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Chapter 1881 1881. Unshakable

\'The skill compression has been learned through the actions of the user. This skill is unique to very specific systems. There are only five that currently hold this skill with the description it has in this instance. 

Compression- mana cost is not applicable

This skill is not the normal compression skill known by some beasts that compresses their size temporarily or compresses muscles. This is a skill that relies on the understanding of skills and the manas needed to use them. 

This skill compresses skills together so that the skills will have a clearer influence. The perfect example of this is when two sword skills are compressed to make a sword style skill. While it may appear simple, the understanding of the skills needs to be very high to achieve this. It also requires the user to be able to spend the time training the produced skill as if it is a brand new skill due to the potential changes needed to be made to the use of the skill. 

Many other factors can be applicable to this skill and the skills compressed. The user is required to spend a significant amount of time using this skill to compress other skills. This skill can be used on skills that do not normally relate, however, it may result in failed attempts that can cause harmful results. 

There is potential to compress title skills, however, that is equally risky since a failure could lose the ability to properly use the title skills.\'

While this was something that Walker readily understood as he read, he did not quite wrap his mind around it. This opened up many potential skills that he could bring together. As the system description said, he could compress sword skills together. 

The idea that he could take the lighting based style he used and compress it together with the double sword slash or the thrown blade slashes would be amazing. This would make a much better skill. Yet, he had to compress all the elemental slashes together first. He had to make a natural mana slash. 

But even that thinking felt wrong. He had just understood that it wasn\'t just natural mana. That pushing the elemental manas together was wrong. That there were more manas that made true mana. It wasn\'t natural mana, that was the elemental manas perfectly in balance, but with all the manas that were around, it would be considered a true mana. A completely flexible and all encompassing mana. 

These terms and thoughts that came to his mind were putting a lot more pressure on him. He could clearly sense that he was on to something. But the amount of ways he could think. The different potentials were various. He would need a longer time to grasp everything. Especially since he was sure that these things would lead him to a very powerful position compared to the him he was now. 

His face scrunched as he wanted to make things more simple. He wanted to make the skills he had all compress and just be done with it. But that was asking too much. Anything worth doing came with an equal challenge to overcome. Right now, he faced a new challenge to get rid of the many separated skills that had plagued his focus. 

Once Walker managed to deal with that, he was sure that he would be able to refocus his mind and multitask properly. To be able to do so would allow him to use strong skills in battle while also focusing on his surroundings more. 

The reason he had also fallen in to his thinking wasn\'t just because of how he thought. It was because he needed to be able to envision so many different skills being used or how what he was doing would come to be. Having the ability to lessen that stress would smooth things out. Making him more aware of his surroundings and many other things. 

"So you see that things are not as you believed?" The soft voice of the dual natural seer made Walker snap out of his own thinking. She had perfectly timed her question when he had finished one thought and made his decision to focus on condensing certain skills first. 

"I didn\'t think that natural mana was more. The natural mana that I think of is always just the elemental manas put together. I never considered that the other manas that have to exist to make everything exist should be taken in to account. I should have realized it a long time ago. That true mana should be the goal, not natural mana." 

The dual seer calmly looked at Walker before nodding slightly. "We just have access to the natural mana. We are limited by our current understandings and potential. You have much more room to grow." 

"You would grow faster too." 

"Just hold on to your path." 

"We will reach the end. Reach the beginning."  I think you should take a look at

The two voices of the dual seer were somewhat excited. From what Walker could tell, it was as if she had been waiting for him to catch on to everything going on around him. Although, he had a feeling that there was plenty more that he had somewhat felt. Somehow heard. Things that were right in front of him that he could still not see for some reason. 

"You look better. Less stressed now." Mordant casually added himself to the conversation. Walker took note quickly that Mordant had been there too. But now, Current had also joined them in the hut. 

"I was wondering what you were doing. I thought you would have gone off to explore. But both of you made it here." Walker felt lighter as he stood up. Just compressing the mana manipulation skills in to just mana manipulation was amazing. The mana sense skill also allowed him to begin a new way of seeing the world. 

"We gathered some things for you. Especially those lightning ores everyone and everything stays away from. There are monster eggs too. A few are waiting outside for us to carry them away. No monster will act out with our pressure on them." Now this was enough for Walker to make a very confused face. He was certain that Mordant was acting oddly. But it was Current who had been nodding along as if this was expected. 

"I think I am missing something here." 

"You are, the entire underside of this island is being washed away. The caves are close to their ends and we are going to evacuate this entire island and bring everything possible to the shore. We have gathered what we can accomplish already but we can do more with the entire village and you helping." Current clearly had a goal and Walker didn\'t want to trample it. 

"You know, I respect saving everything here. But why don\'t we just save the island?" Walker looked at the two with a smirk. He had been sensing the manas around and discovered the odd patterns of earth mana below him. 

While his senses would need to adjust, the more open and clearer mana sense he had was already acting. He could feel that there was a way to fix all of this. He just needed the help of a few more people. 

"Good, you have already realized a small part of the truth. It\'s been years since my old bones have been so energetic." the elder echidna returned as if he had been there the entire time. Even Mordant and Current flinched slightly since it was very hard for anything or anyone to sneak up on them. 

"You knew of the dangers you faced?" Current was certain that the elder had definitely known of how the island was eventually going to sink back underwater and kill them all. 

"I did. Everything happens in the flow for a reason. A new island is sure to be born here when the river returns. When the currents alter themselves again. That is just how nature works. But I trust the world and its guidance. Now we will move our little home and return to the lands we feared." 

"Elder, is it truly time for what I saw to come to be?" The dual seer clearly had hope shining in her eyes. It was very clear that she had seen this potential future as the seer of her village. As the dual seer of the echidna. 

"Yes little one. We are going to do exactly as your great grandmother said would come to be. The very same thing the world has shown you in dreams for your entire life." The elder looked at Walker with a soft and welcoming smile. "Follow me to the center of the jungle. As the elder of the current echidna village, I will be guiding our home to its future." Walker couldn\'t even see a single doubt in the elder\'s eyes. His foundation was unshakable. 



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