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Chapter 1912 1912. Tense Meetings

"You\'re saying that it isn\'t just those that are hunting that are finding the corrupted monsters. The hunted ones are just the first that were found?" Su made sure that Gil was saying this overall. Naturally, Gil had been gathering some information before getting here to prove this was as true. 

"Exactly, the corrupted monsters are not necessarily stronger, but they are wild. They don\'t have any senses or instincts that match the monster they were before. I think they lose everything mentally and go completely insane. Attacking everything. That\'s the danger."

In Gil\'s perspective, any hunter that came face to face with a monster was a risk. But that was what they signed up for as a hunter. They risked that when they went outside to hunt something to take home as prey. But when it came to the corrupted monsters, that was not normal. 

These monsters were killing machines. They went to whatever extent possible to attack, destroy, and kill other non corrupted things. "I worry that the corruption might start to spread to the land too. It\'s in monsters, what about forests or the water? If this goes on it could get worse." Gil also had this good point which made the entire party think the worst of the future. 

"The dangers are not normal and I know that their patrols around farms had already increased. The tamers guild also will have a lot to say since they are the group that studies monsters the most." Walker knew that more representatives had arrived outside the meeting room. He also heard some of them with his hearing. That was another thing that had become more keen as he adapted to mana better. 

"Well, since you can already hear me, I will come in with the others." Scylla opened the door and walked in with Alma and Leon. The three had come since they were representatives. They also knew that it was going to be a long meeting today. 

"Please do not request any further funds today representative Scylla. The coliseum is already ahead of schedule with the higher number of workers that came from your home kingdom." Markus made his way inside as well. He had exceeded as the human representative along with the one managing all funds within Genesis. 

"It\'s been a while. It sounds like you have a good hold on everything." Walker stood up and shelved the talk for the moment about corrupted monsters. He knew that hearing about the financial state of genesis would be helpful. 

"Of course it goes well. The trades within the city have exceeded any predictions made. The funds taken as basic tax for overall sales at any merchant owned shop or resident shop are higher than we needed to keep building. Excess funds have already been divided to be used as ways to learn and adapt certain parts of the city to be more available to every single race." Markus had pride in his work. He felt he had found his true calling as a noble here in Genesis. 

"I also want to let you know, the king\'s daughter is growing strong and healthy. He wished he could be here but is busy with your birth city right now." This small bit of information was for the entire party. Whey had started in a human city and left to make so much of themselves. But they still remembered their origins. 

"I will have to send a letter then. But that can come later. I am glad to hear you allocated funds to everything properly. I know your workers must be learning faster than anything." Walker knew that the demons that Markus took in were experts on finances by now. It was only the start of a great future for them. 

"Starting such a meeting without the king in charge of your literal underground highway with the dwarves!?" The bold voice was the king of the deep. The underground dwarven king that Walker had not seen in some time. 

"I slave away creating this underground highway for carts, monsters, and travel safely, and here you are sitting up on the nice chairs and waiting in the cool shade. How could you." The grumbling was clearly a joking tone to lighten the mood and say hello. This was just how dwarves did it. 

"I heard that you managed to connect the two digging operations well ahead of schedule and now you and your men are working on finishing the underground trade routes. Should I guess that the smile on your face means you found more caves with valuable ores?" Walker could easily read the king of the deep. What else would make him so happy. 

"You have a good head on your shoulders. It is great that everyone is back. The ships made are still talked about a lot even after we started making solid braces for the underground route. So many people are amazed by the things they see rather than the things they can\'t see. That was until we found the crystal flower caverns." 

"Crystal flowers?" Onyx was intrigued since he had not seen such a flower before. 

"Yes! Crystals that grow in the shape of a daisy. Very odd because the crystals are plants! It\'s very unique and there are large caverns filled with them. We can\'t travel in them yet, but they are a good place for the earth elves to research. It will be amazing when we have answers of what kind of plant and materials they are." the king of the deep couldn\'t hide his feelings at all. 

"Good news all around then. The dwarves and the elves working together." Gil naturally jumped in to be happy with this. The dwarves and the elves had a or history. Yet here they were, working hand in hand within Genesis. It was a good sign. 

"Hello, we are here to meet the heroes of Genesis?" a rough voice came from the door. A gray haired spider and a taller thin goblin came in. 

"I, Rickt and my ally Larn will be the acting goblin and gray haired spider representatives. We have been honored with these positions as the leaders of our race are busy growing our fellow people. I hope we work together better now that we are the first with a system that stands with these positions." 

"So there is a goblin and gray haired spider representative system now!? That\'s amazing. I knew that such systems would show up at some point. But you can clearly speak better because of your skills." Walker was even happier to see this before a harpy flew in that he recognized as the harpy queen. It was all good signs that the monster races had gained a great deal of things in the recent months. 

"Welcome then! We had your representatives working with the elf queen. Now you can stand on your own. If you need anything or have questions, don\'t worry and ask. You\'re equal to everyone here." Walker\'s words made both new representatives nod. The gray haired spider was still silent but that was fine. The spiders rarely spiel In general.

As everyone moved to the seats, different guild masters arrived along with Clara. The royal dragons slowly appeared as well. The tension in the room grew because everyone understood the seriousness here. It was definitely going to be a meeting that set the pace for their future. 

When a Young demon woman walked ima me took a seat, nobody flinched. She had confidence and clearly was strong enough to hold her own. Distinct scars from Chains were on her arms and neck, proving she had risen from the bottom. An inspiration to all demons.

"Welcome back to the Genesis meeting room. All races equally represented. Unfortunately, we are not here to boast about the future any more. We have to worry about the dangers presented by corrupted mana spreading everywhere." The air reeled heavier as Walker spoke.

"The corrupted undead, floating city, and monsters might spread even more. As we need to defeat the living monsters that call themselves demon king, sun title demon of envy and of sloth. All three are the source of this corruption." 

Not a single person felt harmed by the words spoken. They all understood the dangers and were here to prepare themselves. Troops needed to be gathered. Plans and scouting made. This was the war council of Genesis that was coming together right now. A force that could shake the world. 



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