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Chapter 1872 1872. Elder Echidna

The more that they moved through the jungle, the more that the party was able to see what the echidnas did for homes. There were many wooden hits made with jungle vines. However, the vines grown had been guided to naturally grow in a way that helped the pieces of wood stay together. It was a unique mix of building and also natural growth. 

Furthermore, there were echidnas that were using skills to create things from plants right before the party\'s eyes. Some were fashioning staffs and bows from vines and other jungle materials, some of which the party had never seen. 

\'Water gourd

The water gourd is a unique plant that can only grow in the jungles. Just like any vine, it will grow up and around  trees to get closer to sunlight. It will absorb water naturally until its flowers grow in to a large gourd. When it is close to the end of its lifespan, the gourd will fall and shatter releasing seeds and water for another vine to grow. 

This water gourd is ideal for use in creating water elemental staffs for water mages. It will allow the staff to better channel water elemental mana. It also flows better with the natural water elemental mana around allowing for a slightly better understanding of any water elemental skills used.\'

This was an amazing plants to say the least. Especially since the staffs being made were ideal for water magic. They could help use the skill overall, including gather the mana. But they also helped with the understanding of water elemental mana skills. This would be something that would greatly help anyone within any stage of learning for water magic. 

The fact that it only grew in a jungle meant that it didn\'t have much of a chance to grow anywhere near Genesis. It might grow in the elven forests, but that wasn\'t the ideal place like this jungle island. If it were to be taken to another place, it would need more attention and care. 

This wasn\'t everything that Walker saw though. He could see many pathways cut in to the trees. Boards placed in positions that would be unnatural to anyone who did not understand how a jungle grew. The trees were pruned in ways that created ideal stairs to slither down along with perfect grabbing places to hold anyone up as they traveled. It took great understanding of both nature and carving to create such a thing. 

"I can tell that your people are very close to the jungle and have many skills to create homes within it. I haven\'t seen many races as adept at wood carving as yours." Gil\'s sudden compliment was not reacted to. However, everyone could sense that it went over well. 

To be appreciated for the closeness to nature had become something very dear to the echidna. Generation after generation they had learned that this island was their only safe home. The monsters on it were part of their survival. The plants were a part of their sustenance. It all came together with them to form life. 

As a larger open area came to be seen, the party understood that this was a meeting place. Naturally, there was a larger hut that appeared to have been modified many times. Since this was clearly a place for many to meet, it would be understandable that it was rebuilt from time to time.

Yet, when they earned it, the hut shook and a single serpent began to slither from it. The size of this echidna easily dwarfed Onyx by many lengths. Its eyes were gray and seemed to see through the party to some degree. When Its large forked tongue flicked out, the echidna appeared to have grasped the party and what they were. 

"Ancient dragon in the flesh. I did not believe that the ancestors spoke the truth. There have not been any proof of your race, just the lingering essence within a monster. Thank you for you blessings to our ancestors." 

The slow speech that came from the gray scaled serpent form echidna made everyone understand that it was more knowledgeable. However, there was a sense of dread that came from it. As if it could easily attack and destroy them all if they showed any will to attack. 

"So you can smell me? I am just following these ones here. You do not need to worry about me. I trust that those with me will be able to properly gain your trust. I will explore your territory here. I have not seen many things and I wish to enjoy it." Mordant saw that the echidna elder was carefully watching him and would not be able to pay much attention to Walker if he was there. 

"As you wish. Please enjoy the home we have built." respectful but not servile. That was how anyone could take the elder echidna\'s words. But it was still peaceful. 

"Now you have come to our home. Why have you journeyed here from the lands of death and demise?" this told Walker all he needed to know. The entire Sigil continent was known as the land of death and demise to these echidnas as they had grown.  I think you should take a look at

"We purified the mummified ancient city that your ancestors fled many generations ago. We followed an underground river bed to fund the marsh lands. Then we came here to see if that race survived. I am very surprised to see that you have found your ancient ties and bonded with nature to such an amazing degree." there was not a single lie in Walker\'s words. He truly felt amazed to see this. 

The long and larger gray serpent body left the large hut and curled around itself while the echidna elder lifted its head. Its eyes searched for lies. "Your mana did not tremble. You are not telling falsehoods. You truly speak words that have never been expected in any generation since the great elders came here and left us tales of death and destruction." 

It was very clear that the elder echidna had not thought that such a thing would be possible. Never had it expected that there would be a day that it would hear that the elders before it who always told them never to leave the island would now be wrong. That it would be possible for them to leave. 

"The world you know and have heard about may have changed. Your ancestors were victims to an evil monster. A necromancer that created a famine and forced their beliefs that they would become a death god on others. They created many undead, false death runes, and caused a curse over the lands your ancestors lived in." 

"After your ancestors fled here, the city ended up being damaged by the curse and the undead went dormant. Their slumber ended as enough mana was gathered and the angel race began fighting them. It was a stalemate before my gathered races came to explore the entire Sigil continent." 

"Now that it is purified, there are other things to work on. The two empires of angels, relationships with my gathered races on another continent, the Genesis alliance, and I hope to welcome your race to join hands with us. Your knowledge about nature is clearly further along than many. Especially natural mana and the bonds you have with it." 

All that Walker said was true. Although, the elder echidna did not appear to fully understand all of it. Too many things sounded foreign to it.. The fact that there were more continents. Empires. Even the fact that angels still roamed the lands. 

While its people had heard of angels, they had barely existed in their distant stories. They had not been around enough for their ancestors to leave details in their stories for them. The stories that their ancestors gave them were of their beloved goddess of growth and nature. Otherwise, they were warnings of evil and death that took over the entire home they fled. 

Furthermore, the fact that there were many other races was hard to grasp as well. The other races would be hard for anyone to understand though. Even looking at Walker and the others was troubling since so many scents were mixed together. 

"Many tales from our ancestors are passed down the same with every single generation. You appear to have other tales to tell. I will welcome you here for the time being. If you dare harm the balance of our beloved home, there will not be any further chances." 

"I would not dare to do so. If we could learn from your people, I would feel blessed." Walker showed a lot of respect. He knew that these echidna had clearly grown to be even more strict than the elves when it came to respecting their home and nature. If any race believed themselves to be the last living things, then they would surely feel and do the same. 



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