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Chapter 1939 1939. Where Walker Stands

Chapter 1939 1939. Where Walker Stands

"Walker continued to move through genesis. He felt that the day was longer and longer the more that he walked. He was meeting people and seeing things he could jot understand. But in reality, all of it had happened over the course of more than a day.

The fact that their bodies had greatly stood out from the average now made Walker realize just what was different. Compared to the soldiers, the party was stronger. That was purely because of their levels and the large amount of points they were able to put in to their bodies and other aspects of their strength.

This had made them all able to travel much faster and further than the average human. It also made their entire sense of time shift. While Walker would be able to stay awake for multiple days at a time without issue, a normal person would have become exhausted.

This was evident in the amount of mana he used helping Ignus and Remey, then going to meet someone else even though he had felt tired afterwards. Yet, he had recovered from that feeling much faster.

It made Walker feel that he wasn\'t the same as everyone. He was still younger than most adventurers or soldiers overall. That wasn\'t changing. He was still young, but with his bonds, he wouldn\'t look the same as time passed him by.

Walker had long accepted that he was changing. Just like the others, he was undergoing different influences of manas and his bonds. Su was the perfect comparison since she had dragon blood now. She had become tougher and even showed some traits that dragons and dragonkin had. Yet, that was still different compared to what he was doing.

In some ways, he was similar to how Gil was altering the way he was. As a hero that specifically spent time with the elves, Gil had been using mana and was influenced by natural mana and the higher amounts of mana around the elves. This alone would not be off, but since Gil was so close, he had formed unique bonds.

Did that mean that Gil was somehow a half elf? No. but he had been honored as an elf and recognized even by the world with a title. Therefore, that title had changed some of how Gil was overall. He naturally would live longer to match the title and the elven race that he bonded with deeply.

This was different from Walker who was deeply connected to the natural mana he used along with bonded with Midnight, a dragon, and Onyx, an abyssal serpent. They were two longer lived races. That meant that Walker would take on some things from the two of them making him less human. That wasn\'t a bad thing though. He was still Walker.

But the fact that he had the true hero title and was so deeply touched by natural mana had a larger effect. Fleur was always bringing natural mana toward them through the spirit mark on his body. The two thrived because of that. Yet, it also influenced Walker\'s body to adapt better. To use the natural mana better over time as he learned. It was a very good thing.

This adaptability helped Walker pursue true mana more which would also in turn, influence him much more greatly. It was already something he could sense after perceiving life mana and also perceiving space mana to a degree. Both had some effects on his body.

For Walker, that was him being able to sense his body better. He could feel the manas moving through his body. Causing it to grow stronger or weaker depending on situations around him. That Was how mana was part of everything. It influenced everything and was everything, hence, true mana being the origin. But that was another topic for later.

Since Su was leaving with Rise to undergo trials that would allow her to better shop herself as a draconic guardian and overall help her understand herself, Walker\'s thoughts naturally were similar.

He had not been working the last few days to get stronger. Instead, he had been going around and seeing the changes to genesis. He had been supporting the others since he was the master of none. Versatile enough to do many things that could help many people. This alone was good for him and everyone, but it was not what he needed.

The floating corrupted city was moving still toward an unknown goal. Corrupted monster reports were appearing more and more which was unsettling. But that wasn\'t something Walker could just fix. However, maybe he could do better?

The idea of understanding his own body better was a very large focus for Walker. He might live longer and remain appearing younger. That was nice. But what other changes might he be going through/ he was considered the nature dragon now. He had natural mana and dragon skills. Therefore, did that mean he had some dragon traits too?

Did he have the ability to act like Onyx and hide away in the shadows of someone or become a shadow tattoo? What skills did his body take on? What traits from the abyssal serpent race? Would he even be able to differentiate them?

These could all be answered through a bit more training. Or at least that was what Walker thought was the best way to see this. He could leave behind armor and stick to the basics. Mana control, then move toward techniques and physical skills. That would be a good baseline for what he was right now. Overall he could then pursue a corrupted monster and attempt to purify them using natural mana. He might have a good chance to learn something new.

This decision pushed him through to head outside the city and take his chances. It wasn\'t that he was worried about facing any monsters. Walker already knew that his strength was well above many others.

The reason was to behind preparing himself. Hunting monsters would be something he could do to grey stronger and help Genesis remain safe. Few monsters around kept the farmers safer and the crop production higher.

The real learning would be when he found a corrupted monster. Walker would be able to test purifying it and finding a way to handle them.

It was worrying that they were more violent toward everything around them. That meant that the corrupted monsters might be troublesome in the respect that they might be stronger than normal. Similar to undead that didn\'t feel pain because of their state of being.

But the real issue would have been where the corruption was in the monster. The entire monster could be corrupted through and through without chances of recovery. If that was the case, then this was worse than they knew.

Studying that alone was a major focus for many right now. Furthermore, it it was the opposite and the monster could be cleaned of the corrupted mana, then that meant people could also be saved from it if it effected them.

This meant that the corrupted floating city might be able to be saved. That would mean a great deal to the angels as a race. This was their historical site. A place that heals balance and history that they could not forget or change in any way.

With these thoughts in mind, Walker took to the sky. He used the wind ripple skill to walk through and out of the city without much issue. Some people saw him but such things were common now.

With all the different races within Genesis, people were used to seeing flying races above. Even dragons had become somewhat common due to the royal dragons being around. Not to mention the other elder dragons now appearing closer to them and starting to build up villages.

When Walker set foot in to the farmlands, he saw the amazing work behind it all. The many expert farmers that came from multiple races to share their knowledge and grow better everything. They provided food for all of Genesis and even sent some to other kingdoms.

This natural unity made Walker feel he was somewhere healthy and bright. But when he looked at the further fields, he noticed a darker coloration.

Some farmers had many wilted crops. There were groups gathered around and they all appeared to be stumped. But that was just the reason Walker needed to stop by himself.

It caused a decent bit of commotion in the group of ten farmers around the groups in question when Walker stepped out of the sky and greeted them. If he had done this anywhere but Genesis, he might not have surprised them so much. But he was a well known hero at this point and his life was this way for ever now. Not that he didn\'t enjoy the smiles when he landed.


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