Current thought was a wise decision. Waiting a little to learn was wise. Especially learning from a dragon. 

"Alright then. We walk through the marsh. Onyx, do you want to make a move alone or stick with us?" Walker had noticed that Onyx appeared to want to explore. He could take his full size and travel through the reeds fairly easily. It was like this area was ideal for a serpent or snake monster like him. 

"I will explore and let you all know what I learn." With this, Onyx was off and the party had their small walk to look forward to. They needed to get through the marsh and to the beach which was a fairly straight forward shot. 



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