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Chapter 1948 1948. Awaken Them All!

Chapter 1948 1948. Awaken Them All!

The senses of many mages made them understand, even if they had not heard a word of it yet, that natural mana was condensing. Some of them had been busy but quickly changed their plans. It was not an unusual sight.

Many of the mages that had been in Genesis since the founding, had been doing this every single time that a major magical event happened. Even when the manas were just a little more dense, they were attracted. It wasn\'t that they were nosey, just that they wanted to grow.

The people that were family to mages, also had learned to understand. So many things were happening in Genesis that were breaking away from the natural history of their people that this was just what would happen.

The sheer number of things that were considered groundbreaking and first of its kind that happened every day in genesis couldn\'t be counted. Each of these events was a wave that would spread through the population. That would change things for every single race. Every single being.

Therefore, when the mages moved, so did some of the others. Merchants wanted to know what they could sell. Fighters wanted to see if a new opponent to test their mettle was being born. Even the crafters would appear looking for new ways to forge, carve, or whatever their skills allowed them to do.

This inspiring sight was something that brought even more unity. It didn\'t matter what the race was. They all came and began to discuss or learn from each other. It was one way that Genesis was able to stand out beyond everything else even though it was not necessarily a forced event. It just happened as people made new discoveries.

With walker drawing in the natural mana, he found another thing. He found the small wisps of life mana that he had begun to learn from the life mages when in the Sigil continent. He also could sense the smallest, tiniest wisps of death mana.

While ominous, these two manas were not something that he was well versed in controlling with his true mana sense or manipulation. Therefore, Walker\'s surprise was being suppressed by his focus in his current actions. He could not allow himself to falter here.

If he was slowly able to draw these manas as well, then it was a sign that he was improving without knowing it. His senses were sharper whether he had meant to train them or not. It was just a boon he could accept and use later as he grew even more.

The fact that the life and death manas were drawn though, was what the dormant elemental spirits needed. The dormant spirits were of all manas. Not just elementals. But he had already had the theory that there would be spirits that did not fit within the basics of elemental affinities. He knew that they could exist and this was proof.

The slight gleam of some dormant spirits awakening because of the life mana wisps and death mana wisps proved it indefinitely. They were reacting because they needed those wisps of very rare and hard to draw in mana. The people that could control such mana was very rare and would not be in a position to be able to share that mana.

Take the life mages in the angel race. They had not been able to learn enough to do more than heal others and work as healers. They were very far from making massive developments in understanding life mana since it was such a massive connection. But that was acceptable. They needed the time and space to be able to do so. Therefore, Walker had managed to awaken something internationally that would help them.

Since it was amazing that new healers could come to be, they could be able to learn life mana and use that especially. It would mean a whole new step and path for the life mages and healer overall. Walker could only imagine what a life spirit would be able to do that would set them far apart.

They could potentially heal the earth and help restore the damage done by magical battles or even worse, the corrupted manas that had saturated to damage things around the farms and even monsters.

When Walker\'s mind raced to death mana, he worried that the death spirits might not be the same. They were a wildcard to say the least. But death was part of the natural flow. The world ended things to rot and die. It was fuel for life and the end of a natural cycle.

It was evident in how the plants and herbs influenced by the corrupted mana would cause damage if they were not properly killed. Sometimes certain monsters and plagues grew too much. Death was what came to them when they were dealt with. Therefore, it was within reason.

These death spirits wouldn\'t be evil unless they were somehow manipulated and forced to do evil. They had their own deeper connections with the world and the way it was meant to be. Therefore, they would naturally move with the flow so that they could make it all happen properly.

But this was nothing that Walker could keep thinking about. Right now, he has amassed a massive amount of elemental manas that had come before the natural mana. He was slowly splitting it. When he began this, Fleur left the spirit mark for the first time in a long time.

Feeling her resonating with the manas, Walker could tell that she was helping awaken the other spirits. That she was pushing them to wake from their slumbers and return to the world they could not live in so many years ago.

The elemental spirits that began to awaken did not stand on ceremony. They too resonated with the manas they had affinity for. This helped in a chain reaction to awaken even more elemental spirits of their same affinity. Even beyond that, the mage tower seemed to be drinking in the manas too.

The entity of Genesis felt the slight boost of the mage tower and their own bodies. This would grow and help them all over time. The mage tower already assisted in whaling and the general health of all. Now that it was slightly increased, some of the elderly felt that they had gained a few more years on the end of their lives.

Feeling this as well, Walker reveled in it. He was glad to help others in this way along with pursuing a better future for everyone. Shockingly, though, he felt the chaotic manas from the corrupted manas being pushed around Genesis being calmed. It was breaking itself down because it could not push itself anywhere.

When he noticed this around him, he realized that the corrupted mana was exactly what he knew. It was mana without balance from outside of this plane of existence. The world just had enough control in this small spot of itself, that it could calm it properly.

It resonated with Walker as he watched Fleur grow once again. This was somehow a hidden major step for her that he had yet to realize. However, his theories were all proving to be correct. The elemental spirits were less responsible for the balance of mana now. Therefore, they were making their own leaps in growth and intelligence. Some of them were combined to become high elemental spirits right in front of Walker without resting.

\'Thee grand natural spirit Fleur has been awakened. The flow of mana has grown stronger.\'

This simple message was just for Walker. Just enough to signal that he was right. But for Fleur, it was a massive step.

Her body grew. She looked almost the same as a human. It was scary to understand the complex natural manas that were all part of her before she suddenly returned to the spirit mark and slumber. It had been a large expense of mana to take this step. But it had come with a much larger reward.

\'The elemental spirits are welcomed as the spirit race. The spirit race is known to be made fo many manas. To be able to confluence the flow of manas. To take massive effect in the balance of the world when the times is needed.\'

While Walker saw more, the world saw the phrase that the elemental spirits had come on the fully recognized spirit race. It was the last thing that Walker saw before he passed out due to using every single bit of his mana without realizing it. Not that he would have felt bad at all for doing so.

Regardless, he had helped do what the world needed. He had followed his intuition and theories to the point that he had changed the world as everyone knew it. But he had also helped the many friends he made when he had first met the elemental spirits.


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